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Everything posted by GLaDOS

  1. Added Specifications + That "Site Adminy" thing you were talking about.
  2. No they cannot raid at the same time, I will specify that now.
  3. I'll talk to Skela about that if it gets far enough, the bottom line is one of us would have to relocate and I'm fine to work around that, need it come down to it.
  4. As per the request of Igneous, I am posting a detailed document of how Anderson Robotics would work as a GOI based Branch. What do you want to see? - Anderson Robotics implemented as a branch. Why should we add it? - Because it would add more experiences to be had and more roleplay, lore, etc. to be made and played. In the interest of the server, I think of the current time being, the best branch addition would be one of a GOI similar to how the Chaos Insurgency works, for the purpose that there are already too many Foundation branches to consider adding another because the numbers from all the other branches would deplete/thin out to compensate for the new branch. So I am here to display the best possible candidate I see fit to fill the role of a New GOI Branch in the server. Anderson Robotics Quick Summary: It is believed that Anderson Robotics has been founded since somewhere within the 1990s, it only first came to the attention of the Foundation upon the initial capture of SCP- 1360 in 2007, during a raid on para tech warehouse in Seattle and first and foremost became the leader of robotic para-technology. The company has since grown to an estimated net worth of over $20 billion+ and receives over $750 million annually, along with its anomalous capabilities this threat is resourceful and dangerous. General Branch Overview: There will be two branches to Anderson Robotics, similar to CI, there will be Engineering (basically R&D) and Robotic Operations (Military). -The Engineering Department: The Engineering Department will work to create more combat and utility robots to help around the branch, they will be the ones "creating" robots with the technology the raids recover (see General Expectations below), and writing logs based on their findings creating robotic anomalies. The Engineering Department will also be "repairing" the robots after raids. -The Robotic Operations Department: The Robotic Operations Department will consist of mainly robots, however, commanding positions will be human because robots are incapable of decision-making like humans are. The robots are expendable, which is why command members will not be in the raids they will be "piloting" the robots remotely, the rest of the robots are "programmed" to follow orders of command. General Expectations: Anderson Robotics, similar to CI, will raid the foundation every so often with their armed robots. On these raids, they will try to collect intel on Redacted documents pertinent to their goals, such as information on MTF Gamma-13 patrols and confiscated AR technology they mean to recover. They could also kidnap and take hostage Researchers and Technicians (primarily technicians but researchers work too), whereas to gain information, clearance, other means of ransoming. additional Note: CI and AR Cannot Raid at the Same Time and/or Together! Raids: Per the request of Rangitea, when raiding the cooldown timer would be different and coordinated between GOIs, if CI just finished raiding, there should be a 10-20 minute cooldown timer in between raids. The simple fix to this is having a shorter "in-between" timer, like 15 minutes. If the timer was 15 minutes Anderson Robotics could raid and CIs cooldown timer wouldn't even be up yet, leaving each GOI breathing room to conduct coordinated raids. Recruitment: The recruitment will be mainly D-Class, by means of escape or raids, they can choose to be trained for either Engineering or Robotic Operations. Should they choose Engineering, they will be trained on their duties and expectations, creating robots, logging robotic anomalies, etc. Should they choose Robotic Operations, this will result in an OOC Player Kill because there is no realistic way to make a human into a robot, they will simply be PK'd as a D-Class and begin a new Life in ARs Robotic Operations, simply because they escaped and got whitelisted. I see an alternate form of recruitment as well, should Technicians be captured and brought to the ARs base they can choose an option, have their IDs stripped and used and killed normally or, be PK'd in Technical to get into Engineering DPT. Chain of Command: The chain of command would go like this: -=GOI Administration=- The Overseer Council - Councilman ## The rank that oversees Anderson Robotics and GOIs, sort of like the O5 Council but friendly to GOIs and The Foundation to serve as middle-ground for the two. (Per