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[GL] My Pet named Steve

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Everything posted by [GL] My Pet named Steve

  1. Name: Steve the Russian Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:186173874 How old are you?: I am currentley 14, I turn 15 in June Staff Rank (Must be Moderator): Senior Admin Have you Donated? If so, how much?: $67 How long have you been staff? (No Less than 1 month): Since October 13th 2018 What is your general knowledge on the rules?: The rules of PoliceRP are something that in time, you must know them like the back of your hand. Of course, not every rule can be memorized to it's best, however, I do know a large amount of the rules, in which I often correct people on mistakes and simple rule breakings whenever I'm on/off duty, whether it be with just a simple base rule, to something more major such as not being able to raid the PD. What can you bring to Event Team? (150 words+): With the new introducing of the event team, I am excited to hopefully be able to join this magnificent branch of my staff team, as being part of the event team would be yet another great accomplishment. With the knowledge of past events, I am expierienced to know as to what is ok, and of course, what is not. I would like to introduce new events to PoliceRP, such as possibly Hide and Seek Slasher in a certain area, or possibly something like Cops & Robbers, such as where the robbers (Criminals) have to steal a certain amount of dollar bills without the police tasing them. I would also enjoy possibly doing things such as races, with people having the same car, and telling those that want to participate to get the car selected. I think that these new ideas would be a great addition to help PoliceRP numbers rise and shine yet again, as well as entertain those who come on and get bored doing the same stuff a lot of the time. I would also try to bring in older events like purges, large prison breaks, or president related events. I truly hope that the Event Team will bring more diversity into the server! How many warns do you have? (No more than 10): 4 warnings, two are being appealed Why do you want to join event team? (150 words+): It's an amazing chance to gain access to another part of being a staff member and improving the server overall! With myself becoming an Event Team member, this would bring new expieriences to me, in which I am willing to work hard for and bring joy to others at Gaminglight and PoliceRP. I have always hoped for a PoliceRP Event Team, and for this to be a unique team different to the other servers, I think it would be a great thing to help raise the playerbase of the server. My priority at Gaminglight and in PoliceRP is for everyone to be having a good time, and with SMT really being the only ones who can host events, they don't happen as often as they should, however, SMT is very busy. Adding an Event Team would help myself as a staff member improve my ability to work with people and have the people enjoy what they expierience. The people of PoliceRP are a great group, in which I want to always make sure their time is welcome and different! I would love the thought of being able to help host events, and introduce new ones, and although events such as purges may be fun, new ideas and events would be a good thing, as it would be able to show the Event Team what the people do and don't enjoy. I've never been apart of an event team before, so with bringing forth me onto the team, it would also hopefully bring in great events for those to enjoy! A fun event in which I know a lot of the PoliceRP player base enjoys is a zombie apocalypse, and possibly, we could make the zombies real people, instead of just NPC zombies! PoliceRP is going to shine more and more, with the event team, and with that, I want to be apart of the cause to make PoliceRP rise to it's full potential. Thank you Fame, and all of the PoliceRP SMT for adding an Event Team, and thank you for giving me this chance! -Senior Administrator Steve
  2. The gad was give to gas trained people, only one person obtained it who wasn't
  3. I am appealing an old warn, and I've talked to Joe before, if which from what I understand is that neither of us remember this
  4. Your In-game: Steve the Russian Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:186173874 The admin's name in-game: Joe Mama VL The admin's steam name (If you know it): [GL] Joe Mama (I believe) What warning did you receive: 1. LTAP 2. Stealing Government Vehicle Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED): https://gyazo.com/a80267175fd8e3ee7e72d1c854198818 Why do you think this warn was false: I honestly don't ever remember getting either of these warns. If I had gotten a warn for LTAP, it would either of been because I crashed, or I said in the admin chat I had to get off, and Joe had missed it. For government vehicle, I never would have stolen one on purpose! If I had gotten a warn for that, it would have been after I alerted a staff member/staff members that multiple cars were blocking the road! Any extra information: I honestly don't ever remember recieving these warns, I just am appealing them due to them being elligable for removal! I also would never of stolen a government vehicle/LTAPed on purpose!
  5. I think the moral is that you die whenever Snar is on ARU
  6. What you want to see? - Senior Admin Inventory Pickup slots increased, maybe to the amount the Admin rank has (36 slots) Why should we add it? - I lost a few items in my inventory due to space decreasage What are the advantages of having this? - Any Senior Admin gets lost items back Who is it mainly for? - Senior Admins Links to any content - N/A
  7. In-Game Name: Steve the Russian Steam Name: [GL] My Pet named Steve SteamID: STEAM_0:0:186173874 Are you a Senior Moderator+? Yes, I am a Senior Admin How many post do you have on the website (150+ REQUIRED)? With this post, it will be exactly 1,000! How often are you online on the forums? Everyday! What timezone are you in? Eastern Standard Time Why would you want to join our Forum Diplomat team (100 Words Minimum)? I truly do appreciate the chances I am given that I can take, and since joining the Support Staff Team, I wanted to help players, because of this, I am also a Discord Administrator! I am very thankful to be able to not only assist in the Teamspeak and Discord, but hopefully, also on the forums! Becoming a Forum Diplomat would mean a huge victory for me, as this means I can help in all the ways I am given as a staff member! My priority as being a staff member is to make sure everyone's expierience at Gaminglight is the best they have ever had, and I want to further help and administrate by joining the Forum Diplomat Team! I am very mature at times, but at other times, I can be humorous and I always try to be as friendly as possible! I thank all of those who come to read and support my application, and I thank those that come to judge whether or not I am worthy of this position! Thank you all! -Senior Admin Steve Would you consider yourself to have good judgement? If so, how? Ever since I joined the staff team, I have improved on ways to take in situations, and I can understand better the sides to all players! I believe I have excellent judgement! How would you deal with a situation where a user is spamming the shoutbox due to getting banned from one of our servers? Although this occasion doesn't happen often, it disgusts me when this does occur. To start off, I would start by muting their chat to restrict them from posting anymore comments of hatred, then I would continue to delete and clear all the hateful comments from the chat box as quickly as possible. Next, I would privateley message him through the forums saying that can't be spamming the shoutbox, as stated in rule 3 of the rule board above the box. I would then contact a member of SMT to hopefully warn his account of ban it permanentley, and finally, I would include the ban appeal section for whatever server the person was banned on!
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