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Everything posted by Hannah

  1. i am not trying to show any disrespect but if i am right i believe us yukis made you tnos hide in fear most of the time + i killed like your whole clan while they were on soo, as far as UC i think they are really good players but i do believe when you guys want some one banned you guys save past recordings of the persons and release a report on them 2-3 weeks later that is my only problem with Umbrella corp
  2. as for the ban request I don't think that will work unless if the player has over 50+ warns maybe you should move this into the report centre and put what ever proof of this family being a minge family,
  3. I don't think that is how pd works because I thought this way to but I got talked to high command
  4. +- support sorry munchies but maybe you should just wait on the 6 months you have been denied twice I do agree you have learnt your lesson but punishments are punishments at the end of the day
  5. ohh I see I will go with +suporrt it is really cheap
  6. I think this is useful +support
  7. +support he has admitted to breaking NLR This Rule was stated on the old map I believe
  8. +SUPPORT super nice super friendly never had a problem with him I hope to see you apart of the staff team Austin you deserve it :3
  9. or the rule should be that after you get treated for your wounds you have goto the hospital and and than get sent to jail
  10. what I have been told it's now legal
  11. ehh idek know what to give so I will go with fames answerer
  12. well that is there role play actually they are a major crime family they do crimes yes I do agree they need to rp traffic stops a bit more @penguin the only reason why yukis were disbanded was because asuna wanted to mouth off smt and he got banned not because how we killed cops and stuff
  13. that would be so helpful because if i actually knew this was a rule i would have never done it
  14. +see this is why super admins should only be able to warn and do sits off duty because some people just don't know how to roleplay i would have got my shot gun and killed them both and it would be an end of that but no you had too just goto your powers interrupt role play
  15. sassi didn't do the warning josh did it was sassi sit though
  16. i did not drive off with it i adverted than i drove off while i was in the car what does this even have anything to actually do with this issue he did not try get away with it and in real life i don't think people use adverts
  17. Your In-game: Hannah King Your SteamID:STEAM_0:0:422051471 The admin's name in-game:Josh/sassi The admin's steam name (N/A): What warning did you receive:Fail RP Evidence of the warn (https://gyazo.com/0d97fc5943dd68e1c1ba84dd0ace6097): Why do you think this warn was false well i follow every rule what states on the motd this isn't one no has even told me this rule in my life that if you carjack some one you have to be out of the car to do it as in the motd it states under carjacking rules ou must /advert carjack. (You can NOT carjack any Government Vic's), and i adverted if smt put this rule in please update the motd for people actually know the rules because Any extra information: I did advert before driving off as well
  18. i just want the ems button removed when cert is online and ems aren't
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