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Jeff Junior

Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Jeff Junior

  1. MEGA +Support' -great person -good mic -good app
  2. +/- support - haven’t been admin long enough in my opinion -inactive on forums -good person -good app I Think it is some other admins that deservs Superadmin Before you. other then that good luck
  3. MEGA +support when i have played on a nother server they had this addon it is super fun to use and have!!!!!!!!
  4. +/- support - you need to comply whit the Staff member or he can warn you for not complying whit staff
  5. And will make more lag then we alredy have
  6. i am pretty sure that they are alredy doing it like after this reastart pd will have new guns
  7. -/+ support in real life hobos can be mugged for money or killed i understand what you are saying but I think that is not a good rule to add -here on GL everyone has millions in real life most of the ppl dosent so it is no need to add the rule other then that don’t stop making suggestions!!!!
  8. ^^^ as Matthew said just try to be active in at try to get seen so players/staff notice you in a good way
  9. i mean it is not really needed nobody plays fiveM so much it it no oint of having it tho
  10. +SUPPORT PD needs new stuff - hig command is not op if you think about it they are the role models for every department they are the ones that is bossing over the departments if you think about it
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