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Everything posted by Mike_da_noob

  1. + Support there should be a larger variety of weapons on the server, also hobo’s having fists would be cool
  2. + Support I feel a lengthy ban is required as we cannot tolerate people trying to pretend to be others (Its also illegal). Frankly they had many ooc warnings I can see in those screenshots and they seem to have no intent to roleplay. What amazes me most is that they are a VIP+ too!
  3. +/- Support Very active player who is always ready to guide lower pd. Although I do have to say I did not even know you where SM. Good luck!
  4. +/- Support Great player who is very active, however they may get a bit hot tempered at times. Also I never did not know you where a SM, which might say something...
  5. As Fame said a long ban is not necessary, gaur probably would have done this without the report if you just asked him btw!
  6. As said above, admins do not need to be on duty or have site to warn players as long as the infraction is something close to obvious. - Support
  7. If he gets the afk screen (why he is in the ground) I believe it takes 5 min, so yes they may have not been afk long at all.
  8. - Support I have no recollection of seeing you on the server ever, also your forums account is very inactive. Good luck though!
  9. + Support Although it’s up to SMT, I think verbal warnings should be issued and maybe strikes for those who have constant issues.
  10. +/- Support I have seen you around ingame and you seem like a good player. However I question your maturity for the position, also your app is not that good. Good luck!
  11. +/- Support + Seen ingame + Low warns + Good app - Low posts - Commented in app Good luck!
  12. I want to hear why Rhenic came to the conclusion that it was not player dis.
  13. Yea he had it this morning, I saw
  14. + Support Good staff member who is active on the server. I only wish you had more posts even though you pass the 50. Also I applied for forum diplomat the first day I got mod and nobody has a problem with it, as did a lot of people.
  15. + Support Fugitive recovery is actually not a bad idea, they could work along with doc. Also they should get their own job and special car.
  16. +/- Support + Ok app + Seen on a lot - Unactive on the forums - Replied to app - Highwarns Good luck!
  17. - Support Judgement is a bit iffy when he posts some of the things he does. Good luck though!
  18. + Support BSI playermodels are weird but I don’t like those either.
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