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Everything posted by Hannah

  1. Yes but the thing is I would rather that than people spawning like hudge props what crashes the server and lag it
  2. What you want to see? - i would like too see the old meth system back Why should we add it? - this should be added because everytime there is like 4 or 5 meth cooks on it crashs/lags the server What are the advantages of having this? - wayyy less of lag and crashing seriously every step you make there is a huge lag spike Who is it mainly for? -everyone Links to any content - N/A
  3. +support the motd is outdated and also i think this should in there as well, when it is a right time too heal your self as some customjobs do combat heal sometimes not on purpose and don't just say you gotta wait till its code 4 because criminals dont have cop radios
  4. i think some one is making new accounts and -repping you @Ryan The Epic Guy
  5. this shouldn't even be a thing as custom classes pay for this item too be added ....
  7. not every drug is made the same way buddy what are you saying
  8. I think jail times are good as they are
  9. white list jobs suck tbh
  10. that means the fear rp rule would need get edited because if I am armed and there is 1 swat and 1 of me and I got a big gun on him pretty sure he would value his life
  11. whitelisting jobs just ruin role play that's how I got tired of government jobs as I put in a lot of work when I use too play pd and got nothing out of it
  12. -support you are just trying too find away too get rid of our models please stop complaining and play the game thank you very much. Dead pool is a super hero if you want too talk about changing our model because it isn't rp related look at yours 6you should change yours as well. Than
  13. I do like this idea I'll edit it too that
  14. you wont get demoted I promise
  15. can you pm me please for I can try too calm you down a bit there is a staff report on me because of my **** up so I know what you are going though you are a good staff member I have never seen any wrong in you
  16. I just saw it was a mistake sorry for saying that and I didn't even know we could warn off duty and I think you should be forgiven because it was a mistake warns can be removed easily I am sure smt will forgive you as you made a little mistake buddy
  17. I agree with you no department should be immune too role-play but @ColeSoft Grey does have a point they do mainly roll in a squad
  18. its fail rp if you do it's kinda stupid but some times they won't complain about it
  19. well of course not when they are in groups when they are alone you can do it of course that rule needs too stay
  20. soo i was going for a ride along with C.E.R.T and than they crashed into wolffee and this happen xD xD is this what @Nolan meant for them too work with each other LOL https://gyazo.com/8cab0c723b2517cf4b03772d48cbd69d https://gyazo.com/788e53ff6160bc639cd781a815fca397 https://gyazo.com/c45c7afcc17071564d8e52c4d92a8b65
  21. i didn't actually think that ima edit it now thank you.
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