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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Matthew

  1. If you NEVER minge again, then I am ok if you be a staff member.
  2. +/-Support for me I agree on staff experience thing to Bryce.
  3. +/-Support +Nice +Low Warns +/-Activity (In-Game) -Forums Activity
  4. +/-Support +Active In-Game +/-Warns +/-Effort In To App.
  5. +(Huge) Support +I move my cadets down stair because a the noise +Would help command +Cadets wont run anywhere/get of the training room
  6. -Support -Don't See You on Every Other Week -Never on PD (Next 2 -Supports are because of inactivity) -Never Seen Train Cadets -Never See Helping Officers -Not Fit For Command (Yet) I know you have BIG problems IRL, but I don't see you every other week. And to be in command you need to improve that activity every other week. Don't get discouraged because we say -Support, we are trying to make you a better officer and for you to be fit for command. Good Luck! DON'T GIVE UP! ? Just keep swimming!
  7. yeah just copy and paste it into the little appeal box and SMT will review. Anyways glad to help you! If you have any further questions then please PM me.
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