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About Zeroe

  • Birthday 12/28/2004

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  1. + support Theres no way in hell David actually felt offended. David is not a child, grow up dude, I’m not trying to disrespect you here dude but at least give people verbals since I know there are some people who get offended for saying stfu or shut up. Like bro, you aren’t 10, it’s a video game, I get that it’s a roleplay server with roleplay rules but have some damn sympathy for once. No duh it isn’t a false warn, the guy is appealing because the whole situation is dumb… It would make sense if someone called another player a cuss word or a slur, but shut up? Please for the love of god don’t be a child and grow up. Stop jeopardizing this kids possibility of keeping his staff rank on another GL server.
  2. Your In-game: Godfather Zeroe V Italy The admin's name in-game: David The admin's steam name (If you know it): [GL] David What warning did you receive: Player Disrespect Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED): Why do you think this warn was false: All I did was tell David shut up, I was frustrated that the tow truck driver towed my vehicle for no reason when it was on my property and tried getting it back. I didn't try "stealing" or "killing" the neutral class or his car I tried moving it in hopes of getting my car back. I just got fed up on the fact that David had to pick me up with the phys gun and doing so much extra stuff just to tell me not to steal or kill the tow truck driver. That wasn't even my intentions in the first place, I just wanted my car back. I hopped out the car in hopes of being able to tell the admin to get my car back but I just got phys gunned to the top of the building. My apologies for telling David to shut up but I really do believe a verbal was the only punishment needed in this situation. If the tow truck driver didn't steal my car in the first place none of this would've occurred, the dude didn't even get punished for taking my car... I promise to watch my words from now on, I just wasn't having a good day that day. Any extra information: When I said "warn" at 1:22 I meant verbal warn. And sorry for my mic bugging out, the software I use to run my mic was having issues at the time.
  3. + support Gov, you guys got so much other things you can be doing BUT sitting in bank. I don't even get a chance to try out the new bank raiding system without some SRT or some other gov just sitting inside, right on top, or right outside the bank. As soon as I walk in, I have a gov follow me in Being able to have a stealthy/silent bank robbery is near impossible now if we got gov doing what they do (YES, I realize it is NOT everyone doing this, but bro come on just see the criminal POV in this situation, its so annoying)
  4. +support When I first heard about the map update and heard it was truenorth I was so excited solely based on the hills/mountain part of the map and to see that it's blocked off is such a huge put down It also gives more rp opportunities, also for family capture points it could be more spread out and not so cramped in the unblocked part of the map Basing is something that wasn't so fun to do on the map before this one and I had so much fun basing in the mountains yesterday for the amount of time it was open
  5. pov: 75% of those photos are taken in the blocked off mountain
  6. Lmao if you know me, I like to pull over unless it's an snr that bumps into my car saying I was reckless driving when I wasn't.
  7. Grateful for that! I'll definitely be glad to take comments about my members if they're being mingy or not.
  8. I realize that, when we make our new family it’ll just be me and Toby. Then if people want to apply then they can apply. We’re going to make our standards really high and we aren’t going to be lenient with mingy players anymore.
  9. You get spike strips at SM in PD and i’ve never seen any PD use them. Really just have been ARU and SRT.
  10. ^^^^ This was my first time leading a family, clearly didn’t go well if we got blacklisted. I have hard times letting people go but I’ve been too lenient, that’s no more. When we come back we’re going to be better and stronger, “..., our past was just our beginning.”
  11. Just think about it, it’s very un-rp like. There’s always this notification in game that pops up saying “bla-bla-bla, if you don’t do it irl don’t do it in game”. It is against the law for any departments to use spike strips in a traffic stop. If you’re a cop and you’re pulling someone over, you always keep in mind that there’s a possibility of this guy trying to drive off. Maybe because he has illegal fire arms on him or illegal drugs on him. I’m just trying to make a suggestion that can relate to everyday life irl.
  12. What you want to see? - I want to see a rule being implemented on how spike strips should only be used in chases. Why should we add it? - It seems very unrealistic if you get pulled over and the cop decides to place spike strips under your car. What are the advantages of having this? - Makes the role play seem more realistic, spike strips shouldn't be needed in a traffic stop. Who is it mainly for? - The player getting pulled over. Links to any content - N/A
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