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Everything posted by Inactive

  1. There’s already a club by the PD and underground parking garage. Add the npcs, tables, and machines into a corner and boom. Casino.
  2. There will need to be a few major tweaks before adding it. First off we would need to make it have a system so that before playing a video it sends a prompt to on-duty staff to allow or deny it from playing so we don’t have an issue with people putting racist, ear rape, or other abusive things on the tv. I think adding a dedicated job called cinema manager that’s VIP+ only that would be the only one able to edit what’s playing is a must. Staff members would need to be able to stop any playing videos from playing even when it already began showing it to counteract any abusive content already playing. No matter what the punishment would be, it wouldn’t matter because people will still do it and a lot of them will do the classic “I didn’t know” “I don’t care I want to get banned” “I’m so sorry please forgive me” and the other countless phrases to get out of trouble. The cinema should not be able to play if there’s no on-duty staff so that when there’s no staff around to keep it in check there won’t immediately be issues. Make sure that the cinema won’t allow you to use weapons while inside it so that there won’t be a mass RDM every five minutes. Those are the major changes that would have to be made, but of course there’s still countless other things to adjust before it’s able to be added.
  3. Inactive

    Adding petrol

    + support +only reason it has been denied in the past is because val***** didn’t like the idea of gas -has been suggested thousands of times + Increases RP greatly +Worth a shot
  4. This is false. Spawn every bit miner known to man and make a really annoying to raid base in a spot nobody looks
  5. wow people actually play Unturned servers?
  6. the only thing fame did wrong was handle a sit he was involved in. He warned you for a rule that you clearly broke. Whether you notice it or not you had more guns aimed at you when you pulled a gun out. The warn wasn't false at all, but the Fame did breach the handbook. I don't think anything more than a quick talk to from an SMT is necessary. Fame is good at what he does. the only thing fame did wrong was handle a sit he was involved in. He warned you for a rule that you clearly broke. Whether you notice it or not you had more guns aimed at you when you pulled a gun out. The warn wasn't false at all, but the Fame did breach the handbook. I don't think anything more than a quick talk to from an SMT is necessary. Fame is good at what he does.
  7. Yeah I think that you would get a free name, playermodel, and maybe car change if it was added. I don't think a helicopter would be possible, but everything else makes sense.
  8. the evidence being shown is one pic of him spawning props the the road. The one "over his shoulder" shows a box he spawned into my base, and another of him attempting to call for police while hes being kidnaped and comms got stripped from him if you can give those to us that'd be AWESOME
  9. If only you guessed that a few days ago you would've won :/
  10. prior to where this video begins I was dealing with a group of like 5 ofcs (seen again at the end) inside hospital for a second time. (By the way @Nolan those OFCs brought a bug to light. When I was tazed in my first encounter with them they were able to arrest baton me and I was "in jail" for 10 minutes) I ask Nova to please set them straight and he goes off on me and calls me "immature," "unfit for staff," and "wimpy and needs to man up." I asked him if he would say that again while on video and he says yes, prompting to start of the video. Straight off the bat he changes what he says. @Fame was disrespected multiple times before the video started and after it was started. Every time @Fame opened his mouth he yelled at him "You weren't involved," "Shut your mouth," and "go the fu** away." He said while someone's reloading you can shoot at them? Your video shows you violating Fear RP by hitting a panic while at gunpoint and then a second time when you were restrained which is also fail rp. Hitting the panic button when someone has a gun on you means other officers will arrive and you will get shot. I've been warned for it before. My video CLEARLY shows @Fame did NOT reload ONCE and even if he did there were 3 other guns at him. He should know better. I think this needs to go from a report on @Fame to a report on @Nova78. And why do you think @Fame is the main bad guy here? He just saw you and I having a showdown and wanted to help solve it, but no you were rude and inconsiderate to him. I think that before trying to report the person who was trying to help you should report me as the main conflict was between you and I and NOT @Fame. There's nothing wrong with talking about something that happened IN-GAME just SECONDS ago either. RP isn't being broken. Here's my video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IAxwQMtH-gM&feature=youtu.be
  11. guys. Don't complain because you didn't win. The answer was my Youtube logo (which is what he described) which makes sense. It relates to a website (I only added that part saying I counted server IPs to throw people off) and is a perfectly acceptable guess as it's accessible to all of you and many of you have seen my channel at least once. There's no need to be rude saying things like "do you even play Police RP? or a sore loser by saying things like "This is rigged" and "How would we guess that?" There's a reason the prize was one million dollars. My Youtube logo isn't the first thing you would think I'd change my profile picture to, but it's perfectly reasonable.
  12. Your In-game: Ryan The Epic Guy Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:177289514 The player's name in-game: BryGuy The player's steam name (If you know it): Idk his steam name, but this is his steam ID STEAM_0:1:151511234 What did the player do: Constantly mingeing. He never has actually tried to RP. He constantly harrasses people. He is constantly harrassing EMS by driving full speed into an open ambulance bay and smashing anything inside. He contantly fail rps, fear rps, NLRs, prop abuses, and FAR more. He is disrespectful to the players, server, and staff and doesn't care about anyone but himself. He's making it far less fun to everyone else trying to have a good time. Staff have to minge, mute, warn, etc. CONSTANTLY and he STILL won't stop doing these things. Something needs to be done NOW! Evidence (REQUIRED):https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/915795710297530400/F1F75FB779EED54742D34057414F0A69B7191AA7/https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/915795710297529671/3B1E3E14E4F7F4F00D00ABB2F68CE0EB7B1F38FC/https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/915795710297530014/6C49E0D98D393D4B0FFA8DD549A58ECCF008CA6D/ If you have anymore pictures, videos, etc. of him then now's the time to post them. Please comment any and ALL of those things to help remove a minge from our community What do you believe should happen to the player: Perma ban or Perma minge Any extra information: Anyone who has a picture or video of him being a minge please comment the link to it
  13. you got it pm me in game if you see me for your prize
  14. three guesses per person. Your hint is it has something to do with a website (i am counting server ips as websites btw)
  15. The first person to comment the correct answer wins
  16. I am going to be setting up a profile picture so i'm not a question mark anymore. WHOEVER GUESSES WHAT I'M CHANGING IT TO GETS 1 MILLION
  17. just a thought it may be that i switched to citizen, but didnt press space to respawn. it will keep the old job (administration) until you press space after you switch and it kills you. i only just found out that's a thing.
  18. just because nobody would be a trainer job doesn't mean we shouldn't be able to train lower ranks. It's good if every once and awhile forrest does an OFC training. It really helps them understand their job
  19. appeal a warn in the report center. Be sure to follow the format.
  20. Massive + Support ofcs need a 1 on 1 experience to understand what they need to learn. ride alongs arent enough because if you attempt to teach them 1 on 1 it's "training" and you get yelled at by command #WE NEED FORREST TRAINING
  21. i am aware of the rockford illinois irl i just wanted to make a funny post GEEZ GUYZ GOTTA RUIN MY FUN :/
  22. the reason that they would get 300 armor and op weapons is because the national guard would be something that criminals can avoid fighting if they dont kill every single cop they see. in real life there would probably be a national guard base nearby or inside a place that has a crime and gang activity like we do in rockford. It makes perfect sense to me that there would be a national guard in rockford.
  23. to all those wondering it is not bring mil rp to prp... national guard is a miltary force, but not mil rp and has many differences
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