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Everything posted by Matthew

  1. Matthew

    Felix - LT App

    +(Huge) Support +Active +Deserves LT +Mature +Trains and Helps Officers +Nice/Friendly +Professional +Good RP'er Hope you get LT and if you do it will be well deserved. You should at least get a chance. Good Luck! -LT Matthew 1A25
  2. Follow the format!!! -Support -You where prop blocking the road and NOT following orders from your higher up (October) BTW this will be denied because you did not follow the format!!!
  3. Want to hear admin side of story! @Striderâ„¢
  4. +Support I feel though that the person does not earn a Perma Ban at this time. I feel that a couple hour minge or couple hour ban would fit this situation best. Yes he is a minge but he should NOT get a full out Perma Ban Hammer smashed on him, but a couple hour minge or ban.
  5. I did not talk to you in game but to lazy to cross that out...
  6. Thank you No Mic Nerd for the quote!
  7. You said in a couple of days. Boi you said that today (7/27/18) Good Luck tho and I gave you my recommendation why did you not put it in there LOL Good luck and hope you get CPT! ? ~LT Matthew 1A25
  8. Hello! Thanks for reading!
  9. Good Luck! WOW caught me off guard!
  10. Well Said... Good Luck ?
  11. When you put the whole box there, then I may believe you.
  12. You can Walrus. +(Huge) Support +Active +Mature +Ready For Senior Moderator +Great Effort in to App. +Does a GREAT Job as Mod +Knows Rules Like Cake? I Guess?
  13. Matthew

    Max123's unban

    I want to see what SMT will say...
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