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Everything posted by Rektify

  1. -Support - Firstly, I have never met you in-game so I don't know how you are or your professionalism. - There are a lot of grammatical and spelling errors throughout your post. - Your Question 17 answers are quite concerning. For example, Q17:Q1 doesn't answer how it deals with the toxicity. Q17:Q2's answer... "They should be gratefull"? Are you trying to incite more toxicity? That's not very professional~ - T-mods can't ban so I'm not sure why you would threaten them with it. - Overall, your answers are quite lackluster and does not provide a good insight on how you should staff correctly. Also, low forums activity (25+) is not a NECESSITY but it's nice to see.
  2. +Support I'd be HAPPY to give him a permaban.
  3. Tbh, we need to be focusing on other SCPs so I'll have to agree with this.
  4. BRO I ABSOLUTELY DESTROYED YOU MELEE DONT TALK It do be sad doe. One less minge on the server ;~; Take care Surgey boi.
  5. Take care Kami. One less event team to bully around but I hope you continue to work on yourself in the future. Watching you command and play is a whole meme in itself lmao. Sayonara.
  6. Rektify

    Marys' Goodbye

    Damn. I guess it do be like that.. PROBABLY GOT BURNT OUT FROM STAFFING TOO HARD. SHEESH ;~; Take care! It was nice bullying you. - Rekti-High
  7. RIP man which security commad cutie am I gonna bully now... Oh wait, there's a whole bunch of em
  8. @gamikzone Your side?
  9. Lmao +Support Look at this doooooooooooooooooooooood Yea, it's legit. Just checked.
  10. +Support until I hear Weiss's side of the story. Could've been an accident ( I did that before ) but....
  11. Rektify

    Eris' Ban Appeal

    The ban itself was given to you by Rangiatea over 2 months ago from what I can tell. I do not personally know you or anything but you have a former SMT member vouching for you. On top of that, you are owning up to your mistake and not making any excuses. Sure, you have my +Support However, if this appeal gets accepted and something like this ever happens again, I hope you don't expect any more chances.
  12. Take care Kilo. It was nice knowing you and I hope you strive to always become a better version of yourself.
  13. +SUpport From the replies above, it seems like he has a positive persona and is somewhat trusted amongst his Police RP comrades.
  14. +Support As a senior admin-ge, the title in itself gives him a relatively trusted status and, from the replies above, it seems like he'll do fine as support member.
  15. In my opinion, leaving out of "frustration" is still considered LTAP but a compromise was made nonetheless. Whatever command wants to do in the branch, that's on them. As staff, we have no juristriction over that but I agree with Garlic here ^. We do not take the word very lightly and, if what Garlic says is true and you blatantly kept saying it during a sit, I think the warning for homophobia is fair.
  16. +Support Mingy trainees? Say less
  17. -Support While I'm not too worried about the forum activity or your word count (it's the bare minimum and you're going for t-mod after all), you received an NLR x4 warn quite recently. Your Mass RDM question needs to be worked on and it just shows us you haven't read the staff handbook. On top of that, the community doesn't really know you at all it seems.
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