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Everything posted by Mike_da_noob

  1. Anyone wishing to apply for the MTF Commander position may create a post in the Security Section with the following format: Title: "Your name" ~ MTF CMDR App Ingame Name: From a scale of 1-10 how is your knowledge of lore? (Explain): Why should we allow you to have the position? (At least 150 words): How active would you say you could be be? (Longer the better): Also, you must pm me on the forums with a link to a SOP that you would have for the branch! The better the SOP, the better your chances for being accepted!
  2. Anyone wishing to apply for the Security Chief position may create a post in the Security Section with the following format: Title: "Your name" ~ Chief App Ingame Name: From a scale of 1-10 how is your knowledge of lore? (Explain): Why should we allow you to have the position? (At least 150 words): How active would you say you could be be? (Longer the better): Also, you must pm me on the forums with a link to a SOP that you would have for the branch! The better the SOP, the better your chances for being accepted!
  3. Event Team Overview & Rules: The event team will be a small group consisting of our most active and lore- educated players. They will be tasked with providing the server with periodic events that are entertaining and fit lore. Because of the extreme importance of such a job, only the best players who apply will be accepted. In time I hope to have a large, well-run event team that will produce daily events for the server. All event team members must follow these rules: 1. If you are staff on another server and wish to apply, you must be a Senior Mod+. 2. You must work with your other event team members at creating consistent events (One per night). 3. You cannot spawn in weapons and/or entities if you are not doing an event. 4. Your events must fit lore (Ex. An event were SCP-079 hacks the facility and unlocks all containment doors). 5. Your events must be fluid (Players should always be able to win or lose depending on their actions). 6. You must be on duty when hosting events. 7. You must be in the SCP-RP staff room during events. 8. If your a staff member and an event team member staff calls are your first priority (unless hosting an event). 9. Do not slay everyone (!slay *) to reset RP. All events should be balanced in a way where RP resets are not the only way for foundation to win. Keep in mind more rules can and will be produced. Eventually, we may have someone designated to lead the event team solely. Event Team Ranking Structure: Event Team Leader (currently Mike) - Leads the event team and can edit the guidelines at any time. - Can promote, demote, and train event team members. - Cannot currently be staff (unless SMT). - Has access to the Event Team roster Event Team Senior Member - Can train accepted Event Team members. - Has access to the Event Team roster. - Has seniority over the Event Team Members. Event Team Member - Can host events by themselves. Event Team Trainee - Cannot do events by themselves. An Event Team Member must supervise you. - The first rank you get once you are accepted. Usually lasts for about a week. - Must be trained by a Senior Member before receiving the rank. Event Team Punishments: The Event Team runs a very strict two strike policy. You will receive a strike for every infraction. Senior Event Team+ and SMT can strike. The punishments are below: - One Strike: No punishment given, permanent. - Two Strikes: Demotion or removal from the Event Team. - Blackisting: If you heavily abuse any of your powers. (Only SMT can give this punishment). Keep in mind that different punishments may be given depending on the severity of the infraction. Closing Statements: The SCP-RP Event Team is an essential part of the server, they are responsible for procuring events for the server to please the playerbase, as well as make the server entertaining! They should attempt to make at least a few events a day as a team. These events are up them, but will follow lore and be constructive. They will usually take about 30 minutes to an hour to complete. In the future, we plan on having someone lead the Event Team Soley, as well as having dedicated times for events. Event Team members are considered apart of the staff team (Rank equivalent of Mod), but cannot perform any administrative actions. If you wish to apply for a spot in the Event Team please refer to the format post locate do in this same section. Also, SuperAdmin+ are automatically apart of the event team. If you have any questions feel free to message me via the forums!
