Activity: active
DiscordID#:sans peanut #3916
Suggestions (If None Leave Blank):
What would you like to achieve in CI:I would like to reach a higher level and make a cc to kill the foundation easier
- support just checked and it does have a headshot hitbox and the Negev does more than the pkm if you want the health and amour lowered go to 225/225, not a whole 50 health and armor
In-Game Name:Frog
Current Rank: senior containment cleaner
Rate your activity on a 1-10 scale (1 being bad, 10 being very good):6
Are there any changes you wish to see, if so please say:n/a
In-Game Name:Frog
Current Rank: Senior Medic
Current subdivision (If not in one, respond with N/A):field medic
Rate your activity on a 1-10 scale (1 being bad, 10 being very good):7
Are there any changes you wish to see in medical:n/a
What you want to see? - a new player model for dr bright
Why should we add it? - it would make dr bright look less cringe and the butt to look like its having a seizure
What are the advantages of having this? -dr bright can actually look like a monkey instead of one on drugs
Who is it mainly for? -dr bright users
Links to any content -
Activity: 8/10
Region (US/EU):US
DiscordID#: sans peanut#3196
Suggestions (If None Leave Blank):
What would you like to achieve in CI:I would like to go up the ranks in ci
Some of my donator weapons are not showing when i play and i do not know whats wrong they were working fine until saturday
the list goes as follows of the weapons i cant use'
Riot Shield (Package)2019-08-24 12:19:25
Shank (Package)2019-08-24 12:19:04
Dive Knife (Package)2019-08-24 12:18:35
Falcon (Package)2019-08-04 16:44:56
Hatchet (Package)2019-08-17 19:52:15
please help