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Everything posted by _Alpha_

  1. -Support Came from player report.
  2. Holy shit dude so many people are being reported, nice work! +1!
  3. +support The snow map was amazing and adds more possibilities, we can also do patrols as SCT"s with speeder bikes which donators are becoming interested in as well as other RP scenarios.
  4. +Support This is disturbing to see from a staff member to see. Complete staff removal and a staff restriction will be perfect and maybe even a ban.
  5. Rest in peace Hopefully you'll come back one day, you will be missed
  6. Considerig the fact that a weapon buff was denied twice, one had all +1's (or near all) while the 2nd one which I made was only given -1's because it was a week or two after the other one was denied by Igneous. Personally weapons should be buffed completely, make every weapon viable and not just weapon metas, remove the weird weapon damage dropoffs and let them have full unchanged damage and buffed RPM. Make it where tactics need to be used and not just rushes.
  7. _Alpha_

    Lee's resignation

    ill miss you my man, please come back someday ;w;
  8. -Support This is the same cunt that wouldn't listen to any of my officers or NCO's and left his post multiple times and stirs up problems. Leave, seriously we don't need you at all. None of the admins are corrupt (As far as I'm aware though).
  9. From what I understand it's not because of timezone but because he has a job to which he needs to wake up EXTREMELY early (kinda like night shift pretty much), and usually gets alot earlier and gets off earlier then most players.
  10. +1 Support Oh boy this one is juicy. 2 Weeks ago Slime proceeded to grab the bell SCP (Forgot its name but I am sure everyone knows what it is) and bring all the way from HCZ to LCZ and then to D-block. D-block at the time was extremely hostile and we couldn't afford to have anything bad happen. When he enters he proceeds to ring it several times, causing every GENSEC including D-class (Around 5-10) to see the fading figure. Due to this D-class were panicking, until Dogz nerved gas everyone. From there he LTAP's and gets banned for 2 weeks. This is my experience, he shouldn't be a researcher from what he has done.
  11. The map has been updated, theres now too buttons and they can be blocked off for the airlock which essentially solves the issue. I also +1 this, its being updated daily from the looks of it and its a very interesting map.
  12. Jesus christ what a story. F for my boy SO Duncan
  13. +Support sounds solid. We security don't need it, gassing D-class with mustard gas is ethical.
  14. +support This is desperately needed and meetings can get interrupted occasionally by CI but still a issue nevertheless
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