the request of Rangitea) -=High Command=- Chief Executive Officer - CEO (Head of Entire Branch) Head of Robotic Operations - HoRO - (Head of Branch) Head of Engineering - HoE (Head of Breach ) -=Engineering Command=- Chief of Processing - CoP Maintainance Manager - MM Production Supervisor - PS -=Robotic Ops. Low Command=- Chief Operator Supervisor - COS Operations Coordinator - OC Remote Piloting Overseer - RPO Piloting Conductor In Charge - PCIC -=Robotic Ops. Enlisted=- Strategic Assault Operative Advanced Assualt Operative Nominal Assault Operative Conditioned Assault Operative Default Procedural Operative -Name Changes: The name changing for this branch will be a little different, for the human aspect of the branch, I.E Engineering, and Robotic Ops. Command, will be the standard format (AR (Rank) Name). Then we have the Robotic Ops. Enlisted, remember they are just AI in the lore, so their name will follow this format: AR (rank) Unit (4 digit callsign), for example: "AR SAO Unit A674" just to make it feel more like roleplay and fun! Head Quarters/Base Location: I understand that this location I have chosen for this is filled up already, but perhaps that could be reinstituted in a different location, for the location I have chosen is the only unoccupied location in town that worked as far as space goes. So I have chosen and decorated this building to how I envisioned it, just to give an example of how the locations would work. Building: Northern Petrol/Yellow Factory The following are some photos I've taken around the building, to help you envision how it would look and function. https://imgur.com/a/jLr0aqG - Pictures Video Tour Relations With Other Branches: Obviously Anderson Robotics is hostile towards the foundation, this section is specific to Anderson Robotics and Chaos Insurgency. During a raid: Chaos and AR do not have to be hostile towards each other, however, if the other party preventing the other from their goal in any way they can engage the other. When there is no active raid and/or they're on the surface they should not be engaging each other unless there is a valid reason. Playermodels: Most of the player models used are already in the server and we have plenty of suit and robot models, however, should demand arise for new models I am fully prepared to make a separate suggestion/branch update to get them implemented. Punishments & Promotions: As every branch has, the lowest rank will be on a One-Strike Policy. Below this, you will see a Chain of Command chart explaining what can and cannot promote/punish and the ranks they can promote/punish up to. -=High Command=- Chief Executive Officer can promote/demote/strike up to any rank. Chief Operating Officer can promote/demote/strike up to any rank below their own. Head of Robotic Operations can promote/demote/strike up to any rank below their own, within their branch. Deputy Head of Robotic Operations can promote/demote/strike up to any rank below their own, within their branch. Head of Engineering can promote/demote/strike up to any rank below their own, within their branch. Deputy Head of Engineering can promote/demote/strike up to any rank below their own, within their branch. -=Engineering Low Command=- Chief of Processing can promote/demote/strike up to Maintainance Manager Asst. Cheif of Processing can promote/demote/strike up to Production Supervisor Maintainance Manager can promote/demote/strike up to Engineering Specialist Production Supervisor can promote/demote/strike up to Trusted Engineer Coordinating Engineer can promote/demote/strike up to Engineer Intern -=Robotic Ops. Low Command=- Chief Operator Supervisor can promote/demote/strike up to Operations Coordinator Operations Coordinator can promote/demote/strike up to Piloting Conductor Remote Piloting Overseer can promote/demote/strike up to Advanced Assualt Operative Piloting Conductor In Charge can promote/demote/strike up to Nominal Assault Operative Note: Should this be accepted, I will make a separate forum post about the jobs and player models used and anything else required by separate post. In Conclusion: Thank you for reading to the end of this, I understand this is a lot of information to process. If you have any questions, concerns or editing suggestions or additions feel free to leave a reply explaining this and I'll try my best answer/accommodate them. Thanks again please rate fairly! What are the advantages of having this? - More roleplay and fun to be experienced as well as more ranks to climb up and enjoy. Who is it mainly for? - Everyone. Links to any content - N/A
  5. -Support here too Cheif I made a similar post to this, asking for branch additions and It got denied. Simply because there are already too many branches and adding more would thin the others out a lot.