  4. Warning Appeal Process and Format While playing on the SCP RP server it is an expectation that all players have an understanding of and follow the MOTD. When players breach a rule in the MOTD, they may receive a documented formal warning attached to their account. These warnings are used to document and track misconduct across the GamingLight community. If you believe that a warning was issued to you in error, you've since gained additional evidence to bolster your case since the warning was issued, or you believe there are other mitigating factors that should be considered, please use the below format to appeal the warning. Please be aware of the following points: Stating that you should've received a verbal warning instead of a formal warning is not a valid appeal reason. Appeals should be submitted as close to the date that they were issued. The longer a warning is left without an appeal, the more difficult of a time you will have appealing it. Warnings issued one month ago or longer are not appealable. Once an appeal for a warning is denied it is no longer appealable. Stating that you didn't know a rule existed is not a valid defense unless the rule is not listed in the MOTD, or an applicable SOP within reason. Warnings should only be appealed if you believe they were issued in error, if there are mitigating factors you don't believe were considered, or you have additional evidence. Appeals for warnings based on the length of time that has passed are not valid. All warnings that are on an account are active warnings unless appealed. Evidence Requirements: When filing a warning appeal it is required to provide evidence of the misconduct. The following is considered valid evidence: Video Recording Server Logs Screenshots showing the misconduct Testimony from a SCP RP Staff Member Testimony from a SCP ET Member Testimony from a JMT+ Member of any server FORMAT Topic Title Warning Appeal - "Your name here" Your In-game Name: Your SteamID: The admin's name in-game: What warning did you receive: When did you receive this warning: Please give a description of the situation that led to the warning: Why do you think this warn was false: Evidence the warning is false:
  5. We will not be doing staff applications until we are finished with beta testing and almost ready to release the server. Please do not apply until then DO NOT APPLY! If you wish to transfer or duel staff you can talk to me whenever you want in TS. Anyone that posts an app before then will be warned for spamming! (Apps will be open once the format is posted and this post is removed). Thanks, get ready!
  6. *USE THIS FORMAT* If you do not follow the format your report will be deleted. Topic Title AdminName - Admin Report Questions Your In-game: Your SteamID: The admin's name in-game: The admin's steam name (If you know it): What did the admin do: Evidence of the abusive action(s) (REQUIRED): What do you believe should happen to the admin: Any extra information:
  7. SCPRP Ban Appeal Process Anytime a player is issued a ban on the SCP server they are generally entitled to one appeal of the ban. Follow the below format and provide details and evidence why you believe the ban should be reduced or eliminated entirely. If the appeal is denied you are not allowed to appeal your ban any further. Non-Appealable Bans Please note that any bans issued for the following reasons are non-appealable and will be immediately denied by a Senior Management Team member, or a Forum Diplomat: Bans Issued for Warning Thresholds (10/20/30/40) Community Blacklists Permanent Bans We understand that some players that receive permanent bans may want to return to the server. The following process is followed for those individuals that have permanent bans and wish to appeal: The player may appeal their ban as normal, following the normal appeal process. An SCP SMT member will process the appeal and render a judgement. If the appeal is denied, one month after the appeal has been denied the player is eligible to appeal the ban a second time. You must include in the appeal that this is the second appeal attempt for the ban. The ban will be processed by a different SMT member who will render a judgement. If the appeal is denied a second time, one month after the appeal has been denied the player may appeal their permanent ban a third and final time. You must include in the appeal that this is the third appeal attempt for the ban. The appeal will be processed by the SCP Manager who will render a final, unappealable judgement. You must fill out this form in order to be considered for an appeal. Steam Name:  SteamID: Ingame Name: Ban Length: Admin that Banned you: Reason for Ban: Dispute: SCPRP Job Blacklist Appeal Process Players may become blacklisted from certain jobs or branches due to misconduct on a variety of levels. Blacklists that have been issued for a specific branch can generally be handled by the Branch Head or their designee. Blacklists for donor jobs regardless of branch, SCPs, Custom Classes, and any other jobs are handled by the Senior Management Team. Please utilize the format below when making your appeal post. You must fill out this form in order to be considered for an appeal. Steam Name:  Ingame Name: SteamID: Job Blacklisted From: Reason for the Job Blacklist: Dispute:
