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Everything posted by Phil

  1. Glad to of played with you! Sad to see you go wishing you all the best! Noted on Roster.
  2. - support Just saw what yobo said, bans deserved and glad it's a perma *Edited
  3. always thought it was considered a class 2 due to its suppressor
  4. Stay with you forever as you can no longer appeal to remove said warns
  5. +/-support -support for falling off is failrp shouldnt of done that jump with cops chasing you(i know the jump can be done but theres always the chance off falling off like in this video) +support for why is ghosted the only one warned for this specially as it seems that crow only arrived on scene(could be wrong just seems like it) and without any evidence other than verbally told he off duty warned him. this situation should of been brought to a actual sit so that it couldve beeen reviewed to where either it wouldve been given a verbal to all who went off the cliff ghosted included or all those who went off the cliff be warned not just the criminal being chased.
  6. what i thought but for the last hour or two and some that happened yesterday there have been constant bomb threats with staff not saying anything about it as of yet
  7. What you want to see? - TerroristRP disallowed/Rules on it if it isnt disallowed/Leave for Event Team only Why should we add it? - so there isnt a bomb threat every 5seconds(exaggerated but ya know what i mean) or at the very least motd updated to include Terrorism with rules attached to stop bomb threats from occuring in such small amount of time(increased jail sentances for those who really want to rp as terrorist) What are the advantages of having this? - normal RP can resume for everyone, not have to worry about a bomb threat every few minutes, stops sits from being called due to copbait when crims place bombs inside of Government buidlings, stops minges from getting on and abusing it Who is it mainly for? - crims/gov Links to any content - na/a
  8. as a former staff member i would definitely reccommend havoc as a new staff member, deserves the chance!
  9. +support Warning admin said it's false
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