  6. Grade: (100%) Test Quality: Quality Lore: 20/20 This followed lore quite well in my opinion. Creativity: 20/20 I can't say I've heard of this type of test before, nice job! Presentation: 20/20 I can tell you tried with this test log, you added different fonts some places and made it stand out, well done! Writing: 40/40 Couldn't spot many errors in the writing, this is just generally well made! No colors today, I'm on my phone.
  7. Grade: (85%) B Test Quality: Standard Lore: 20/20 This is all good lore and follows the canon very well. Creativity: 5/20 This lore is already known within the canon/lore. Presentation: 20/20 The test log was very well done and had some good colors. Writing: 40/40 I didn't spot any writing errors, good job! No colors, I'm on my phone ;-;
  8. Grade: (80%) B- Test Quality: Standard Lore: 20/20 That lore is on point. Creativity: 15/20 I like the other two aspects of this test, however, 066 should not have triggered when written on paper. That sort of test had already been done as well FYI. Presentation: 10/20 This test log is super short and bland, you could try messing with the fonts and stuff. Writing: 35/40 Not many errors spotted, just still a little bland.
  9. That's a thing? First I've heard about this...
  10. GLaDOS


    Denied. But for real, imma miss you dude. I hope shit goes right in your life and you come back to us eventually :_)
  11. Grade: (80%) B- Test Quality: Standard Lore: 20/20 The lore in this test log fits SCP- 343's well. Creativity: 20/20 I can't say I've heard of this being done before, nice job. Presentation: 10/20 The test log is a little bland and boring, you could try messing with the fonts and colors a little bit. It was also pretty short. Writing: 30/40 I spotted some minor capitalization errors and some grammatical errors, nothing to bad though.
  12. Grade: (65%) D Test Quality: Standard Lore: 15/20 The lore was adequate for the test. Creativity: 10/20 This test has been done multiple times before, it is also no secret that 012 has this effect on people. Presentation: 10/20 While you did follow the format, the test log is super short and doesn't display very much information. Writing: 30/40 I noticed a lot of capitalization errors as well as punctuation errors.
  13. Grade: (100%) A+ Test Quality: Quality Lore: 20/20 You perfectly described each headcrab's physical form and their abilities right within the lore of Half-Life. Creativity: 20/20 I personally don't know how this started or why you did it, but all I know is it is really good. Presentation: 20/20 I can tell you wanted the reader's view to be a pleasant experience, good job! Writing: 40/40 I love the fonts and colors used, I could see no mistakes or errors and I really like the professionalism used in the wording.
  14. Grade: (95%) A Test Quality: Quality Lore: 15/20 Either I'm an illiterate or I don't see anywhere in here, that it says SCP- 066 is effected by different notes. However, it says he can play these notes, just a little confused about the lore. Creativity: 20/20 Ignoring what is said above, if this was to actually work in the future. This is a great idea for another series of testing, nice job! Presentation: 20/20 I like the use of pictures and fonts and the header. Well done! Writing: 40/40 I spotted no errors of any sort here, it was well conducted and I liked the use of Redaction there as well.
