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Everything posted by Inactive

  1. my steam wont let me upload anything right now. I did that the last 3 warn appeals and it worked. And Kade has confirmed he did warn me.
  2. Even if his house was at beach house how does that mean i automatically combat revived? You can't take his word for it! YOU NEED A SCREENSHOT! You forced me into a position I couldn't win. It should be "innocent until proven guilty" not "guilty until proven innocent" I cant give a screenshot proving i didnt do it, but if he had a screenshot he could give it to you and it would prove it.
  3. i wasnt at mayors mansion I WAS AT BEACHOUSES
  4. MASSIVE +support he constantly causes problems constantly curses out staff and players has 0 intent to rp he also constantly uses racist terms
  5. Your In-game: Ryan The Epic Guy Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:177289514 The admin's name in-game: Kade The admin's steam name (If you know it): i think its [GL] Kade What warning did you receive: Combat Revive Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED):[AWarn] You have been warned by [GL] Kade: Combat Healing [AWarn] Type !warn to see a list of your warnings. Why do you think this warn was false: He had been told without proof i was "combat reviving" when i went to a spot far from any shooting to get cover where there happened to be a dead body and almost didnt give me a chance to fight back. I told him my side and asked him to check logs. He made me do that and also told me unless i could prove i didnt (its harder to prove you didnt do something than to prove you did) combat revive i would be warned and blacklisted from ems. He refused to get proof and went on someone's word who was in the situation. As I was looking in Plogs he warns me and almost blacklists me. I had to yell at him about him not even having proof before he stopped. He then says I will be permanently restricted from any promotions. I will never get further in EMS. This is extremely unfair. He should not ever be warning solely off of the word of someone who was there. Any extra information: When I arrived I didnt even get out of my vehicle before it was blown up. I was shot at as I ran for my life to get behind cover away from the shootout. I find a dead person in cover where I wouldn't be shot so I revive him. The same people who said I was combat reviving were running over to me (i didnt know this) just so they could kill me. Kade ignored that they had RDMed an EMS and decided to take the word of the people who had shot EMS down. He didn't give me a chance to look through the Plogs either. I was warned after 6 seconds of looking at plogs. Now I'm never going to be promoted in EMS? I find this EXTREMELY false.
  6. I've noticed a wierd trend with PD. As time goes on, less and less people are on PD. Once the most played branch has one or two people one at any given time... What happened?
  7. +/- support Great idea who's actually going to obey that though....
  8. heres why i love this idea so much guns are harder to get, so less people get them and gun dealers can't self supply in huge amounts. That means people won't be able to mass rdm or run around with a class 3 or 4 weapon to copbait, and it will keep the overall minge levels WAY down essentially it solves self-supply, mass RDM, and one of the most frequent kinds of copbait. that means the overall minge levels drop DRAMATICALLY. All in just ONE addon!
  9. Lets get a show of hands on who had t-mod for at least 2 weeks before getting mod. those people suffered as many of those people waited 1 month+ I don't mind a week tbh, it's the people who have t-mod for a long time that i feel bad for
  10. they still throw gas inside or open the door and snipe you. they rarely give a sh** about the hostage.
  11. ACCEPTED ON 3/8/18 Daniel Feeze Talk to an FTO to get trained
  12. Here is all the info for The Epic Army Our SOP:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qRv3DXdk4HOF1qHtvaWBwxA0UkO7w1rSWq2hYP5bWP4/ DOOM SOP: https://docs.google.com/document/d/10AJqRx90m5smdJB0YhAjo3UXcPIDm-2zNlAzfKuNEbI/ Roster: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1y_NrVgDnCAK9wgINTnXITJ9JO0cM4ESSXtcNRc7HvD0/ Aplication:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1sGhVINGL0TRI4M6duKKN0aPyWP7seaPBXFPAOp2Y17o/ DOOM application: https://goo.gl/forms/qP5DA65DZPkkDJO73
  13. Inactive

    DOC rules

    I do like jacket's idea
  14. keep up the good work! that'll help! :)
  15. I cant even begin to say how much he deserves it he's been around for longer than toxic and is online a LOT more than any other SMT i know. He needs this
  16. And to think I used to live in Florida less that a year ago. I could easily be dead right now I’m so lucky? (I do not wish to offend anybody, I know how sensitive the topic is I thought it out to my best ability to avoid a fight)
  17. Meh I’m too cool for cod. I play that dank gmod
  18. I must say I think tomatoes win my vote ?
  19. Look on the bright side. You still have a computer! Just find a place to plug it in and you’re golden! If you set up a gofundme I think a lot of gaminglight would be glad to help you in terms of getting a new house. Good luck! ?
  20. - support no proof im removing you from the epic army reapply if you get unbanned after speaking with me first
  21. after numerous tips to give our roster some love i decided to change things. To start i will be lightening the colors to not hurt everyone’s brain that looks at it. Some of the other things I want to change are adding some brand new ranks, possibly making a new branch of the epic army that will eventually include a custom class dedicated to the gang. (They will be pretty much the ARU of The Epic Army). Some huge rule changes including the popular request to give some thought to the rules on cars for lower ranks. Please give me some feedback on these ideas by voting. I may also make a seperate document to display relationships with other groups instead of having a small table at the bottom of the SOP. I will discuss it all at the meeting on Wednesday, March at 7’th at 8 PM EST as well as a lot of other things so make sure you’re there!
  22. MASSIVE +SUPPORT +the gmod community has greatly improved since we had the day night before meaning there should be a script that wont be too laggy +highly requested idea +valk isn’t around to shut the idea down anymore
  23. Your In-game: Ryan The Epic Guy Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:177289514 The admin's name in-game: Naby The admin's steam name (If you know it): im guessing [GL] Naby What warning did you receive: Fail RP Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED): http://steamcommunity.com/id/RyanTheEpicGuy/screenshot/916918214158780945 Why do you think this warn was false: I have a bug. I've reported it to nolan. When I die i see a pink and black checkered menu. it has text saying Invalid SWEP Table followed by a series of characters and theres one white box in the middle. Clicking the white box respawns me. Ive tried theres no hidden button for call ems. I would wait for ems without hitting it, but ems doesn't see a marker unless i hit call ems which theres no button to do so and the menu doesn't allow me to type in chat to tell ems to come. If he would've asked me before just warning me I could've told him this. He warned me without a sit while off duty (hes an admin so he is allowed) and when i told him in teamspeak afterwards i told him the bug and he seemed to understand. he said "im sorry i had no way of knowing that." Any extra information: Whever I have to leave or i get bored and just watch YT for a while i will reset my addons and resubscribe to the content pack. Hopefully that will solve it. in the future at least ask in ooc about why i did it. it really helps to prevent warns like this.
  24. I've noticed most others seem to have a working wrench. Using the wrench because im across the map from a general store makes me want to crawl up in the fetus position and jump off of the spawn roof
  25. If you are Elder+ and you wish to apply for command feel free to make an application. I need command as I have none currently. I will announce the accepted command apps when I have picked all of them Make a command application: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1rzx-iKSRrXbGXxN3NsJr9WVpTTb2ODQSD_2MIU1UA7Y
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