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Everything posted by Inactive

  1. i dont think fbi would take any roles of this department XD fixed it my bad
  2. The scenarios for them being sent out are The National Guard is only called in under the following circumstances. 20 or more non-tactical law enforcement units are confirmed dead Chemical warfare is used (using things like mustard gas, and other chemical weapons with the intent to harm a large number of civilians) 10 or more tactical units are confirmed dead (S.W.A.T., C.E.R.T., etc.) 30 or more innocent civilians are confirmed dead A raid of any detention facilities intending to release dangerous criminals (DOC Raids) Enemy force has declared a territory controlled by them and are fighting law enforcement for control (EX: If someone were to declare a war with law enforcement for control over beach houses) A raid on a military base with intent to steal the heavy weaponry inside (S.W.A.T. base/Sheriff base raid) If the head of 2 or more law enforcement departments request National Guard. (if the PD Commissioner and the CERT commander requested National Guard) i will i have hand made the sops and all that nolan said it depends on the community oppinion Added poll. Just add onn the plus suports and - supports to it
  3. The purpose of the branch is to fix the fighting between pd and criminal keep that in mind The branch will include a marksman, a medic, and possible a few other "specialties"
  4. Before going on about how this is not needed I want you all to try and give this a chance. This idea could be really cool. I already have this thought out and I have an SOP on hand to go with it. The concept of it is different then any other department. The new branch is called National Guard and only respond under specific circumstances such as 5 or more tactical units down, 10 or more pd down, martial law is active, etc. They're main goal is to deal with scenarios where a severe threat to the safety of not only Rockford, but to the country as a whole as efficiently as possible. When the shootout becomes an active war-field they will be called in. They have extremely advanced training, good weapons, and the highest armor of all branches. They exist only to fight the battles that the rest of the branches simply aren't prepared to fight. When they aren't in combat they will wait in swat/sherrif base. They go in armored responce vehicles such as bearcats and humvees when responding to a scenario they are needed. I am willing to lead this branch as I have it all thought out. If there's a thing you want changed in particular message me on the forums and we can talk. (I spent hours on this please give it a chance) What you want to see? - National Guard Why should we add it? - It would add a new way to play as law enforcement and would help handle gang violence What are the advantages of having this? - It would counter the rising gang issues Who is it mainly for? - Everyone Links to any content - Still getting cars sorted out. Humvee https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=749459095 Player models could be https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=276601948 If added i think nolan or snar could help me make any necessary changes to the SOP(im thinking lowering the number of people dieing for a response from them maybe?: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-3fpC17IowVbutRM5AVqt0ePocyejnf7lazYadD7YZo/edit Roster (WIP): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1odCZbUnrmCdQPeF2uQoiUExH6EttYV6vHopCQ83sb8Y/edit#gid=0 This should help both criminal and pd get along. If the criminals don't rdm every cop they see national guard wont destroy them every time, but if they're careful and ensure they dont kill too many cops they'll be fine adding a massive element of strategy for crims. They can't just go in kill all pd and win. They now have to watch the number of people they kill or pay the heavy price so yes they would be almost impossible to beat, but it would be your fault if they came because they only will come if you are wreckless and murder all pd All in all it will limit mass rdming of cops by gangs while not makiing gangs super angry because they can avoid it If it can't be it's own branch maybe make it a SWAT group like CERT is for State. Like the elite SWAT?
  6. what the fuuuu- nevermind i don't want to know
  7. https://rockfordil.gov/ Illumunati confirmed?
  8. im just sick of it all. If I ever end up leaving the community I have a feeling it's because 3 months from now nothing has changed with the forums harrassment
  9. Don't sweat it. I know you had a lot on your plate. Your best friend vanished and left you in charge of the Yukis... We're sorry daddy please don't be mad!
  10. ive confessed to maybe checking forums. I honestly don't remember going afk for a long time while on duty im good about becoming citizen at least
  11. I have tried those "other ways." People don't get the hint until you personally yell at them or send a report to SMTs. I'm sick of this and I will get it to stop.
  12. Inactive

    Please Read

    Oh god whatever is needed to prevent a Yuki vs. Swat war we need to do. Let's save everybody that lives on this Earth while we still can...
  13. I'm willing to do what i have to in order to get the forum bullying and harrassment to be finished. If I have to track an IP in order to stop them from using an alt account to bully me with I will not hesitate to do it
  14. He said no to an event where whoever got the most staff hours within a week would earn a prize
  15. Massive - Support -One of the more purchased items -Many of PRP's SMTs started as donor mods -Nobody ever buys it just to go rogue -Allows some people who can't get accepted to T-Mod to prove themselve's worthy -People who abuse it get removed within 30 minutes of going rogue +I agree with not only donor mods, but all members of staff to be trained like every other department (except PD) on the server
  16. he was offering to help if need be... no need to flame him like your life depends on it.....
  17. if my staff rank applied on both prp servers then +MASSIVE support
  18. did i get the screenshot where he changed his name to Ryan The Epic Guy? http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1351900384 and when i went to him in-game he imediantly rdmed me http://steamcommunity.com/id/RyanTheEpicGuy/screenshot/915795171120280664 in another picture he was sexually harrassing me http://steamcommunity.com/id/RyanTheEpicGuy/screenshot/915795171120280664 i dont think we need this kind of person in a community that's geared towards a happy fun place where players from all around the world can interact and enjoy life. This is not what we need to be happening. Luckily it was at 3:30 am when nobody else was on, but what if he did this to someone not as tolerant as me. He could reek havoc.
  19. Your In-game: Ryan The Epic Guy/Bob The Awkward Tomato Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:177289514 The player's name in-game: many variations of MY names The player's steam ID (If you know it): http://steamcommunity.com/id/RyanTheEpicGuy/screenshot/915795171120280664 What did the player do: Impersonate staff after being told many times to stop. Identity theft. RDM Evidence (REQUIRED): theyre the top ten (as of making this)http://steamcommunity.com/id/RyanTheEpicGuy/screenshots/ What do you believe should happen to the player: Ban Any extra information:
  20. its 5 minutes maybe 7 but im 90% sure it's 5
  21. I personally don't remember this. I may have been doing something on the forums as i usually try mmy best to switch to citizen. I accept the major L from this one and i would like a longer vid to ensure i wasn't just checking the forums for something as i do that occasionally between calls
  22. +/- support the dude who was afk as civ wasn't really there so he shouldnt be in trouble. The 2 people who werent afk should be spoken to at least. Always keep an eye on the staff-player ratio.
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