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Jeff Junior

Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Jeff Junior

  1. Yes but is he active on PD a lot ? You see my point usually if you are command ranks in other departments you don’t have the time to be command it pd See my point now?
  2. I mean it dose say a lot about activity if you have been SM for a super long time and never have applyd it dose say a lot yes it can be that he did not want to apply but at the same time it usually say if the person have been active or not not the job
  3. +/- support could lag the server if not let’s get it a go
  4. -support -never seen on SM and being SM for 1 year says something about activity Is only on FBI okey app could use some work Improve your activity and I will +support
  5. +/- support need to hear fames side on what happens before I can + or - support this
  6. Ledgit you quote that....
  7. 100% agree you can start fights whit ppl on the forums also whitch a admin cant have
  8. Jeff Junior


    +/- support can’t say anything until I get any video /staff side story
  9. Jeff Junior


    It’s in the right section
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