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Everything posted by Sion

  1. -support This is the suggestion area for PRP... Bombs won't go down well since no one has amaizing FPS
  2. Going to a -support If someone just attacked a CERT member, they will obviously be on high alert. Thus making the shooting valid (after the 3 adverts)
  3. +support Killing him was uncalled for. He didn't pose a threat and was leaving, as he said in chat. Fbi confused him aswell since Yobo told him to leave then FBI told him to get out of the car A demotion might not be well suited but a warn will be better
  4. +/- support Yes there is clear evidence Why wasn't it delt with in-game?
  5. +support Staff members were messing around with warns. (Shouldn't be messing around as staff but)
  6. Make everything positive. Everyone seems to be toxic and negative all the time
  7. Good luck Blitzon with your USAF application! Hope to see you flying the F22 demo in the future. It been a honour serving with you - Siôn
  8. +/- support So saying 'retard' is considered player diss. However, if your words a true Zerg didn't handle the sit correctly. He is ment to tell you you sre being warned, what the warn is, and how to appeal it. And it seems you didn't have the chance to say your side
  9. just as FYI, the barrels I believe were from Quake
  10. +support I do feel Senior admins do tend to warn without actually looking into the situation (such as this one) But this is more of a warn appeal rather than a report tbh
  11. Also just realised. This happened a week ago. How come you're appealing it now?
  12. +support Or add a rule which states you can't hide in EMS and cause a shooting
  13. -support Staff always have last say in sits.
  14. Peppea pig. Scottish edition
  15. -support Killing me on hospital roof isn't secluded.. everyone can see it. An example of a secluded area is a alleyway or inside a house. (of a place) not seen or visited by many people; sheltered and private. "the gardens are quiet and secluded" A roof of a hospital isn't very private is it..
  16. +/- support You were on staff. Why not deal with them then?
  17. I was faced with 2 negevs yesterday. I did shoot back but since the negev has a high RoF. It impossible to stay in the same place, dodge bulits and shoot back. I went from 100hp and 200 armour to death in 20 seconds
  18. -support How on earth is 'I hope your mod is revoked' disrespectful... I had a sit with havoc about you and aaron raiding im. And it turns out you were equally toxic back to him so you guys should drop the grudge
  19. Wow 18+ content... Cars gotta do i lt aswell you know
  20. -support Sadly Killer, I thought you were a mature guy. But sadly this changed when you posted a link to a edit of the livestream of the shooting that happened in a Mosque in Australia couple months ago. Even though it wasn't posted on a server that was apart of GL (officaly) it something that shouldn't be accepted by anyone anywhere.
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