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Everything posted by Hannah

  1. +support friendly respectful knows the rules has experience should be able too have a chance as tmod -support -can be mingey inactive on forums
  2. Just letting everyone know today is my 18th birthday c; even though I bet no one cares LOL
  3. Hannah

    Gas mask

    even though this will get dined i do +support it
  4. OMG KRANKY!!! +support he was a good friend
  5. one i am still here c; and i will always destroy the tnos but nice art work
  6. i find these every day
  7. Fame my little brother it's awesome seeing you growing up and i am super proud of you being superadmin you deserve it so much for all the effort you put in this server and making it great too roleplay i thank you c:
  8. have not seen you in game that much but you seem like a good guy +support
  9. +support +very very freaking friendly + very good roleplayer + follows every rule +has been in this community along time + has experience of actually being staff + should get mod Good luck buddy!! --------------------------- -Alyssa
  10. +/- support +has low warns + kind of active + has had experience -rude at times - get's mad some what fast - not that much effort in app
  11. -support smt said its fear rp
  12. +support lets make movie night a thing!
  13. Major +support +friendly asf good role player knows the rules well follows them good very friendly and nice deserves a chance of becoming staff
  14. even though he player dissed you does not give you a right too player diss back but I'll go with +support
  15. toxic your going too be added don't worry <3
  16. @Fame @Ryan The Epic Guy @snookiebear
  17. Well it has been some adventures times but I think my time as being a yuki is over I had some ups and downs lost a bit of good friends who I hope of getting back yes the yuki family actually did felt real and it does hurt a bit but stuff happens for a reason I hope I could fix the bad times I have had as being a yuki like countless shooting the pd, I also want too say sorry too all pd departments who had too put up with my bullcrap and I also want too thank you guys for still role-playing with me.. if you have any problems with me please private message me or comment on this, I also want too say thank you too the swat commander @myandabeast for listening too our complaining and I Wanna thank the commissioner of the pd @Nolan for all the work you have done for us. And I think I really should thank all the pd actually for actually role playing with us in General after all of this. I do owe a few sorry's too a few people once again if I do something wrong I'll always admit too it. Ryan the epic guy I have too give you a sorry as that one day you warned me and my response was ' at least I don't break as mush rules as you do' that was disrespectful and uncalled for of me for saying that too you for doing your job. Cert garry I kind of remember about our problem with going too the prison and refusing too go in at one point and just fail rping. @asuna we had our ups and downs in the past but I Wanna say thank you for giving me a chance too be in your family.. and the last person I can not forget is my little brother @Fame I do not even think we ever had problems and I have major respect for you and I hope that you become superadmin. And the rest of the police rp community I hope too role play with you all soon. @Strider™ thank you so much for being my first friend on police rp we had our ups and down as well and you didn't give up on me that is what I call being loyal. And thank you toxic for all the stuff you have done for our family you must have had a hudge headache from dealing with it consently
  18. What you want to see? - i would like too see donor mods get removed from the store Why should we add it? - i just don't see much point in this and i think people should earn there rank and it is very easily abused or just make them do a test in ts or something What are the advantages of having this? - no one could buy the staff rank and also there isn't an automatic thing what demotes you too vip or member. Who is it mainly for? -everyone Links to any content -
  19. +support - a year or 2 is a long time he deserves a chance
  20. I have had military and gov ranks before no one even said anything about it too me soo I think it's fine
  21. you gotta remember government get's too bypass some rules such as metagame and other stuff
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