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Everything posted by Hannah

  1. please put this into a report centre with anyproof you may have of this family mingling
  2. too make this look like real life we would need a judge on because even if you got bailed out you still got to go to court or a bounty hunter will be after you
  3. Hannah

    Clothing store

    you can black list the cops job for it and I don't really see how this could be abused as there is nothing you could do with it yea know? of course LOL
  4. -what do you want to see Clothing store -why should we add it? I think this addon would be super cool and it would add more role play as people could by different kinds of masks and hats and stuff what are the advantages of having this this? The advantages of this would be you get to add more accessories to your person who is this mainly for everyone links to any content https://www.gmodstore.com/scripts/view/3118/clothing-vendor-v20-new-update-supports-any-gamemode
  5. The King Family, Our applications are officially: accepting apps https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfPMTwYkAplHLEcWLZmzxDm5D_MGuxL3RtrVe-_U6V0ymhHIw/viewform?usp=sf_link Roster will be Updated in the future  Known Leaders Owner Fame King Co-Owner Hannah King 3RD in command Rhenic King supervisor Deathzone King second supervisor Voxis King Known Family Members NBA GANG GANG King Bryce King kranky King ZIM King FunBoy King Any Members who I have missed could reply to this and I will add you …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. what Makes our family stand out the most we actually treat each other like brothers/sisters and we trust our skills and our team/other family's gets there power by how much players they got in there family/ we Show What Skill is actually like, about 2 of us can easily take down a whole family as we done it to tnos/the k family / and others NOTE: The King Family isn’t a “criminal” organization, Infact, our main goal is to restore order to Rockford, meaning our main goal will be to take down other Criminal Organizations thus helping the Police Department out in the process. Kings Code Of Conduct 1 I Am A Kings Family member , fighting in the forces Which Guard my Family our way of Life. i AM prepared to give my life in their Defence 2I will Never Surrender of my own Free will. if in Command, I will Never Surrender The members Of My Family While They still have the means to resist 3 IF I am Captured i will Resist by all means available i will make every effort to escapes and aid others to escapes, I will Accept Neither parole or Special Favours From the Enemy 4 IF i become a Prisoner, i will keep my faith with my fellow prisoners. I will give No information or take part in any action witch might be harmful to my family. IF i am senior I will take Command. if not, i will obey lawful orders to those appointed over me and will back up my family in any way possible 5 WHEN questioned, should i become a Prisoner, I am Required to give name and rank will evade answering to further questions to the utmost of my ability. I will Make NO oral or written Statements. disloyal to my family And its Allies Or Harmful to their Cause. 6 I Promise I will never forget i am a kings member , Fighting for freedom, responsible for my actions and dedicated to the principles witch made my family free. I will trust in my skills and in my Family Remember Attack enemy forces and any targets, SOPS Will be Coming Very Shortly Spare an civilian and The civilian's property, If Possible , Conduct your self with dignity and honor Rules of Engagement: ALL King's Must Read THIS and type Read and Understood IN works..... ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… MOST IMPORTANT RULE Be Loyal to the family any dishonor or disloyalty to the family will be Automatically blacklisted from the family …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Known Friendly's No, Familys are friendly if you would like to become friendly please fill out why ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Current State: Stable Kings Will Always Stay On Top
  6. +support there is no point for the banker job just for the banker to get token hostage
  7. kinda has been over the 3 month mark but i'd say +support
  8. sorry but voxis doesn't abuse his power and if you got proof there is a staff report option don't just make false clams because he -support you this is the last time i'm replying too this
  9. He was Stating that you deserve a ban for mingeing on the server I think..
  10. SUPER - SUPPORT ON THE FIRST VIDEO You guys were following him you were trying too make him upset for no reason if anything this was pure harassment -support second video No rules were broken at all.. Disrespectful Targeting Yobo again Camera spamming/mingling mic spam Yobo has done Nothing Wrong it seems like in these videos
  11. +support Friendly calm knows the rules follows the rules Bryce has changed a lot and I think it's his time too become tmod
  12. Hannah

    Staff App.

    -support not to be mean - no Effort at all - I have barely seen you in game this can be because of time zones - High warns
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