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[GL] My Pet named Steve

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Everything posted by [GL] My Pet named Steve

  1. I'm not trying to be rude, but is this a joke?
  2. I let him off with a verbal, as he only has 1 warning. Not a minge, from what I could see
  3. I already handled this in game. I gave him a verbal
  4. Your in game name: Steve the Russian Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:186173874 The player's in game name: BigJohnny The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:0:190683417 What did the player do: Harrassed me in private messages in-game and over discord because I warned him and said this multiple times after I told him to stop that I had been biased about the sit, which I was not. Evidence (required): 1. Discord: https://gyazo.com/f0eba11a5899d22d884a941b25c08b7d 2. In-game: https://gyazo.com/67e25b4bc651ec910e7f95268f75459f 3. In-game: https://gyazo.com/f63b2dfde76dfeffb58306071efbbddf 4. In-game: https://gyazo.com/7cdf76b645f636d4b63da5c9ffbdf170 What do you believe should happen to the player: I want him to be warned, but if needed, a ban for a day or more Any extra information: Johnny was given multiple chances by me to speak, and each time he would ignore what I was trying to tell him and say that he was getting arrested for swinging a fubar, but it was not that, it was that he was swinging a fubar and "smashing" government property, which was glass. In RP, the glass would not break, however, IRL, it would. Johnny ignored the mutiple times I told him what I was explaining to him.
  5. What is your in-game name?: Steve the Russian What is your steam name?: [GL] My Pet named Steve What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:0:186173874 Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) I am currentley a Senior Moderator on PoliceRP, Support Staff Member, and Discord Moderator! What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) I joined Gaminglight on August 13, 2018 What date did you make your forums account? I created my forums account 3 days afterwards, August 16, 2018 Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)? I am a Senior Moderator How many warns do you have on the server? 5, and I am getting them appealed! https://gyazo.com/217814528963f9fdff52a3319b33389e Have you donated? Yes, I have donated $67 and will soon be donating another $20! What rank are you applying for? I am currentley applying for Admin on PoliceRP! Are you staff on another community (BE HONEST)? I would never betray a community like this. My answer is and always will be no! Have you read the staff guidelines at ? You will be tested on it: Of course! I understand it to the highest amount! Timezone: EST (Eastern Standard Time) Permission (Senior Moderator+ need this): Snar | Carpenter | Fame | Rhenic | Myan | Spection | Gamik | Felix | Th3 | Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum) I don't honestly know where to begin. Gaminglight was the first Garry's Mod community in which I was given the wonderous opportunity to join the staff team. I once had attempted to join a staff team on a different community, but now the staff team is very corrupt and unjust about certain topics. Joining the staff team here filled me with gratitude, friends, and new interests and sights on different opinions and topics. I actually changed myself, in which everything about myself mentally and physically changed for the better doing, because my attitude towards others was so much more intent on helping and caring for others. The friends I have come to know and enjoy with my heart are there and forever will be. The Gaminglight Senior Management Team is a role model for the entirety of it's players, and Snar as my manager truly did shine a pathway of greatness for me. Some action as a staff member of which I never thought I could do, came alive. I am better more able to understand others and be able to feel things empathetically and sympathetically. We all have misfortunes in which drives us to madness and despair, and I am appreciattive of the fact I am able to help others who do feel like that at times. I shall say no names, however, I do know someome who can be very mad at times, and of which it seems I am one of few staff members who can truly calm the person down, and fully flow their heart with peace, and drive away the poison of their anger. Nevertheless, I am very righteous with my actions as a staff member. I have carried out many administrative sits, and have served those who have done right with good, but have also punished those who have done wrong. It is not often that I do this, however at extreme times, I will ban a player for four hours. They would have been either much too unstable to continue on the server without spreading negativity, or they would purposley be spreading lies and torture to other members just for the fun of it. I do not despise anyone at all, and I have only ever had but one staff report against me, in which was ruled into the denied section. The person who reported me will remain anonimous, however, I must say that this was but only my second day as a staff memer, and from there on, I have passed through many trials in which I had been tested. I have grown to fully understand and learn from other players's personalities and problems, in which helped me to rise to the rank of Senior Moderator. I understand some may dislike me, however, I am welcome to all opinions, I just ask that you have a respectful opinion about it, and if you have any questions in which I can answer, I will be open to answering them within private messages. Thank you for reading my application! -Senior Moderator Steve How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you? It is truly saddening to see the amount of people who spread negativity like this throughout the servers. First, I would "!jailtp" the person up to a rooftop, removing them to clear any possible disturbance within roleplay. Next, I would check the player logs, to make sure I have the right offender. I would proceed to strip the person of their weapons, to stop them from disrupting myself of speaking clearly for them to hear. I would then go to gag them if they would start to spread vulgar words towards myself, and explain to the offender of as to what was going to happen to them. I would then proceed to warn them for Mass RDM and Staff Dissrespect, and finally, minge them for 10,000 seconds. I would finally bring them to the minge box within the base of S.W.A.T/ARU/S.R.T and explain to him that if he were to leave the server before their minge timer was up, it would be reset. I would also explain that if they feel the warn was false, they can appeal the warning on the forums. Finally, I would say that if they ever felt I was baised or unjust at any point during the administrative sit, that they would have the option to make a staff report, with valid evidence in which I have breached the staff handbook.