  8. Staff Restriction Appeal Format On occasion, staff members are removed from the staff team for various reasons, including inactivity or misconduct. Staff members that are removed from the staff team are staff restricted for various lengths of time. These prior staff members may appeal their blacklists under the following provisions. Permanently Staff Restriction: May appeal their staff restriction three times. If both are denied that staff restriction is no longer appealable. Non-Permeant Staff Restriction: May appeal their staff restriction twice. If both are denied that staff restriction is no longer appealable. Format Steam Name: Ingame Name: SteamID: Date You Were Restricted: Staff Restriction Length: Staff Member that Staff Restricted you:  Reason for Staff Restriction: Why do you think that your Staff Restriction should be removed? (longer the better): 
  9. We will be running our first round of beta-testing for SCPRP on Friday at 7:00 PM EST. If you would like to participate, please reply to this thread using the following format: 1. Name: 2. Are you a staff member? (Must be a mod+): 3. How do you rate your SCP knowledge from a scale of 1 -10? 4. Are you willing to find bugs and constructively criticize SCPRP? 5. Are you available at the time listed above? Please understand, we will only be running a small batch of beta-testers for this first run and the time may change with short notice. Also, understand that you must not share any screenshots of the beta testing (You will be blacklisted... seriously). If you are accepted for beta-testing you will be listed in a list of beta-testers on the forums that I will post the night before. The deadline for applying is Thursday night. If you are on the list you must be on Teamspeak at least thirty minutes before beta-testing and be willing to stay until 9:00 PM EST. We will be calling for the beta testers on TS once we are ready. The date was changed from Friday to Monday, there have been some unexpected delays!
  10. Myself along with all of the GamingLight SMT members are pleased to announce the development of our very own SCPRP server! We have already begun developing it for the past few weeks and hope to release beta testing within one week. I will be managing the server, and look forward to making it very successful along with all of the loyal GL members such as yourselves. Things such as the forum section, donation shop, etc. will be completed over the course of the near future. For now, feel free to spread the word, and encourage players who are new, as well as those who are familiar with the SCP universe to join! Please refrain from asking if you would like to Beta-test, once the time comes we will be selectively choosing those who wish to test in TS. If you have any suggestions and/or questions please feel free to come directly to myself! Stay posted for more announcements. - GamingLight SMT & EMT
  11. Hey guys! If anyone has Hearthstone and wants to play with me, just hit me up!
  12. I totally stole Spection’s idea. So what is your top fav tv series? My favoriates are: 1. The Office 2. Parks and rec 3. X-Files 4. Blackish 5. Clone wars (duh) 6. My little pony 7. Stranger things 8. Tons more
  13. I was wondering if I had to buy the steam gta five to play FiveM here. I want to buy the rockstar key rather than the steam one because its SIGNIFICANTLY cheaper.
  14. - Support It does seem like your targeting him for things he did in RP. Also he would get warned not removed from staff for a player report.
  15. What you want to see? - The TeamSpeak player slot increased. Why should we add it? - Because it gets full more and more often now, which means the community is growing! What are the advantages of having this? - It would allow all players to connect to the TeamSpeak when playing on the server and so they do not miss meetings. Who is it mainly for? - All players in the community. Links to any content - N/A
  16. Mike_da_noob


    Secret Service... maybe a little bias though
  17. + Support If you are not lying then you should not have been restricted. However, even Valk would have not perma restricted you for posting two posts a day. Posting a lot of things is encouraged!
  18. + Support Punishment way to harsh.
  19. + Support Our staff members are very understanding, just let them know you need to do something first! Also he should have just warned you for what the sit was about rather thank being afk.
  20. + Support But, I thought u cant use gas if there is a hostage at all?
  21. + Support Simply the wrong steam id.
  22. + Support On this server, the motd states nothing about building signs, therefore they mean nothing.
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