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Jeff Junior

Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Jeff Junior

  1. Gonna be a -support from me reason above listen donta something that you need to work on is how you talk to ppl you can get pretty aggressive and angry easly and a staff member can’t get that if you only try to work on that and show us that you are working on in trust me when you make a bother staff app you will be getting +supported other then that good luck
  2. +support warn was false
  3. -support aint realistic but if they would add Grabbling hok swep then i think that would be something better
  4. -support for 1 reason When someone posted a suggestion you where being pretty nasty towards them in my opinion you should be banned for longer for what you did but other then that -support from me
  5. as Rhenic said if someone hides your post for no reason report it to Guar
  6. xD 50/50 procent that you got a stroke
  7. mabey he got a stroke??
  8. Munchies alredy made a suggestion on this good ide but we need links first before we can +/- support in a way
  9. -support I don’t see a need to this you can just simply bind a key to the camera and then you can be around the hoal map looking true the camera and you can also make it invisible by just spray painting it
  10. Let’s take it easy here everyone it was a event T-man SMT has events every so often
  11. Let’s stop arguing guys okey no need to demote ruins for this or a strike this was of duty a war is the only thing that he needs STOP ARGUING now
  12. +/- support need to hear fames side of the story i am pretty sure that fame would never ban ypu for only that i think you said or did something more
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