  6. Your In-game: Steve the Russian Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:186173874 The admin's name in-game: Nandy VL The admin's steam name (If you know it): It was so long ago, I don't, I'm sorry! What warning did you receive: FailRP Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED): https://gyazo.com/ea552a6c1247d392795889f7f71ff7f2 (Older photo, 1 warning is gone) Why do you think this warn was false: Now, I must start off by clarifying I do not have any video evidence of this sit happening. Nandy VL was a very unjust admin who had warned many players including myself for false reasons. Now, this warning I recieved was FailRP. The "FailRP" I had commited was shooting at a person who had stolen my car. Nandy had dragged me up saying I could not do this, and Chicken had been the person who had stolen my car. I have no problem with Chicken, but keep in mind, the VL was around back then. Nandy had been a member of the VL and therefore had been overall biased with Chicken because Chicken was his boss. I personally don't mind Chicken, but Nandy did not once listen to my side of the story, and when I had asked where the rule was where it said I couldn't shoot someone who stole my car, he said it doesn't matter if it's not in there, it's still a rule. Now, I had never managed to hit Chicken, because I had a very bad shot back then. Please, I ask that whoever responds to this post does not immediatley -Support this because of the lack of evidence, as Nandy was reported before for things such as this. Thank you for reading this warn appeal, and have a nice day everyone! -Steve Any extra information: Nandy was a very biased and abusive staff member who was removed from the staff team
  7. Here I am boys. 14 year old Highschool Freshman. https://gyazo.com/34cad01403dca07ed9e3d43aa25a2e70
  8. Here I am boys. 14 year old Highschool Freshman. https://gyazo.com/34cad01403dca07ed9e3d43aa25a2e70
  9. Your in game name: Steve the Russian Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:186173874 The player's in game name: Crunchy & Bomb The player's steam ID (required): Crunchy: STEAM_0:0:1344833 Bomb: STEAM_0:0:140370005 What did the player do: Both players exceeded the warn limit Evidence (required): https://gyazo.com/01b2da6a11c65c35ca8ce1ab2d99f0d9 & https://gyazo.com/b8c9e2db62d7ba4c02d3b4f91a6ce88b What do you believe should happen to the player: Permanent Ban/Minge Any extra information: N/A
  10. Your in game name: Steve the Russian Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:186173874 The player's in game name: SNR david 2937 The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:0:90117553 What did the player do: 62 warnings, only shows 61 I believe Evidence (required): https://gyazo.com/6f13889810890ec27e5fb6e7beb8e0a6 What do you believe should happen to the player: Permanent Minge/Ban Any extra information: N/A
  11. What you want to see? - I want to see, if possible, have a chance for lockpicks/pro lockpicks have the chance to "break", and have to restart the lockpicking process Why should we add it? - Lockpicks in real life can break after they are too worn or bent wrongly, so if possible, why not add more RP and have something like this added in? What are the advantages of having this? - More roleplay for everyone, criminals won't loose the lockpick, just have to restart, which makes sense, because lockpicking things isn't easy, especially if you have to restart Who is it mainly for? - Everyone, mostly for cops if there are ever jailbreaks or something involving the breaking out of someone in cuffs Links to any content - N/A Note: I don't really know if this is a good idea or not, so post your opinion, just please be respectful about it! ?
  12. Your In-game: Steve the Russian Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:186173874 The admin's name in-game: Chappie on Duty The admin's steam name (If you know it): To be honest, Chappie was removed from the staff team so long ago, I don't. What warning did you receive: FearRP Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED): https://gyazo.com/5e7ed1811fa72611236ac45778351f3c Why do you think this warn was false: So this was clearly a while ago. Chappie on Duty was a previous Donator Moderator, who I believe had been reported at least once or more, because the following Saturday, he was removed off the staff team. See, I had been oblivious to a guy one day, playing on PoliceRP, where I had parked next to a guys base, not intending to raid him, just simply reload an awp. I had been reloading the awp when I heard him say, "Hey!" and he had tried to kidnap me. I had been reloading the awp as I turned around to him, and he was holding a USP-S at my face. I had not known this, and he called for an admin sit for FearRP. I had let him tell his side of the story, and then had to use the bathroom quickly. I had told Chappie this, telling him I would be right back, and when I did arrive back, I had been put on the ground and warned. I had never been able to give my side of the story or anything. I was warned without notice. This is the reason for my warn appeal Any extra information: Chappie was a Donator Moderator, who was removed off the staff team the following staff meeting. He has not played since he was removed.
  13. **Update** 9 warns in total are duplicates/from MilitaryRP, that makes 41. He has 50 in total
  14. Dang, I helped Mngo with training some cadets today, he didn't seem mingey at all
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