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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Mike_da_noob

  1. With this amazing new forums comes clubs as you probably know. That being said our forum section will remain our primary location for posts and topics. This is to be used for events and other such things that involve Secret Service. If you have any questions about the club please feel free to reply on this topic!
  2. This meeting occurs every Saturday at 8:00 PM EST and is required that all agents and officers attend. Please mark a response on the RSVP on this page. For any questions please contact SS Command via Teamspeak!
  3. + Support Active member, who is ready to officially be apart of the staff team. Good luck!
  4. + Support I have seen you on the server and you seem mature. On addition to that, you have Low warns and a quality app. Good luck!
  5. - Support This Application is deplorable, you can try better!
  6. As far as I know Super Admins have not been allowed to spawn in any weapons for a while now.
  7. As far as I know we don’t have a rule on the server upholding building signs, so even if you had one it meant nothing.
  8. + Support Super active, with tons of posts. Good luck!
  9. Voxis is super skilled in photoshop and he would know if something looks off. To my unprofessional eyes it does look very grainy and blurred also I highly doubt Chief would ever say this. I am not saying that your lying, but if you are you should be punished severely for framing a staff member. - Support until proven otherwise.
  10. + Support You seem like a mature and ready player, despite your age. I accidentally put no on the poll. Good luck!
  11. + Support Great guy who is fluent in the rules. Not to mention he is very active. Good luck!
  12. I hopped in the car, never drove anywhere and adverted carjack literally like one second after hopping in it. As Spection stated you are targeted me, because you didn't get us raided. Also my name was Mikedagamer King
  13. + Support Right now that job is not worth the money and it hasn’t been for a long time as it can not do anything. To make it fair for donators and to improve RP I do think it should be fixed.
  14. Same problem with NoOne and Nolan, they sound so similar lol
  15. This is kind of out of date, but it works: https://gaminglight.com/main/topic/24594-policerp-chain-of-command/?do=findComment&comment=150095
  16. + Support Deserves the next step in his career, I hope to see him as assistant cadet one day. Also for those who don’t know assistant cadet is below cadet, it’s only a legendend, but I guess it’s true xD
  17. + Support He should be punished, unless he had an irl reason to do so.
  18. From what I have seen I have very few reasons to not give him a + Support. I don’t know about you mingining, if you have however you should not be staff. + Support Good luck!
  19. +/- Support I have seen you on before, but only last night for a few hours. And you did seem nice and understood the rules. So your character is perfect for staff. The only thing I’d that you need to be more well known in the community and work on your app more. I highly encourage you to reapply in two or so weeks! Good luck, however!
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