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Everything posted by Inactive

  1. As you may know one of the most frequently broken rules is self-supply. People change to gun dealer, get a shipment of ak-47s and switch back to whatever they were. On the other hand many people dont play as gun dealer because it isn't very exciting. So we have two types of people. Those who break the rules and have guns and those who never have any guns because there's never a gun dealer. Theres an easy fix. Theres an addon called Guncraft that makes it to where you craft all guns on a bench with scrap which can be obtained from an npc or even better, the f4 menu. In order to unlock the more advanced guns though, you must level up by crafting guns you already have unlocked. Which makes it imposible for minges to switch to gun dealer and just buy 3 shipments of sgs. Before gaminglight I played on a dark rp server called dank rp that had this. It's really cool. The workbench can be spawned in the f4 menu as well. And if you want you can also make an advanced crafting table for the advanced gun dealer that also has the shotguns, the snipers, etc. This addon is REALLY fun trust me. What you want to see? - a gun crafting system Why should we add it? - it not only makes self-supplying not an issue, but it makes it fun to be a gun dealer What are the advantages of having this? - no more self supply and gun dealer will be much more interesting Who is it mainly for? - gun dealers Links to any content - http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=907056173 https://www.gmodstore.com/scripts/view/3864 if you have any questions about the addon feel free to ask i know a ton about this addon!
  2. Naby your being way too harsh. he was trying to help on-duty staff in the best way he could. He wasn't abusing it, he was stopping someone from fail rping. I don't see an issue with it. If it is something that SMT agrees is not ok I really think a verbal warning would suffice! the physgun is what i see as the privelage tool of staff. Its the one tool you get off duty and it's the only one usually people don't mind you using to help solve an issue. Such as freeing two stuck players or getting a car that fell off a cliff. This is similar. The person had NITRP and was fail rping so fame did what was neccessary to solve the problem. He wasn't abusing it. He was trying to make the staff's job easier. I do the same when i can. (freeing stuck people, grabbing my car when it's stuck, etc.)
  3. considering what people said on the report of me abusing the physgun to get my car to the general store so a minge wouldnt steal my repair kit +support
  4. I am going to be honest and say that I did physgun it. I feel like denying it isn't right.
  5. sometimes its also microsoft register server 32 bit. close that to if it's open
  6. thats exactly why i did that. it saves the sit over the minge that will come driving into me stealing my repair kit. Considering VIP+ used to have the physgun power on there it makes sense that we can. It got taken from VIP+ due to people... throwing their cars at people...
  7. i think that having it a seperate rank like t-mod+ is perfect.
  8. if your car isnt at the door of the store minges drive into the repair kit. at least if it is by spawn. i will leave it at that. also i've been told previously that using the physgun on you're car is a privilege of staff (it used to be for vips as well but people threw cars at ppl RIP)
  9. It's pretty straight forward. T-mod removes VIP perks. Paying $20 and not being able to use any VIP perks makes me upset. Please give the T-Mods the VIP+ they payed for back.
  10. @ Munchies I go afk on citizen because I often have problems when joining. when i sort it out i will disconnect
  11. Inactive

    ober-ban request

    we need to keep the community clear of people like this MASSIVE + SUPPORT
  12. +support valk isn't even here anymore shouldve gotten a verbal
  13. Inactive

    Naby - Report

    +support i did tell him he could have gominglit and gominglit2 that was the first sit i ever took naby has been getting reported left and right lately if you were telling the truth you should've gotten a sit he didn't have 10 warns until this one so he was allowed to be in a family at the time (naby did follow the handbook on the minge though)
  14. he has staff tags he's just avoiding it @EternityAgar
  15. Inactive

    Naby - Report

    it is relevent. this is a report on naby and im adding something onto it. Naby knows I'm only a t-mod. I try my best. The event when south and half the people rage quit. I thought that we were going to end it, so i said in ooc the event was over, but apparently Naby wanted to try to save it. (he officially ended it three minutes later) Later I was helping a SWAT that was by him and he started yelling at me to screw off and to stop trying to ruin events. That was extremely rude to the admin who had been willing to be alone for the past 6 hours STRAIGHT letting other staff rp and have fun. He should know at admin that t-mods are still new to being staff and that instead of yelling at that them and being mean to them.
  16. Inactive

    Naby - Report

    I was on duty all day from 7:am to 6:30 pm with a 1 hour break. there was event that kida went south and i feel like naby blamed me for everything. i was doing my best as there were two staff on and naby was just... unkind. i feel she that for an admin, she should've been way nicer especially to a t-mod not "you ruined the event screw off."
  17. +support eternity seems to be avoiding this evidence provided
  18. Inactive

    Naby - Report

    +/- support -that was extremely rude what you said there -lots of problems with him lately +great admin +knows rules it seems that he was dealing with his own sit here please confirm or deny that anyone who was involved
  19. Massive -support -If it is easy to buy everyone will buy it and since it's so hard to control, the driving problem will get far out of hand -It gives something to really work for -People who already own it will be annoyed if they spent 25 mill only for the car to get cheaper, resulting in their money being lost i actually think that the car should be more beefy so it doesnt break super fast and in exchange maybe make the car 30 mil? The reason it's so expensive is because it's really really fast and the average player can't handle it. The driving issue is already bad, so if everyone had it it wouldn't be fun to drive around anymore. It's also a very prestigous car to drive around. It shows that the person driving it is rich as f***.
  20. actually the president can go into pd and DOC if the DOC there is fine with it. He can go into aru/swat base as well ONLY if aru/swat authorize it. In fact the president used to spawn in the pd as long as he doesn't stay long-term. Something like meeting up with SS is an acceptable reason to go into those places temporarily or if there's a serious threat to the president's life SS can take him there for safety until the threat is neutralized. Now in regards to him going into an active shooting that is fear rp as he should value his life. And the staff did say you could so I don't see this getting far.
  21. +support knows rules great rper fit for staff 0 warns
  22. -support previously staff restricted
  23. the staff handbook states that a mass rdmer gets a 10000 second minge. T-mods cant even permaban. You didn't even try on this app so how can we expect you to try to be a good staff?
  24. he cares about the server. He's the only person who wants to do something to help the minges stop and actually trains ofcs. He deserves staff more than ANYONE.
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