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Everything posted by Mike_da_noob

  1. + Support Finally a balanced, arguable branch update. However, the health of some of those jobs seems slightly high.
  2. + Support The supplier is very out-dated with custom jobs and such having much better weapons than crowbars. I would recommend lowering the existing prices as well as adding some low-tier pistols and other semi-automatics to the supplier's arsenal.
  3. Generally speaking, there are cyclic sales that occur with very nice discounts. You could wait for those or buy VIP+ right now. Either way, you will like it!
  4. This is the kind of Research RP is like to see!!!
  5. + Support *Nods head* He is out of retirement boys!
  6. + Support Been admin for a while and is a really nice and respectful person. Good Luck
  7. *The following document has a clearance level of two. Unauthorized viewing of this material will result in immediate anesthetization.* Below is a confidential email sent to all of the high command members of the site, they are free to respond to this in character or out of character, either accepting or denying this request (this is a real request). -------------------------------------------------------------------- To: 14 Recipients From: Doctor Robert Johnson This is a formal request for SCP-513 to be immediately upgraded to the keter class, from its current euclid level. I understand that this type of request is normally processed through the classification department, but that would take months to process (we all know their work ethic) and I feel that this issue it imminent. As you are all aware, we recently had an incident in which multiple armed MTF units were subject to SCP-513 through an accidental ring (it is unknown if it truly was an accident). The MTF proceeded to display intense paranoia, outburst, and serve violence towards all other staff. Their condition, combined with their heavy weaponry resulted in 7 GENSEC casualties, 2 researcher causalities, and even 1 NTF causality (excluding the three MTF units who were infected). I believe this could have been prevented if proper, keter procedures were assigned to SCP-513, that is four security must be present during testing, at least one GENSEC should guard the containment at all times, and [REDACTED] procedures should be considered if a containment breach were to take place. I am hoping at least one of you would take this request into consideration given the amount of damage the SCP has caused already. I apologize in advance towards the classification department. Thank you for your time, Senior Researcher Johnson. Secure, Contain, Protect. Property of The Foundation. Any interception of this material is strictly forbidden and will be met with legal and lawful force regardless of international location.
  8. To be honest, I do not remember if I played as O5-06 or if I warned you, but if I warned you it was probably for a good reason, as I try to avoid warning people (as I leave it to the staff).
  9. //-----LEVEL THREE CLEARANCE REQUIRED-----\\ Name: Dr. Ronald Frankson Rank: Research Executive Clearance Level: Three Date of Incident: 03/01/19 Describe the incident: Two humanoid figures appeared inside the site. They both appeared very similar with blood splattered across their hazmat type outfits. Each entity had Level-B Standard Russian Issued Hazmat suits along with a large backpack equipped with what appeared to be a bomb. Instances of both objects have only been seen walking very calmly throughout the facility, without any identification. When approached by any foundation personnel, they were seen telling them to, "Remain calm" and constantly reassured staff that they, "Were human". It is unknown why foundation staff allowed the two humanoids to roam the facility, but all analysis points towards a physiological effect on a wide scale, in which the two entities provoked trust and ignorance in the foundation staff. On-site cameras show the two entities moving freely around the facility acting as though they were security, referring to themselves as, "The Cleaners". In the footage they did not appear to be hostile, but rather only wanted to observe human behavior. They also seemed to imitate security staff and neutralize an escaped Class D as well as two instances of SCP-966. The security council has requested this breach be kept quiet in fear of a wide scale breach, a full staff evaluation will be required to determine all of the effects from the entities. Few personnel who have come in contact have already been interviewed. One staff member in particular; a "Site Medic Betty" has stated that the entities were very fascinated with the human physc and brain, going as far as asking her for a brain to test on. After being asked why she did not report the incident directly to security, or why they did not have any identification, she simply said that the idea escaped her. It is still unknown how the humanoids entered and exited the facility, as well as how they had heavy class weapons. Due to the incident security protocols have been strengthened as demanded by the Adviser to the Council requested. List classes of SCP(s) involved: The Classification Council has deemed these entities a, "Major security threat", but has labeled them as Safe. Immediate complications due to the incident: No entities appear to have been stolen or provoked by the humanoids, nor has any human been injured (except Class D). Long-term complications due to the incident (if applicable): Strengthened security measures. Field Team [REDACTED] has been commissioned to locate and capture the entities. Currently, they are investigating Rockford Illinois, US with suspicious that [REDACTED] there may some how be intertwined with the entities. Type of response towards incident (MTF/NTF/Security/ETC): For a currently unknown reason, no foundation personnel questioned why the entities were there, who they were, what they were, and treated them as if they were always apart of the foundation. Resolution towards incident: The entities have not been labeled as official SCPs as of yet. Further research is still required. How dangerous was the entirety of the situation?: Incredibly dangerous, the entities had direct access to keter, euclid, and safe class SCPs as well as level four information within the site. Extra Information: An unknown person(s) within the foundation has asked that this file be archived and stored at a secure location, unknown to me. It appears that this incident has caught the eye of some very powerful people...
  10. This is NOT a glitch. In fact, its actually a method of reducing client side lag that you enabled, but did not realize. To fix this you simply: 1. Log onto the server and view the FPS booster panel. 2. Disable the option for shadows. 3. Have fun!
  11. ALMOST ALL personnel on the research roster will be wiped. This is to attempt to revive the research department, a critical aspect in our server. For any questions please contact the new HOR or myself.
