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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Matthew

  1. Accepted Come Talk with Matthew For the Promotion!
  2. Accepted Come talk with Matthew for your promotion!
  3. Matthew

    Echo's LT App

    Accepted Come talk with Matthew for your Promotion! Congrats!
  4. Accepted Speak to Dane For Promotion!
  5. Denied Sorry but High Command does not feel like your ready. Please improve on the following: Activity, Training and Helping PD DO NOT REPLY
  6. -Support Apparently you did staff diss. There is not enough evidence. You did run out of the training room which you can't do. Now I would like to hear Roman's Side too.
  7. What you want to see? - A Peace Timer Added to the server! Why should we add it? - Lets admit, the server is lacking RP and Gov. is getting into shootouts every 30 seconds. This will make it where for a time limit crims can NOT do Major Crimes. So Gov. can get more RP, Traffic stops and other calls. Rather than a shootout EVERY 30 SECONDS!!! What are the advantages of having this? - This will add more RP to the server. FiveM does this, why can't we? This can also lower staff sits. Who is it mainly for? - Everyone Links to any content - Server Countdowner: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=797978987&searchtext=Timer This is SUPER EASY TO USE!!! Here is a VIDEO of me explaining it! https://vimeo.com/338562244 I suggest giving access to Admin or Senior Admin+ and they can only activate it if: After Event / Situation for 5-10min Bank Robbery for 5min Gas Station Robbery for 3min Massive Shootout for 5min (Must be between 5 suspects and Gov.) And more if SMT wants to add to it or up / down times Please Read the post and don't just quote someone and not even read this!!!
  8. Matthew

