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Everything posted by Rookieblue

  1. Denied Due to the evidence provided, the appeal is being denied, and the ban upheld. In addition, as there is clear evidence that this player lied in the course of the appeal, stating that they were in HCZ and never used any sort of homophobic slurs, to then admitting to it when presented with evidence to the contrary and stating, "I have very homophobic and racist friends with me included", as well as being self described as "extremely racist and homophobic", the ban in place is being lengthened to one month. Racism and homophobia are not tolerated on this server, nor within the greater GamingLight Community. The only reason this ban is not being extended to a permanent ban is due to your lack of document issues on this server previous to this incident.
  2. The MOTD does not govern specific weapons that research personnel use, the rule is that they must abide by SOP restrictions. As such, this should be a suggestion given to research command, rather than server wide.
  3. Oof, awkward moment when you're caught in a lie.
  4. Accepted Thank you for the report. This player has been issued a formal warning for their conduct.
  5. This doesn't really fit the usage of a player report, as there is no misconduct here. However, it does highlight the issue of two CCs having identical models which cause issues on the server. We will discuss this as a SMT team and come up with a solution. I'll be locking this for now since this does not require community feedback, and a decision will be rendered soon!
  6. A blacklist was issued to this player after receiving the following warnings: 05/25/2020, 03:05:56 - SCP - theblueking87 - [GL] RDSparkle - FailRP | Resisting FearRP and Suiciding as SCP-049 04/15/2020, 02:15:15 - SCP - theblueking87 - ☭ Comrade военком - glitching out of 5208 04/11/2020, 06:01:43 - SCP - theblueking87 - Rabbit - Bring in lower D-block as SCP 527 04/09/2020, 03:10:18 - SCP - theblueking87 - ❤ - N o v a h - ❤ - Exploiting | Lying to staff Based on the numerous instances of glitching and misconduct on various SCPs this player was blacklisted from the above SCPs.
  7. Moved to correct location
  8. Noted! We have reviewed this issue with our servers and we will be working hard to fix it ASAP! Please allow up to a week for any bug fixes to occur as we go on a first come first serve basis. Thank you!
  9. I tested the shadow knife specifically, works properly.
  10. Current MOTD rules allow SCP 343 to do this. They also allow 343 to do the reverse and tell CI where MTF/GENSEC are. + Support to allow 343 free access to the playable map only.
  11. Noted! We have reviewed this issue with our servers and we will be working hard to fix it ASAP! Please allow up to a week for any bug fixes to occur as we go on a first come first serve basis. Thank you!
  12. I just tested all four 457 doors and they can be cracked properly.
  13. Noted! We have reviewed this issue with our servers and we will be working hard to fix it ASAP! Please allow up to a week for any bug fixes to occur as we go on a first come first serve basis. Thank you!
  14. - Support Despite your competency as a previous staff member, I don't feel that someone who has a documented history of toxicity in our community, as well as the low community support that's been shown thus far in this application would be a good fit on the staff team.
  15. Accepted! To have your warn removed, go to the "Bans" Section at the top of the forums, navigate to your profile, find the warning for this appeal, and for the reason on the appeal, link this post.
  16. ACCEPTED I spoke to this player previously, and advised him to seek an appeal after he demonstrated a clean record. It has been two months since his last warning, as such I will be lifting the blacklist on Dr. Bright. However, any further misconduct will result in a permanent blacklist from this job.
  17. Partially Accepted Based on the evidence and testimony provided, the following actions will be taken: 1) Shotgun will receive a formal warning for the following: FailRP / Minging / Instigating Arguments due to his history of FailRP and minging. 2) Griffin will receive a verbal warning for prop spawning as D-Class due to his lack of documented history.
  18. + Support Kami is a great candidate for this position.
  19. Denied Based on your documented history of high level misconduct on a variety of SCPs this blacklist will remain.
  20. Partially Accepted Based on the information and evidence provided, the following actions will be taken: 1) I will update and clarify SCP 457 rules. SCP 457 is very rarely played as many people have pointed out, and these types of issues haven't been run into before/often, so we didn't know there was a problem with the rules. Moving forward on the next MOTD update, the following will be added to SCP 457's rules: - To be recontained, SCP-457 needs to be extinguished with a fire extinguisher. If 457 is sprayed by one or two fire extinguishers it will retreat from the area. If 457 is sprayed with three or more fire extinguishers it is extinguished immediately. At this point 457 can be safely cuffed and returned to its cell. 2) Due to the vagueness of the rule, the player in this case will be educated about the upcoming rule change moving forward. 3) Additionally, this incident was already handled in game by a staff member. Player reports are to be used for incidents that are not handled in game by staff. If you disagree with a decision made by a staff member, a staff report is the proper medium to air this grievance.
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