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To keep it simple and to the Point, I won't add many details, just how to see where I am coming from
What you want to see? - The Tac Units to Be fair Across the Board, Meaning CERT gets an armor update that matches the Rest of the Tac Units, and CERT gets an Update that has just as much stuff as the rest of the Tac units. If you don't believe that CERT has less then everyone else Follow these steps, Click f4, Click the Swat, SRT, and ARU section of the job menu, and look at there classes, Now after realizing how nice and cool they are, Look at CERT, makes u LOL right?
Trust me I am not Trying to Have other Tac Units Neglected of there armour and weapons, I just want CERT To have comparable Armour to the Rest of the Tac Units as we are the Most active Tac Unit now hands Down
Why should we add it? - So the tac units are fair and to make the CERT units not feel belittled and not cared about.
What are the advantages of having this? - People would be happy to be apart of CERT and wouldn't be trying to transfer out every day...
Who is it mainly for? - CERT
Links to any content - n/a