  12. I have noticed that research has fallen inactive. This is mainly due to the lack of activity in the high command/low command of the branch. I will be doing a full command wipe of research (besides some active people). We will start off with a new active HOR. If you are intrested in applying follow the format below: -------------------------------------------- Title: [Your Name] ~ HOR App -------------------------------------------- In-game name: Current time on the server (use tab menu): How active would you say you are? (1-10): How many warns do you have (If so what are they?): Have you received any strikes before? Why should we accept you? (150+ words): This will be closed in a few days!
  13. There will be a command meeting tomorrow (12/27/18) in TS at 9:00 PM EST . ALL command are required to attend unless you are on loa.
  14. I think that the generator may just be annoying to some players and can cause too much havoc since all the doors open. For this reason, the generator room will be closed and can only be used by the event team. The lights can still be turned off using separate controls though!
  15. There will be a command meeting on Wensday at 8:00 PM EST (12/12/18). It will be in TS, please be in the command meeting room at that time. All Command members from all departments are required to attend. We will be going over updates, new guidelines, trainings, etc so it’s essential you are there. If you cannot show up please alert a high command member for your branch. WE WILL BE TAKING ATTENDANCE. If a high command member cannot come please alert your regional manager (light or heavy). Thanks! Please respond to this acknowleding that you understand this post. Thanks, Mikedagamer O5-01
  16. All accepted Event Team members please report to my waiting room in TeamSpeak for your training. You must also be ingame! The training will take place at 5:00 PM EST tonight. You will receive your ranks, tags, etc. then. Please do not ask until then. If you do not make the training time you will not receive your rank today and must wait for another announced training session. Thanks!
  17. Donator Classes such as Maz Hatter, Dr. M Maynard, and Dr. Bright are not apart of their respective branches automatically. This being said someone cannot give themselves any rank beyond the entry rank for that branch. For example, a player who never applied for MTF and is not on the roster is only a PVT when on Maz Hatter. However, if a player does have a rank in that branch then you may use that rank. Also, these donor jobs do not count as lives, unless you are actually apart of the branch. Please keep in mind that you can be removed from a donator job if a branch high command member feels you are abusing the job. Failure to follow the above rules or the server rules will result in removal of your donor rank ingame without refund!
  18. So I think we can all agree that our current HUD is very bland. Therefore, I propose changing it for a better, more interesting one. I am open to suggestions, but I recommend this one: https://www.gmodstore.com/market/view/4513 If you have another possible HUD please leave a link to it in the comments!
  19. Recently I have noticed that a lot of members are interested in getting a new map for the server. Because of this, I have looked through as many SCP maps as I could find and found one I believe will work for the server. Please view the map before considering, also if you have any other possible maps we can use please post them in the comments! https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1443506648 THIS VOTE WILL END IN A FEW DAYS!
  20. SCPRP Three Live Rule This server uses a three life rule, meaning that a player at any given time may hold three positions within different branches at the same time and no more. The ranks that consume one of your three lives are detailed below based on branch. Class-D and SCPs are not considered lives and may be played at anytime. A player may use a maximum of two of their three lives for command positions GENSEC: LCPL Foundation Research: Research Assistant Supervisor Utility Maintenance: Engineer Utility Medical: Surgeon Nu7: Corporal E11: Sergeant Delta-5: LCPL Chaos Insurgency Military: Corporal United Nations G.O.C: Sergeant If you have any questions feel free to contact a staff member or a member of the branch's command you're interested in! Updated: 7/31/23
  21. The link below is to the global rosters for SCP-RP. Keep in mind that only the high command members of each branch may have roster access. Do not ask if you do not meet that requirement! https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1V7W9D4d7ONvpmTS5dwgfI2nw9u8jOJtXs1aX32KlBNY/edit?usp=sharing *P.S. Some of the ranks listed are not actual jobs yet, they will be soon! Thank you for your patients!* Thanks to Eman for allowing me to model them off his rosters!
  22. As of today, 11/22/18 we will be working towards removing the leveling system for SCP-RP. This means that command applications are now open on the forums. I will be checking those once we get a lot of applications posted. Also, this means that the donation shop will change. If you have purchased levels you will have to talk to my self or Zeeptin. SCP classes will keep the leveling system! This is a work in progress, rosters will be up soon. Thanks!
  23. Anyone wishing to apply for the Chaos Insurgency Commander position may create a post in the Chaos Section with the following format: Title: "Your name" ~ CI CMDR App Ingame Name: From a scale of 1-10 how is your knowledge of lore? (Explain): Why should we allow you to have the position? (At least 150 words): How active would you say you could be be? (Longer the better): Also, you must pm me on the forums with a link to a SOP that you would have for the branch! The better the SOP, the better your chances for being accepted!
  24. Anyone wishing to apply for the Head of Research position may create a post in the Research Section with the following format: Title: "Your name" ~ HOR App Ingame Name: From a scale of 1-10 how is your knowledge of lore? (Explain): Why should we allow you to have the position? (At least 150 words): How active would you say you could be be? (Longer the better): Also, you must pm me on the forums with a link to a SOP that you would have for the branch! The better the SOP, the better your chances for being accepted!
  25. Anyone wishing to apply for the NTF CPT position may create a post in the NTF Section with the following format: Title: "Your name" ~ NTF App Ingame Name: From a scale of 1-10 how is your knowledge of lore? (Explain): Why should we allow you to have the position? (At least 150 words): How active would you say you could be be? (Longer the better): Do you have the bronze donor rank or higher?: Also, you must pm me on the forums with a link to a SOP that you would have for the branch! The better the SOP, the better your chances for being accepted! Because NTF is a donor branch, you must have the bronze rank or higher on the server!
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