  15. Hello, So, I'm sure you know of this new "virus" known as COVID-19 or the Coronavirus, I know people around here may be scared or confused about it with only knowing what the Media is telling you. I'm here to display facts and research I have been conducting myself to help myself feel better. Because yeah, I was getting pretty scared too. This seems to be a controversial topic, so instead of giving an opinion on anything here, I'm going to state REAL facts backed by the CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) and WHO (World Health Organization). Everybody is freaking out because of this new virus that is a "Pandemic" but out of the 160,000+ confirmed cases of the coronavirus, which I know is a lot for the virus is this new, but out of all those cases only 6,000 people have died. How many people survived out of this number greatly surpasses the number of deaths at 76,000+ Recoveries! So we currently have active cases, which have yet to die or recover from the virus. The amount of active cases is 80,000+, however, 93% of them are in Mild Condition and show signs of full recovery, the other 7% are the ones in Critical Condition and have a serious chance at death. But these people in Severe conditions are people with weak immune systems, for example, Young people, like newborns and infants and really old people, senior citizens. Then there are just those people who don't practice proper hygiene. Keep In Mind: As of posting this all of the numerical values were current, it's changing a lot follow the link below to see live numbers. Note: I didn't post this to start a discussion in the comments, I posted this so people can have the information that makes me feel better about the situation, in hopes that they can feel better too. If you have any further questions you want me to try and answer, feel free to DM me or leave a reply. Source Cited: You can view this and have a live COVID-19 tracker at this Link. Thanks for reading all the way through remember to stay healthy! Wash Your Hands Sneeze Into Your Elbow Get All Your Vitamins Avoid Large Crowds Play Video Games
  16. Grade: (95%) A Test Quality: Quality Lore: 20/20 I saw no problems with the lore. Creativity: 15/20 This has been done before, however, you did explain that in your test log, so I docked fewer points, good job all around! Presentation: 20/20 I loved reading this, it was nice and easy to read, the color difference doesn't hurt my eyes. I really liked it. Writing: 40/40 I loved the way you wrote this, I enjoyed the pleasantness of it all and the fonts you used. Just a couple of notes I think should be Included, these do not affect your grade at all. Notes: I personally enjoyed the photos as well, next time if you hold out your camera, it will get rid of the HUD. Also, I do not think you should've given the MTF the gun, no matter how bad he wanted it. Remember you are always in FULL control of what happens in YOUR test.
  17. Grade: (80%) B- Test Quality: Standard Lore: 20/20 The lore here was followed as expected. Creativity: 20/20 This is a pretty creative Idea, we only really think about the physical loss we never take a second to think about loss as in death. So the family photo could suggest he is the last of his family. Presentation: 10/20 The test log was a little short for my liking, you could have also messed with the text a bit but other than that. Good job! Writing: 30/40 I saw a couple of different grammatical and capitalization errors, but nothing more than those.
  18. +Support Yes (x100) this is some dope shit
  19. Grade: (95%) A Test Quality: Quality Lore: 20/20 The lore here is right on target, Plausible and Possible! Creativity: 20/20 I love the idea of this test, it makes 912 feel more like a living being rather than just the armor. Presentation: 20/20 I like how you messed with the colors a little and bolded the questions out. (kind of like how I'm doing it now) Writing: 35/40 You missed some commas in some areas, causing a couple of run-on sentences, which are hard to read. None-the-less good job!
  20. Grade: (100%) A+ Test Quality: Quality Lore: 20/20 The lore here feels new yet possible, not too far of a stretch but an interesting find to say the least! Creativity: 20/20 This is a good idea, typically you here that wild animals go after the sick of the pack first, so why not these "predatory animals" Presentation: 20/20 I loved the fonts and the colors and genuinely just the way the page was set up, you are an example of how test logs should look like. Very Well Done!! Writing: 40/40 I saw no errors or anything of the sort, this was just an amazing thing to read. In conclusion, please make more test logs. I genuinely enjoyed reading this.
  21. @starr Edited so balance out GOIs and Foundation/MTF. Hope you Enjoy This Edit
  22. What do you want to see? - I want to see the possibility of more branches getting added. Why should we add it? - It would add more lore and more possibilities for newer players and veteran players alike. Of course, it wouldn't be perfect to start off with as nothing really is. I'm just throwing some ideas out here for possible development, all of these ideas I have I will present them, give a quick summary about them and then how I think they might work. Note Before Starting: All of these suggestions are actual lore, they come from here: http://www.scp-wiki.net/list-of-foundation-s-internal-departments Manufacturing Department Sub Branch to Utilities | Maybe A Completely Different Branch "Manufacturing Department is responsible for fulfilling any material requests that can arise during capture, containment, or any other Foundation process. Manufacturing Department has several Sites and