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Everything posted by TheeReaper

  1. 1. Questions 2. Your In-game: TheeReaper 3. Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:104825571 4. The admin's name in-game: Ralek/Kells 5. The admin's steam name (If you know it): I dont 6. What warning did you receive: RDA/FRP 7. Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED): https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/771727728507867838/9B6282D283E2A2F494EE8CB89AE1B95C77AB9257/ - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1864599044 8. Why do you think this warn was false: Because I gave a reason and Admin acted like this man was a friend, judging by the attitude he had with me 9. Any extra information: I was informed by medical staff that a ST PVT Was selling taco's that were poisoned, So I got a Shock trooper then went looking for him, 10 seconds later, he puts out in comms that he is selling Taco's. So I went up there and arrested him then put out https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198169916871/screenshot/771727728507867751. After that, he proceeds to teleport to me and say that I RDA'ed him, then says, and I quote ''Do you want a warn for that RDA'' then I say are you talking to me, keep in mind he is having a horrible attitude whilst doing this, and he says yeah you. Then I got mad and we went to a SIT and the guy admits to it telling the admin to calm down. Then he with a attitude says he is going to return me. 5 minutes later, without him telling me, I get a warn.
  2. Steam Name: [GL] Reaper Ingame Name: Reaper SteamID: STEAM_0:1:104825571 Have you donated to the server? Yes, I have donated 20 dollars and I bought Gold Staff Restriction Length: 6 months Staff Member that Staff Restricted you: Hoovy  Reason for Staff Restriction: Minging and using powers off duty Why do you think that your Staff Restriction should be removed? (longer the better): It has been awhile since this happend and I have had allot of time to think about my actions. Before I start, I would to apologize again for my actions in ET. So the reason I want my restriction removed is so that I can rejoin ET and help out with their events and once again host my own, If you Un BL me, I can promise you that I wont minge again while on the job and that I will never use my powers off duty.
  3. Hope you get well soon ;D
  4. +Support This will come in handy when we begin decorating everything
  5. I know we do not have a format yet so I will be using my own - Personality: Charges in head first into situations but still know's when to back off. Strengths: Tactics, Good at keeping high Moral for his troops, Always Confident. Weaknesses: Someone mentioning the name Lisa around him. Fears: 1 - Laziness Most memorable experience: Saving a ST SGT from a burning wreck and getting him to safety. Occupation: CPT in the glorious Imperial navy! Backstory: CPT Reaper was born on Naboo before the Clone wars began. He was only 7 when the war between the Republic and the CIS began and was only 10 when it ended. He never knew much of anything in life about the Republic and the Jedi order. He was mainly incorporated into the Imperial doctrine at a young age. When he was 17 his sister Lisa died from a speeder bike accident. When he turned 19 he joined the imperial navy and has since then climbed through the ranks of the imperial navy. he is now 28 and has a bright future ahead of him, at least as he see's it.
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