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Everything posted by Inactive

  1. zoom in REALLY close on those eyes and you'll see the portal to hell open and you'll be able to look directly in to satan's eyes
  2. exactly. she didn't show bias, so there's no issue. She wasn't there with them when he was mugged. She was already on staff and was the only one who could handle it. She did it professionally without any bias so there's nothing wrong here.
  3. I see your point, but if Hanah didn't partake in any of it, she may handle the sit. If she clearly showed bias, then there's an issue That being said - Support
  4. I have issues when joining in the server. It is EXTREMELY slow and often crashes or has some error. I go AFK on civilian so that I don't have to worry about it. Also it raises the player count by 1... Going AFK on civilian is something a LOT of people do Another point. Why aren't you reporting the people who weren't on staff and weren't even AFK. That's far worse...
  5. This mod will probably make combat healing no longer be an issue... This mod needs to be implemented. EMS is a dying branch. Few people play on it and those who do often minge, combat revive/heal, and other things. It is the solution to so many issues. We simply need this addon.
  6. all i ask is this idea is given one chance. I promise that people will like it.
  7. +support a recent update to the mod supposedly fixed the instability
  8. repost? i haven't reposted this anywhere?
  9. anyone have an extra fortnite mobile friend code? i'll give you all 4 friend codes i get. (pm me to answer this thread so nobody steals any info)
  10. wow @Steven King / Asuna Yuki hasn't nuked this thread withj hundreds of thousands of anime gif? *cue imminant anime chaos
  11. when i walked in on mommy and daddy having "them time"..............
  12. i may or may not be sexualy attracted to tomatoes https://giphy.com/gifs/baby-tortoise-tomato-R6NOIvUHU2PM4
  13. one time on scp-rp i accidentally hit a giant black flashing button and activated..... let's just say things got really interesting from there... and maybe one or two warheads were involved....
  14. yeah there's no proof they actualy used props and not each other.
  15. It was made up by the schools to combat the walkout on Wednesday, March 14
  16. It’s a memorial thing. Do 17 things such as make 17 compliments, hug 17 people, tell 17 people they’re important. Etc.
  17. Other branches can’t command another one. (Unless they’re command)
  18. Again, tomatoes......... https://uchihaclanrock.deviantart.com/art/Sasuke-love-TOMATO-293634009
  19. what’s your darkest secret? Mine is that I played Roblox before..........
  20. I accidentally minged 12 people for 10 minutes because i forgot the “”.... yeah that was..... interesting Luckily i am yet to bring the whole server ??
  21. There is a misunderstanding somewhere. People say I constantly combat revive? Yesterday was the first time I have been EMS in a while. Last time I was EMS was the first time I had ever been EMS and I was EMS for three days before I stopped. I don’t see how you constantly see me combat reviving if I haven’t even been on EMS for more than 12 hours MAX. I have NEVER been accused of combat reviving until them until then. Also I would like to make it very clear that I didn’t get a choice on being there. I went and before I realized the situation wasn’t code 4, was shot at and given no chance to leave and come back when the situation was code 4. I could not have possibly realized there was still combat and drive away safely before my ambulance was destroyed. I was FORCED to run for my very life as I was shot at. I ran the opposite direction from them and took cover. I got far from the combat and found a dead body who since I thought was far enough away, could be revived. I had NO chance of just leaving. I had insuficient experience to know that even though I was far from combat and behind cover, I wasn’t to revive the body. My thought was: “Ok, I’m far away now, I am behind cover, hey look! So is this body! He’s also far away from any shooting and behind cover!” I didn’t knowingly combat revive someone and I didn’t revive anyone else until Andrew was reviving people after it was all over. And for the combat healing Andrew told me that they were using fear RP on us and we had to. I never used the medkit for anything else. Oh and another thing. People hate all the EMS. They hate that they need to wait for an EMS to revive them and they hate that some help their enemies even though they shouldn’t and give them a disadvantage. This is evident in the immediate RDM upon my arrival on the seen. They don’t like EMS, so they just removed them from the equation. The Yukis in particular have voiced their anger towards EMS and guess what! The Yukis were the one who were raiding and the people that killed me. They were also 75% of the people claiming combat revive!
  22. I would have loved to go somewhere safer than behind a house. If I had a choice, I would have left. I didn’t have a chance to realize how bad the shootout was before my ambulance blew up BECAUSE SOME PEOPLE COULDNT RESIST RDMING THE EMS!
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