    I love Willy

    LOL At least he was truthful with it, I would most likely do it to. Good man Will.... lol, thats an oof
  9. Name: Matthew Rank: LT How active are you in SRT: Active What do you want to see change within the department?: To be more strict..... What do you think command can improve on?: To be more strict..... Why do you want to be in SRT?: Uhhhh because I am in command and I am helping the department....
  10. -Support I am very sad to do so, but you need a Manager / Owner Permission. Fame is Head of Staff. I would not have -Support if you did get the proper permissions. Sorry!
  11. Name(in-game): Matthew Steam ID(must be in the steam group): IDK
  12. Hello! As some may know, today is my 1 year Anniversary in GamingLight. And through the year, I have learned a lot. How to be a command member, an event team leader and a SuperAdmin. I have met a lot of people, some good, some bad. But let’s back up, take a step back and begin when I joined GamingLight. This is my story. It all started on May 11th, 2018. I simply got Gmod about 5 days ago, and I watched all those FiveM youtubers, Polecat, Buggs and Civ Ryan (and some more). From that, I loved roleplaying. And I saw that PoliceRP category in Gmod. So, I gave it try. I first joined a PoliceRP server, which has shutdown now, and played for around 30 min. I did not like it so I left of course. So I made a forums account on May 12th, 2018. Then I officially joined the community I have now been in for 1 year, GamingLight. I loaded in walked out towards a police car…..and stole it. Obviously please don’t do that. But I infact stole it and got warned by Vinny, when he was a Admin. But I did not notice, and continued to drive. I drove till I destroyed it, which happened somewhat fast. I went on to play, and later become a police cadet. I was greeted by Henry, and taught me for an hour or 2 about TeamSpeak. How to download it, connect and get my SteamID (Which I did not know how to do at the time). I was so confused, so he added me on steam and got for me as I was new to steam and ect. By the time he got me into TeamSpeak, he had to go, once again because it was very late. Then, SM Darkspiker came and trained me. He was great, and taught me almost everything I need to know. Down the road I joined staff, on June 16th, 2018. Probably the worst application I have ever made. If I was looking to accept this application, I would not, its sooooo bad. Some time passed and I met Munchies, the biggest minge I’ve known. He helped me a lot, from PD to staff. Then even more time passed and I met Dane, Finch and Tobo. We worked on getting Dispatch back up. We worked on getting a new roster and more. We did it all night….4-5 hours straight. I stayed till 6am EST in morning, and was the first one to leave. They got the advantage as it was noon for their time zone. That’s how I started, I have been very blessed to find such a great community. And I am also blessed and thankful for the great people I’ve met. Here are some people I want to thank… Zeeptin - Well I firstly want to thank you for making this community, I don’t know where I would be if you did not. We’ve talked every once and a while, specially over the release of the new printers. We based as the clauses and through that, I met Eman. Thanks for making this community! Snar - I firstly want to thank you for giving me an opportunity to join PD High Command and be a SuperAdmin in GamingLight PoliceRP. And if I were to met you in IRL, I hope you bring a soundboard. Thanks for making me laugh! Eman - Oh boy, you are firstly super funny and when I met you, you’re super chill. There was some jokes that was not family friendly thrown around that I will not list. Thanks for being chill! Igneous - Well, we did not talk a lot, but when you were the SS Director, you were well respected. I am super happy to see you at Manager. Thanks for being a SS Director and helping GamingLight! Fame - Oh my, you anime weeb. Anime Night was great and we first met in dispatch. Your amazing and I hope you strive in this community more. Thanks for being an amazing friend! #BringBackAnimeNight Spection - Your amazing at what you do. You were one of my biggest role model in GamingLight. Thanks for helping me in a lot things! Th3 - Umm you keep on banning me so, I want you to apologize. Really though, thanks for being there and making me laugh little. Your amazing! Myan - Your the chillest person I know. Maybe to chill. Your truly a great SWAT Commander. Thanks for being to nice! Jeffe - I want to firstly thank you for being an awesome SRT Commander and giving me a chance to be in SRT Command. Your super chill and get down to work when needed. Thanks for being there! Jeff Jr - I am sorry but you won’t understand my message so I won’t type it. Your awesome. Thanks for being that big meme! Felix - The longest SA...good luck in the future in GamingLight, and if you need me, I’m here. Thanks for being in GamingLight! Gamik - Gamikzoooooooooone!!! Billy - Your a great person, that is willing to help anyone in need. You are there for everyone. Thanks for being there! Blackbeard - You still can’t fly….. Ghostly - You have a one of a kind personality and you just fun to be around. Your a meme. Thanks for your service! Will - Thanks for giving me an opportunity to be a SRT Command Member, and I hope I’m impresing you. Thanks! Chad - Don’t do !slay CERT* again plz…. Logan - Your always there, and your laugh is either annoying or just funny, IDK which one….but thanks for being here! Papa - I don’t wanna type anything about you lol…. Voxis - Good luck in staff you big meme…. Dane - We have done a lot together, even staying up for like 6 hours...thanks for eating rice! Bob Bob - Thanks for being a good Dep. Comm. I have learned a lot from you. Thanks! PD Command - You guys are amazing at what you do and I hope in the future you stay that way. Good job at making PD so great. Thanks! SRT - I am sorry but Bambob is the biggest meme in SRT… Everyone else - Thanks for supporting me in this journey in GamingLight. I hope I met your standards as a SA. The reason why I have been in this community so long, is because of the player base, thanks! Sorry if I did not mention you. I have had ups and downs in GamingLight. But I am happy to be here to make this, thanks to everyone that has helped me in getting to where I am today. Thanks again! Sincerely, King [REDACTED], SRT Lieutenant and Assistant Chief Matthew For the some people who did not read the whole message, no I am NOT leaving the community, hopefully not anytime soon. And I also know that I made my forums account May 12th, but I really firstly joined the server on May 11th.
  13. +Support The video provides proficient evidence towards the claims in the report. Video 1 shows Alton swinging cars around as a minging matter. Video 2 briefly shows the disrespect. And finally video 3 shows Alton killing a civ 2 times. These claims are correct in my eyes. This is in no way acceptable as any rank as a staff member. The punishments are up to SMT to decide. https://imgur.com/a/2WFxMtq ^This is also more evidence^
  14. -Support I have had many problems with as a staff member...
  15. Accepted Congrats! Welcome to the PoliceRP Event Team. Please look at your forum PM's for a message! :)
  16. Accepted Congrats! Welcome to the PoliceRP Event Team. Please look at your forum PM's for a message! :)
  17. I am just saying it would be convenient. Once again I put if it’s a problem to add, then don’t worry about it. I kinda take this message rude, if you disagree then message me. Once again this is suggestion and does not have to be added if it’s to hard. The PD basement has many tools we used to our advantage and it helped us, including me a lot. This place can even help for events if SMT wanted to hold one, NOT the PRP event team. Lastly if you want to argue with me about this matter than message me, we can take it off the post, and I am always here in TS. The PD basement was a great resource and I would personally love to have it back when possible. If not, then that’s a ok too, I just wanted to bring this up as a possible choice if they were to update the map again. Thanks for reading!
  18. What you want to see? - The PD Basement getting brought back! Why should we add it? - Well it was very helpful for departments to spawn dupes, I personally have a PD Training dupe that I can't spawn now because there is no place big enough. This basement was a great resource for departments and will be amazing if we could have it back! :) What are the advantages of having this? - This helps officers / tac units to train in a bigger scale. The dupe I had, and many Low Command Members, had 3 stations for officers to switch between. Now yes, for tac units, they can use a house. But PD does not teach breaching training to in-depth like tac units do. We mainly teach on pursuit training, shooting, traffic stops and other needs. This tool would be greatly appreciated by the PD and surely other departments. Who is it mainly for? - Government / Events.... Links to any content - N/A Notes: Now yes, you can only have a certain amount of stuff in a map. You can delete the firing range in the PD basement to counter that. The casino, to my knowledge, is barely used and switching this building out with the PD basement will be the best choice to ensure the WHOLE map is being used. And I know that I might be to hard to add, if so then don’t worry about it. This is a possible choice if you were to update the map again!
  19. Accepted Congrats! Welcome to the PoliceRP Event Team. Please look at your forum PM's for a message! :)
  20. Denied Sorry but High Command does not feel like your ready. Please improve on the following: More time as SM DO NOT REPLY
  21. ? Accepted ? Congratulations! Please come talk to me in TS for Training. Please check your forum messages for a discord invite. -Event Team Leader Matthew DO NOT REPLY TO THIS ANYMORE
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