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Everything posted by Inactive

  1. This is the same photo in the other one from a different angle
  2. To appeal a strike or blacklist make a new topic in the criminal tab using the following formats Strike Appeal Format Title must be: (name of person who striked you) Strike Appeal 1. Your name: 2. Person who striked you: 3. Evidence: 4. Why the strike was false: 5. Extra information: Blacklist appeal format Title must be: (name of person who blacklisted you) Blacklist Appeal 1. Your name: 2. Person who blacklisted you: 3. Evidence: 4. Why the blacklist was false: 5. Extra information
  3. +support works better than our broken mdt
  4. Look at ourselves. We're sitting here quarling about something stupid. This is highly unproffesional of ALL of us. We need stop fighting with each other @Nolan if you would confirm that what i mentioned did happen it would help others know who to believe
  5. im done fighting with you all. we dont need to have this thread as a massive ongoing argument
  6. you should have considered my side of the story. that's called being a biased admin. Last time wasn't this time.
  7. what happened here is you refused to even ask nolan if i was right. you didnt care what i said. You should have asked him because if he told me it's ok manager has final say over the rules. and rhenic, munchies, cooper, and kade you just don't want this to succeed because you were the other people in the sit wait a second. one of you says that you were hiding behind ambulances, but the other says you were going to the dead officers? you can't go to the bodies when i could get a shot on you. dont run into the bullets wait until i'm dead to even go to the bodies
  8. and he can do that hes a manager and the handbook says that manager has final say
  9. oh want me to mention how you combat revived the officers there? dont deny it either. i threatened to kill you in advert and you didnt care. also also you shouldnt be replying with biased information. you were there
  10. Your In-game: Ryan The Epic Guy Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:177289514 The admin's name in-game: NDSTF Crabs The admin's steam name (If you know it): NDSTF Crabs (i believe) What warning did you receive: Fail RP Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED):[AWarn] You have been warned by [GL] NDSTF: Failrp [AWarn] Type !warn to see a list of your warnings. Why do you think this warn was false: I told my side and nobody in the sit even tried to confirm it. I told them the following. "Yesterday I saw Nolan get killed by pd and he respawned while ems is on. I went to the spawn room and said 'naughty naughty! you respawned while ems is on' and he replied with 'show me in the motd where it says you can't.' I told him it counts as fail rp he said it wasn't stated that it was in the motd. i then kidnapped him in on of the stores in spawn. the staff refused to ask him and was clearly taking sides. he is supposed to take all sides of the argument and if proof is given, then to validate it's legitness. He only took the other people's point of view and refused to listen to me. i decided to ask in ooc and after a moment of him not responding i did !spectate nolan to see if he was afk (he was) so i knew if i needed to accept it and just appeal it (which is what im doing now). Everyone immediantly claims im abusing staff commands and threatens to report it. I wasn't abusing. It was helpful to the sit, and not just me. It was the only way to tell whether or not i needed to find a way to wait it out or not. Any extra information: the sit wasn't even called for THIRTY MINUTES! That's WAY overdue.
  11. i think this shield should replace the normal one when you get vip
  12. unfortunately it behaves not so perfect with vcmod. thats why there was lag caused
  13. Inactive

    DOC rules

    - support. In an upcoming update doc will be WAY funner. Also it ensures that there's always DOC which wouldn't happen without the rule maybe cert can be on without DOC if it bothers everyone so much?
  14. I have noted a serious trend on the forums lately. I've noticed many of the new wave of staff get reported for the tiniest infractions and I now know why. I don't intend to point fingers at everyone here, but I think it boils down to one thing. By now you may have heard that a lot of smts and executive management resigned, leaving a ton of open positions. That's awesome for people who are two promotions from getting Super admin or something like that because there's actually a chance of getting those positions. There's one catch though. A ton of new people are being accepted and each one could easily get promoted super fast and might steal the position leaving those people back at square 1. Stuck waiting for a SA+ position to open. So what do they do? Get those potential competitors kicked off of staff...
  15. I'm going to be very quick and to the point. I think VIP+ should get two 3D2D Textscreens instead of just one
  16. look. Just give it ONE day to prove itself. It's REALLY fun when compared with what we have. It also will keep rmding down due to it being harder to just get an op gun from switching to gun dealer, buying an ak-47, and slaughtering everyone.
  17. this isn't a valid report. you NEED proper proof. Warns don't count either. a screenshot or video of it is REQUIRED
  18. thats not how you make the guns. you dont need to get anything but "scrap" to make a gun. The reason this will fix the self-supply is people will need to go through the buying the crafting table, buying scrap, and won't be able to switch, get guns, switch back, and mass rdm
  19. a tutorial can be linked in the motd or somewhere in the f4 menu. it isnt hard. buy scrap then the table, then craft the gun you want
  20. Inactive

    Adding Mayor

    the president is the mayor. They just changed the name
  21. minges used to buy vip then throw their cars at pd and other people. its why its not a thing anymore
  22. minges used to buy vip then throw their cars at pd and other people. its why its not a thing anymore
  23. only gun dealers will be able to spawn the work bench to craft them andbuy scrap to make them
  24. pd spawn with a glock 18 they'll live maybe link a tutorial in the motd where the other links are?
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