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Everything posted by Rookieblue

  1. - Support As a former Event Team member you abused your power, an already high level offense, which was punished with a very, very minor penalty of a three day ban. Instead of owning up to your mistakes and serving your ban time, you made a further decision to evade the ban by creating an alt account, another high level offense. You've shown multiple times that you lack good judgement, and lack respect for the MOTD and Staff Handbook. I believe you should look to other servers if you would like to continue playing.
  2. Denied The MTF individual in this case indeed opened fire, which allowed SCP 939 to determine where their original position was. However the individual then ceased firing and crouch walked away from their original location at such a distance that SCP 939 would not know they were present. Additionally, the SCP player in question did not walk to the original location of the shooter after losing control of their mouse, but instead specifically walked at the player in question, further bolstering the argument that the player engaged in FailRP. The argument of "echolocation" is not supported in the MOTD nor lore (nor by basic science), and as such does not excuse the player's actions. I find sufficient evidence to uphold this warning.
  3. My dude, 939 doesn't use echolocation. Additionally, that's not how echolocation works, nor how 939 would perceive and process the sounds waves it was receiving. If we were to use your logic of, "the sound would have bounced off the room", 939 would believe that the entire room was shooting at it, because to it the sound waves would be originating from the walls, because it wouldn't be able to track a sound wave off a material that it bounced from. Echolocation works because a bat is the originating source of the sound and knows its own location relative to the sounds it's receiving. I'm going to leave you two youtube videos to watch that discuss how bats use echolocation, specifically the fact that they use multiple, continuing sounds of various frequencies to track moving objects, as well as how sound behaves in a room for your educational enrichment. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JPYt10zrclQ - How Sound Works in Rooms https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=laeE4icRYp4 - Echolocation
  4. LTAP automatically necessitates a 3 day ban. And the ban has already expired. So...
  5. I feel like this is such a minor issue to add on a major addition to the server that will cause increased lag.
  6. I said make an appeal on the ban panel since you swapped your IDs in the original report. No need for an appeal post.
  7. Accepted Thank you for the report. Appropriate action against the player and or staff member will be taken to ensure that they receive the correct punishment.
  8. Accepted! To have your warn removed, go to the "Bans" Section at the top of the forums, navigate to your profile, find the warning for this appeal, and for the reason on the appeal, link this post.
  9. Accepted! To have your warn removed, go to the "Bans" Section at the top of the forums, navigate to your profile, find the warning for this appeal, and for the reason on the appeal, link this post.
  10. Which of you previously used the account Faust?
  11. Which of you previously used the account Faust?
  12. Accepted Thank you for the report. After reviewing the evidence of multiple infractions while on SCP 343, as well as reviewing this player's past history of misconduct, which includes multiple instances of misconduct on other SCP and donor jobs, as well as taking into account the fact that players that used SCP 106, 173, and 343 are policed more stringently due to the high level of risk of those players abusing the SWEPs, I've made the following decision. 1) This player will receive a warning for violation of the following rules as evidenced in the video: SCP General: SCPs are not allowed to enter the armories, nor are they allowed to carry weapons unless they spawn with them. SCP General: SCPs are not allowed to kill or harm each other. SCP 343 Specific: You should never harm anyone. 2) Due to ongoing misconduct across multiple SCPs, the player will be blacklisted from the following SCPs: 106/173/343 (Multiple instances of misconduct) 527 (Documented instance of misconduct)
  13. Accepted! Due to no evidence being on file with Utility, nor any specific warning on his record to support misconduct on the Utility Trainee job. The blacklist will be revoked.
  14. I can't really look anything up without a steamid, but if you received a warning for LTAP from one of our staff members it automatically comes with a 3 day ban. always has a reason*
  15. Denied Based on the evidence provided there is not enough evidence to substantiate a warning being issued at this time. The screenshot shows the OFC exiting the GENSEC spawn, but does not show the ending position of the OFC. Additionally, we are unable to determine whether the OFC had previously exited bunks and was attempting to re-enter bunks which would constitute a violation on his behalf. However, when running into an issue with a player that is running to return to their spawn location, it is best to call staff to handle the situation, rather than kill them and have server logs showing you kill someone in a spawn zone. It is much easier to deal with at the time of the incident, rather than days later with only one or two people available who can discuss what occurred.
  16. Denied Thermals were called by an uninvolved player prior to this incident occurring. Another MTF member adverting thermals does give cause for other MTF personnel to also activate their own thermals.
  17. Accepted Thank you for the report. Based on the evidence and testimony provided I will be applying a warning for NLR violation. Tactical resets are not a valid reason to break NLR, nor are they lore and RP friendly.
  18. Accepted! To have your warn removed, go to the "Bans" Section at the top of the forums, navigate to your profile, find the warning for this appeal, and for the reason on the appeal, link this post.
  19. I thought you were requesting Assistant Researchers be given a SCAR by the title, jesus.
  20. In the last week you've gotten 6 warnings across SCP and PoliceRP. And you think you'd be a good candidate for the staff team? - Support
  21. Accepted - Reduced to One Month Your ban is being reduced to one month. Further misconduct of this nature may result in a stronger punishment being issued.
  22. For those considering the appeal, the warning and subsequent ban was issued in response to this report:
  23. Not necessarily, I've done a solo raid when I walked in Gate B while it was open and strolled by MTF spawn without being discovered.
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