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Everything posted by Bor

  1. Mainly a + for me Also it’s a Catholic server get it right. also don’t worry about the warns I have 8 from PRP and look at me now.
  2. My eyes are now majestic
  3. I’ve been going through discord and saw that many people were unable to connect to the server or have immense lag on the server there was supposed to be a bug report but no one made one. Most TFA weapons are errors. Not sure if this is fixed but please it not try to figure out the issue.
  4. Bor


    List what you are blacklisted from
  5. +\- Too be completely honest two six your a great guy and all but your app is really sloppy and wrong it seems at Q16 that you didn’t read the quidelines for mass rdm it’s a 10000 second minge administerd by a admin+ Other than that your a great person active and a good CPT Sorry about formatting I’m out camping and on my phone. GL
  6. Hey Atleast I was sorta right about how we probs couldn't do it lol.
  7. Bor

    Staff Report

    This might be a SCP-RP Server but it's still A Game.
  9. Bor

    Boris LOA

    In-Game Name: Boris SteamID:STEAM_1:1:199064775 Rank: Support Length of LOA: 1.5-2 Weeks Reason for LOA (if private that is fine): Camping/Having Friends over for two days before.
  10. I have to do 4+ Hours of off computer stuff a day so it reduces my time greatly on the server.
  11. 250 Is the perfect Amount!
  12. Bor

    Ban appeal

    -Support 44 Warns,
  13. +/- Support We need another SCP To Take the Place of 173, But, I think it should be a Dangerous SCP Eculid+ With a way to kill people. If they had 173 Swep, They would kill people and no longer have be a Safe Class.
  14. Name: Boris Rank: CPT Which Server do you play on mostly? (US or EU): US Why should you retain your current rank? (WO+ must answer this): I believe I deserve this rank through dedication and helping Gensec in way or form. Any Concerns?:
  15. I don't think you can do this.....
  16. Please Please Please, Fix the way you spell Trial Moderator it's Trail Moderator rn.
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