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Everything posted by BadAim

  1. This application will be allowed. I will wait for more community feedback before accepting or denying it however.
  2. Denied. This position has been filled. Thank you for your interest in the position though! We hope that you continue to do amazing work as a VCMDR.
  3. Accepted! Please come speak to Maverick or myself when available in TS/Discord.
  4. +Support +Previous experience with Gmod Staffing +Active, respected member of the community +Decent app, thanks for the compliments +/- Mixed community feedback +/-Last question needs some work, don't immediately assume they are in the wrong without getting evidence, and you should have described what you would warn them for. I did appreciate that you knew you would need to speak to a higher staff member about banning, though! Good luck!
  5. +Support +EXTENSIVE background experience in staffing +Excellent community feedback +Great application +/- Get a poll dude +/- You would not issue the ban as a T-Mod, you would need to get a higher ranking staff member to issue it.
  6. +Support +Excellent community feedback +Active and respected member of the community +/- Final question is a lot better than others, but I would have liked to see you go into detail on the warning reason (MRDM|Staff Diss|NITRP) -You could have put A LOT more effort into your reasoning for being a staff member. Your actions certainly speak more than your application here, but you shouldn't let it be an excuse for not putting effort into your application. Good luck!
  7. +Support +Active, Respected member of the community +Reasoning for being a staff member is good +/- the MRDM question was a bit off. There isn't a reason to strip the player as you can simply freeze them if they aren't complying with you, and you need to explain what the handbook says about the rules they broke (their warning reason, how long you would ban them, if you would even ban them, ETC.) Good luck!
  8. I think everyone is missing the big picture here
  9. +Support It's been a thing since before I joined E-11.
  10. +Support *Kills someone* "Bro how much health do you have on that wtf"
  11. It's much easier to just Ping HOS+ in the staff discord and say "This player reached 40 warns: STEAM_0:0:197128737 (proof: https://ibb.co/HPpY8H3)."
  12. +Support and on top of that he's a legend on IMPRP
  13. -Support If requested to be on-site by site CMD, E11 may enter the site. As the D4 was requested onto site by the DoC he was in the right to be there. This has been apart of the E-11 SOP since Late July. The D4 also did not attack you or interact with you until you attacked the DoC, so I see no rules broken here.
  14. I'd be down for something like the "criminal" section from PRP being added over here for D-class to meet up but I don't think any sort of real branch/Jobs will be made for this.
  15. +Support This new model seems to be much more lore friendly and historically accurate to the SCP foundation (Jokes aside keep this type of stuff in the general section and not in actual suggestions since I'm pretty sure this is just a shitpost)
  16. Green green what is your problem green
  17. Job Name: Marshal Commander Model Path: adding models/player/swbf_imperial_officer_lieutenantv2/swbf_imperial_officer_lieutenantv2.mdl Weapon Kit: adding rw_sw_dual_rk3, rw_sw_dlt19x, rw_sw_westarm5 Removing rw_sw_dual_e11 (Looks out of place for a High Command to act like some sort of commando heavy), rw_sw_t21b (It's a massive error for half the server), st_e11d (I thoroughly despise the weapon and only use it due to its damage output.) Health: Same Armor: Same Description (Optional): N/A
  18. +Support You're 100% my pick for the spot dude. I hope you get it!
  19. (Note: Please test out this addon on the test server before pushing it into the main server as I did encounter some bugs when using it on singleplayer.) What do you want to see? - Just an addon I found that lets people walk throughout VTOLs while they are moving. Why should we add it? - It'd be a lot more immersive than just having everyone fly out the back once a VTOL takes off. What are the advantages of having this? - It could be used to give Heavies in battalions more use with SF (gun runs), Special Forces could do some cool airborne ops (jumping out of the VTOL onto an enemy base) Who is it mainly for? - All battalions Links to any content - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2042825510 https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=531849338 (Required content)
  20. BadAim


    We previously used the SW:V system and changed over to LFS. Please find an AT-ST that uses LFS.
  21. Denied. -Marshal(l) Commander BadAim and Grand General Maverick
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