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Everything posted by BadAim

  1. Accepted! Please come speak to me in discord.
  2. Accepted! Please come speak to me in discord.
  3. Accepted! Please come speak to me in discord.
  4. We really out here making a non-donator class a direct upgrade from security heavy. -Support
  5. +/- Im all for giving researchers better odds at defending themselves but I feel like lower powered weaponry could be used.
  6. Please leave comments on this post for the sole purpose of +Supporting and -Supporting, anything else should be taken to DMs. -GL Support team
  8. -Support If I get warned for leaving mid-interrogation because a branches idea of "interrogation" is putting me on an island for 1 hour and then killing me I'd lose my mind.
  9. Accepted! Please come speak to myself or Maverick.
  10. I'd say a talking to is the extent of punishment that should be used here.
  11. This is why you'll never be a senior commander
  12. By the time CC NLR is up they have 30 seconds to try to get into LCZ before all their work from their past life is reverted. 1 minute is much more balanced. +support
  13. Name:Ghost Rank: LCPL Specialties (CE, FTO, Ranger): N/A SteamID: STEAM_0:0:81238702 How Active are you (1-10?): 7 Any Suggestions For Epsilon-11?: N/A
  14. BadAim

    Mouse Droid Nerf

    I cant get over how good we have it on IMPRP with nerfs. The last major nerf we had was to a janitor, and now it’s to a mouse droid.
  15. Recontainment Specialist allows you to abuse SO MUCH MORE and has a level-3 keycard, so that's not all that valid. Get staff to deal with the issue. +Support for the addition of a level-3 keycard. -Support for new models as there I do agree that there have been plenty of issues with Bright players minging, so it does make sense for a model that is different from regular researchers.
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