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Friendly Steve

Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Friendly Steve

  1. + Support, appears very sincere and despite his warns made an extremely well app. Overall I do believe he deserves a chance to show hes changed his ways and to prove hes responsible enough to become staff.
  2. Thanks for the update Zeeptin!! ?
  3. Application Format: Name : Friendly Steve Steam ID : STEAM_0:0:23939222 How old are you? : 23 on June 12th! ? Staff Rank (Must be Moderator) : Super Admin Have you Donated? If so, how much? : 390 USD How long have you been staff? (No Less than 1 month) : 9 Months What is your general knowledge on the rules? : I know them very well (if we are talking about MOTD rules) other than that I have read over the Event Team rules and have a basic understanding. What can you bring to Event Team? (150 words+) : I believe I can bring a fun and excellent attitude to Event Teams events. In the past before an Event Team was in place often late at night I would host unofficial mini events for the members on the server and I always tried to be as creative as possible so everyone involved would have fun. I understand there are rules set for specific event types now for the ranks involved, so I would follow those and still attempt to make the event as successful and fun for everyone involved. I have a weird schedule (rotating schedule between days, evenings and nights) so I can be on to host some late night events if we aren't at the cap for events per day/week. This would allow other players in different time zones to get to participate in events where as they would be sleeping/in school or whatever they need to do in life when events in the day are being hosted. How many warns do you have? (No more than 10) : 0 Why do you want to join event team? (150 words+) : Events have always been a thing I enjoyed hosting and participating in. Its something that I strongly believe strengthens a server as well as keep players on the server for a longer period of time due to the excitement events can bring. As mentioned in the what I can bring to an event team I would like to highlight my attitude as I like to think of myself as a very caring and fun individual and this can easily translate into an Event team member ensuring that the participants are having a fun time in the event that is currently being hosted. I would try to my best to be in every event possible as I believe it to be an amazing use of staffs time to help out and to ultimately in a way give back to the community and show them that staff/event team members care about the players having fun and that we want the players to enjoy their time on Gaminglight. Thank you for reading, Friendly Steve
  4. - Support Your comments (which are now hidden) show extreme amount of immaturity and shows the type of person you are. You also dissed a fellow Super Admin and this amazing server which YOU chose to join and not follow the rules while on cadet. Hopefully you will be able to learn from this and will be able to have a conversation next time without resorting to insults and childish behavior.
  5. Support! Great guy and amazing PD member. Good luck Willy!
  6. - Support I have been staff with Steve since I have started and have a hard time believing the things you are claiming he said. Unfortunately without any proof your report is basically "he said she said", meaning you could be lying, or you could telling the truth, there is no evidence that solidifies your claims. I would recommend you get Nvidia Shadowplay, it runs in the back ground and does not have any hit to your frames and you can record past experiences within the time selected so in the future if you have problems with staff/players you have actual evidence.
  7. SRT Role-call If you are SRT please respond to this role-call or face REMOVAL, This role-call is to show us who is Active and what to improve upon Name: Friendly Steve Rank: SSGT How active are you in SRT: Active/Semi depending on my work schedule (rotational between morning/evenings and nights) What do you want to see change within the department?: What do you think command can improve on?: Strictness as well as getting more active members to create what SRT once was Why do you want to be in SRT?: I love SRT, first tac dept I was apart of since the beginning of my time here.
  8. Agreed to all of the above! Good luck!
  9. Agreed to all of the above, amazing Staff Application as it really shows how much you care about the server and community.
  10. Wish you all the best Death and hopefully you have a speedy recovery!
  11. Agreed to all of the above! Goodluck Billy <3
  12. Long time coming! All the best bro wish you the best of luck you would be an amazing Senior Admin <3
  13. Kinda old but a classic "I'm not a photographer, but I can picture me and you together"
  14. Ill take you all on, lets get it n00bs
  15. Pls keep going I need my morning reading material
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