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Everything posted by Mike_da_noob

  1. + Support Links is a good person and I think he just stepped the boundary a bit much. Granted a staff member in the past has been striked for a joke warn and the staff member was ok with it. You however will be removed from staff if you get striked once so I think a stern talking to is necessary. Unless ArmyGuy is unhappy about the warn and it was not just a โ€˜jokeโ€™ incident.
  2. You can swear on the server as much as you want (As long as there is no terrorism) in RP just like you can commit heinous crimes in RP. The only thing you cannot do is continuously curse in ooc and/or in sits.
  3. + Support Mal had a valid excuse so he should not be punished however.
  4. Take as much time as you need, I hope everything turns out ok!
  5. If the case was he was going to jump off the roof or something of the sort then it would fine, but this does deserve a talking too. Keep in mind itโ€™s not like Chief threw him or anything of the sort. I think that people are taking this rule way to seriously, if someone is stuck or if they just need to move people out of spawn then itโ€™s not at all abuse, itโ€™s helping the server and the staff member gains no advantage.
  6. - Support You said that you are currently staff with another server (Maybe I misread it though)
  7. This is obsolete now because we are getting them included in our update in a few days. Thank you for the good suggestion!
  8. Also you joined the forums April 30th not March 2nd. Good luck however!
  9. + Support Seen on a lot. Good luck!
  10. We where planning on custom skins, but these would work!
  11. Accidentally banned someone for 200 hours the other day... got it fixed really fast though. xD
  12. I understand not seeing him ask it once or twice, but if he is tping to you itโ€™s impossible to not realize that the ratio is not being kept.
  13. + Support I have seen her go afk a lot... But, it really depends on her defense (If she had a real life issue). @SnowKitten
  14. - Support I think people are interpreting this too seriously, if the player was running from a sit it should be ok for him to quickly help the on duty staff out. What if he was going to Mass RDM and he was trying to stop that until staff came. I believe that the no physgun rule is really meant within RP where the staff member gains an advantage. Frankly, I have seen every staff member at some point physgun a player off duty, such as in meetings, trainings, to โ€œDragโ€ them to the jailer, etc. and they have gotten no repercussions because they did it with no intent to harm the server. Again I believe that this rule pertains to RP situations and not legitimate reasons that help the server.
  15. +/- Support โ€Annoyingโ€ is an opinion, however there really is no need to make such strong and blunt opinions and comments. Keep in mind that this should not be in this section as itโ€™s a warn request not a staff report, so it will probally get denied.
  16. + Support Great member who is active on the forums Good luck!
  17. Zeeptin locks the server after updates and goes on it to test stuff. I have seen him do it before.
  18. The thing is thatโ€™s my only warn so it wouldnโ€™t matter.
  19. Yea Gaur that would be a great substitute to this.
  20. Your In-game: Mikedagamer Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:171626137 The admin's name in-game: Mervin The admin's steam name (If you know it): N/A What warning did you receive: ARDM Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED): https://docs.google.com/document/d/13TVQAXxb3Jsxn6JCtH1qOkjkIb03ffT6GjvYg_GUPws Why do you think this warn was false: Well they told me that they asked SMT to remove the warn a while ago because he grabbed the wrong steam ID or something. I have yet to have the warn removed and itโ€™s been about a month. Any extra information: I donโ€™t want anything to happen to Mervin just an accidental warn. @Mervin
  21. + Support I really do not see a down side to this, it would save SMT time and let departments get things done faster.
  22. Forgot Secret Service :p
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