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Everything posted by Phil

  1. Gotta agree with max here, I've seen some mingey stuff from you and thats only from the handful of times I've seen you on. As max said give it some more time to be known around the community stay away from the mingey stuff or people and I'll be happy to +support
  2. +/- support Do any of you guys have video evidence/logs of this happening?
  3. +support its ridiculous how normal lockpicks can lockpick cuffs but pro lockpicks dont do anything
  4. +Support Staff member wants it removed
  5. - Support Sorry but unless there was a staffing situation that needed to be addressed regarding why PD was raiding your base you cannot return to that area within the 3min NLR period
  6. Very old warns bad, 4man good
  7. Phil

    Phil's old warn

    Your In-game: Phil GSC Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:114270629 The admin's name in-game: RoccoRex What warning(s) did you receive: RDM, FailRP Evidence of the warn(s) (REQUIRED): Attached Why do you think this warn was false: old warn not false oof Any extra information: n/a
  8. going to miss you man thank you for all you done for making the FBI what it is today
  9. - Support Ddos threats even if you never did go through with it are never taken lightly
  10. +support Old warns bad, army good
  11. Phil

    Phil's old warns

    Your In-game: Phil GSC/FBI SAIC Phil SAF10 Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:114270629 The admin's name in-game: Sion, Ronin What warning(s) did you receive: Respawning with EMS on - Sion Player DissX#|"I don't give a fuck anymore" - Ronin Evidence of the warn(s) (REQUIRED): Attached Why do you think this warn was false: old warns Any extra information: n/a
  12. Denied come speak to me in my TS pls don't go ?
  13. obviously me back when i was staff ez but fr it'd have to be @[GL] Joe Mama or Friendly steve(cant tag cos he big bad smt now), lads i knew from when i first started in GL and all around 2 great blokes
  14. Couldn't of said it better myself
  15. charlie is only in cos he's already blacklisted from every department anyway xdxdxd
  16. +/- support + yes it is annoying and unfortunately you don't spawn in your car straight away anymore - exactly what jack said
  17. CAT pm's aren't in the policeRP steam packs, can this please be fixed?
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