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Everything posted by Inactive

  1. he cares about the server. He's the only person who wants to do something to help the minges stop and actually trains ofcs. He deserves staff more than ANYONE.
  2. every time they dare swerve randomly they will be subject to be tied up and forced to watch my cringey youtube channel
  3. Tbh i dont see this getting far. Valkyri3 was the one who warned you and he resigned yesterday along with ordance
  4. I know I shouldn’t be replying to this, but please don’t fight here Tole and Strider. If you need to have a few words do it in-game, pms, anywhere but here. It makes it easier for someone to see if the community seems to be +supporting more or -supporting more if the comments aren’t cluttered with an argument. Also most of us dont want to listen to it. Thanks!
  5. i thought they had tags i never pay attention though
  7. then why doesn’t you profile have a moderator tag?
  8. considering the admin who gave it says he supports it's removal it should be removed
  9. how? your not staff the person who issued the warn said it was an accident. it shouldnt exist longer than needed
  10. well valk wrote that, so im assuming he can break it XD #ValkisaRebel
  11. MASSIVE + SUPPORT +Great RPer +never breaks rules +super active +staff worthy
  12. MASSIVE - SUPPORT -i have constant issues with him -he didnt even TRY to make this good -didnt wait the required time -would abuse the power
  13. i am 90% @bibpapa5868 is his alt acc. unless that account replies some proof that it isn't i don't believe otherwise.
  14. i personally dont see many people getting promoted by higher ups unless they really deserve it like forest
  15. I personally only see noot on here and there. The other high ups on are usually toxic, noone, snar, etc. but they usually are having fun and don’t generally seek out new people to promote. It may be because I’m not usually on until about 5 pm unless it’s a weekend.
  16. theres already an auto-promotion system up to LCPL Allowing people to apply would also give command an easier way to see whos been doing well because of the information being provided in an app
  17. What is your in-game name?: SGT Ryan 1B27 (Trooper Ryan 1T) (FBI SSA Ryan) (Ryan The Epic Guy) What is your steam name?): {GL}Ryan The Epic Guy What is your steam ID?: STEAM_1:1:177289514 Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) yes. I was a manager of Ultimate TTT before it permanently shut down as the community did not have many people and we ran out of funds to keep the server going. What date did you start playing on the community? Over about a year ago What date did you make your forums account? 6/2/17 (I didn’t join the forums for a few months as I didn’t feel I needed to until then) Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)? VIP+ How many warns do you have on the server? 29. As you probably know there’s no ways to get rid of them. I have quite a few from my early days on the server before I knew the rules. And a lot from when I was a massive Minge. I have changed my ways. Those who have played with me recently know this. Have you donated? Yes. $60 total. What rank are you applying for? Trial Moderator Have you read the staff guidelines at http://gaminglight.com/main/topic/8889-staff-handbook/? You will be tested on it: yes. I have read and understood the staff handbook. Timezone: Georgia timezone (idk what the exact name is. I am the east American time zone if it helps) Permission (Admin+ need this): n/a Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (Can be any length) I been playing the server for a very long time. When I joined OFC still had radios. I know the rules fluently and have had previous staffing experience (above) Trooper Command had faith in me and accepted me into trooper, so I am trust able. I personally see Trial Moderator as exactly what their called. Trial Moderators. They’re being given a chance to prove themselves worthy as a Gaminglight staff. They aren’t given the tools that would allow them to cause damage if they went rogue, but a few basic admin commands to deal with the majority of staff sits. If I am not even given a chance there is no way that you will be able to see if I am capable. Some may see me joke around allot, but I am very serious when I need to be. I am known to be a reasonable person and will abide to the staff handbook. All I ask for is that you give me a chance. If I blow it then so be it, but I know I have what it takes to be staff. All I need is a chance to prove myself. Trial Moderator can’t do too much to cause an issue when they go rogue so there isn’t a massive worry that I would abuse it. And as you all may know, I am not one to go rogue. I will admit I may act a bit stupid or immature sometimes, but I am not the type to go rogue. I act mature and responsible when I need to. I always do what Is asked of me. I am capable to be a staff member. I just need a chance to prove