Zones wholly devoted to constructing a wide profile of custom-made or mass-produced items. Designing and manufacturing are often done on-site for security reasons. For the same reasons, neither the manufacturing staff nor the design documents ever leave the facility's limits. These are usually stocked with modern equipment and are heavily guarded." - Direct Quote From the SCP Wiki At a certain rank in Utilities, you could get trained for Manufacturing or if its a branch by itself you'd just swap to the trainee job. Basically it would be centered around rolls and props, developing new tools/weapons/ammunition, things that could be useful for the foundation and its personnel, it would be mainly the Manufacturing person's job to come up with the ideas. If the idea is good enough they can post their new stuff on the forums, similar to how research posts test logs. Just an idea, if SMT thinks otherwise than, by all means, do it. The Intelligence Agency Sub Branch to Either Research or MTF | Maybe A Completely Different Branch Summary: "The Intelligence Agency is tasked with searching, tracking, and capturing uncontained SCP objects and gathering intelligence on hostile groups of interest. Undercover IA cells exist in every major populated area and disguised as civilian objects and institutions. Intelligence agents are usually recruited from various defense and law enforcement agencies and special services of the world." - Direct Quote From the SCP Wiki I was thinking this could be a donator branch/sub-branch, similar to how Epsilon-11 is. Except maybe higher than Bronze+, how I was thinking this worked is that the 'Agents' for this branch would oversee any new information that comes and goes through the facility, with access to almost every comms but A1 (or maybe A1 if they are Level 4+ Personnel, possibly the higher ranks could get access to it once they are trusted more), they would be responsible for making sure that there are no information leaks and if there is to re-contain it. Also, there could be a position for interrogations, similar to A1's ITM Agents they would interrogate people who leak information or people who have the information they want. Internal Security Department Sub Branch to Security Summary: "ISD is a concealed "foundation within the Foundation", a secret police force responsible for filtering traitors as well as operational and information security risks among the Foundation's ranks. The department is strictly hierarchical, adhering to stringently defined multi-stage investigative protocol. Potential ISD agents must have a perfect service record and a length of Foundation service of more than a year. Usually, every ISD agent keeps his "official" position in order to provide his command a first-hand account of everything happening in a given department. The very existence of ISD is usually presented as a myth. The "official" responsibility of ISD is investigation and interrogation of captured GOI agents, although that part of ISD officially belongs to the Security Department for the purpose of secrecy." - Direct Quote From the SCP Wiki How this could work is maybe they collaborate with RCF, but super secretive sort of like Alpha-1 and they do safety inspections of security measures such as maintaining the Gates (A and B) or the checkpoints for each zone, they could also help recontain SCPs and do more Advanced patrols around each zone. At a certain rank in GenSec, you can get trained for this. They could primarily help secure D-Block or it could just be a job that you don't flag up to until you're needed, like RCF. Another thing I was thinking of, is more MTF Branches. For more options for people to pick! Here's a list of MTF Branches I Think could work. -Edit: Removed MTF Suggestion | They Were Already Made Into CCs -Edit: Adding Another Idea Because there are already so many MTF Branches and Foundation, what about more GOIs? I've searched the wiki and came up with these for a couple of ideas on GOIs we could possibly implement. Note: Most of the GOIs below are going to be formed off of Chaos Insurgency because well, its the best/only GOI to base it off of. The Serpents Hand GOI Hostile Towards Foundation It could work as just a military, the Serpent's hand "Agents" wouldn't be as heavily armored as CI nor have a Research division (unless you want them to), they could have equipment a little more Low-Key rather than the bounties of armor that CI has, but they should still be able to compete with foundation. There could be a debate on whether or not Serpent's Hand and Chaos Insurgency should be Hostile towards each other, I personally don't think so, mostly because in the lore they have worked together peacefully before, but one thing is for sure. They should not be able to raid together/at the same time. Anderson Robotics Hostile GOI I know what you are thinking "But GLaDOS, this is supposed to be used for Events." Well, hear me out. I was thinking that the Hierarchy of Anderson Robotics could be mostly humans as well as their research/development team (the people who create the robots), but for the military aspect for them could be all robots. Thinking logically anyone with importance wouldn't really be in the fighting, so we could make all the jobs for AR robots. Other GOIs could work, but these are the two I see working the best. I also got all of these off of this site http://www.scp-wiki.net/groups-of-interest. Who is it mainly for? - Everyone. Links to any content - Sources for Information: http://www.scp-wiki.net/task-forces | http://www.scp-wiki.net/list-of-foundation-s-internal-departments | http://www.scp-wiki.net/groups-of-interest
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