it... How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you? According to the staff handbook I am supposed to give them a 10,000 second Minge. Unfortunately Trial Moderators can’t give a 10,000 second Minge so I would have to follow the chain of command until I can get someone to assist me in giving them a 10,000 second Minge. If I am unable to find someone to help me I would use the above punishment for 3x RDM/RDA which is to Jail/Minge them for 600 Seconds which is something t-mods can do. The question doesn’t ask, but if they LTAP I know how b logs work (remember I have previous staff experience) and can get their steam ID to give to higher staff so that they can do what they feel as an appropriate punishment whether it be a ban, a 10,000 second minge as well as a warn, or whatever it is. After the Minge is given I would ask the higher staff if they feel they need a warn for staff dis/mass RDM. I may have 28 warns, but that doesn't make me a bad person. Too many people in this community see I have 28 warns and automatically assume I'm a bad person. I'm not. Some people fail to realize people can change. I admit I have done bad to this community. I am sorry I did what I did. I have changed as a person. I want to undo the wrong I have done. There's nothing I can do to remove the warns, but that doesn't mean I can't change. I know this will mean nothing, but I am willing to make up my wrongdoings. You just have to put some faith in me. (please dont just -support me due to my warn count) @Naby you wanted this http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1259035270 (theres one more from jabs for Sky Box Multiple Warns)
  18. -support definitely needs to put more effort in app definitely needs to understand the rules 13 warns in ONE day new to the community
  19. @Colesoft @DeathStriker @Guar @Nova if you would please give your accounts of what happened it would be much easier to understand what happened
  20. Your In-game: Trooper Ryan 1T (SGT Ryan 1B27) (FBI SNR SA Ryan) (Ryan The Epic Guy) Your SteamID: STEAM_1:1:177289514 The player's name in-game: Nova (at the time it was Traffic Warden Nova) The player's steam name (If you know it): idk What did the player do: To start off he placed props in the road (it was a "slow zone" where a barrier blocked the middle of the road and had signs telling people to go 20 mph (really slow)) everyone told his to remove it as it was already creating problems. He proceeded to argue for ten minutes before pulling an ak and rdming me. When i return he was player dissing aru and swat and started doing so to me as well. he attempted to rdm me again but i won the fight. he then started cussing us out so an admin gagged him. these screenshots show what he said in chat once he was gagged. Guar can confirm this as he was on duty watching it. He had been causing other issues throughout the day as well such as player dis, ltap, and rdm.http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1296618577http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1296618535http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1296618489http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1296618457http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1296618417 Evidence (REQUIRED):^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^What do you believe should happen to the player: Ban (maybe a week?) Any extra information: Guar was the admin that was there the entire time. Colesoft was the one who had gagged him.
  21. Now that PD meetings are completely scrapped promotions in the pd have been thrown off. Currently there's an automatic promotion system up to LCPL, but after that it is rough to get a promotion.Some people such as me may end up in the same rank for months. I rarely see COL+ to do promotions for those higher pd ranks and even when I do they never seek out new promotionees so it becomes really hard to get ranked up. I have been a SGT for over five months now. The solution is really simple. Make all ranks CPL and above able to apply to get a new promotion. Why not let LCPL apply? I believe that since it auto-whitelists up to that point that it makes it simpler if command has to give them at least one promotion before they begin climbing the ladder so that minges don't end up applying 24/7. That way the obvious issue of the forums having a few hundred promotion apps is made slightly better. I fully condone tweaking the idea. Please comment what you want to see changed if you don't like it as i described it helps this idea evolve into something much greater What you want to see? - CPL+ being able to apply for their next rank Why should we add it? - people like me won't be SGT for five months without a promotion What are the advantages of having this? - PD can rank up easier Who is it mainly for? - pd (LCPL+) Links to any content - n/a
  22. i think that the hacker job can be used to hack it and get money.
  23. Currently taking piano lessons
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