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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/21/2019 in Posts

  1. Name of Job: MTF Nu-7 Commander Job Model: models/codmw2/codmw2he.mdl Job Description: The MTF Nu-7 Commander leads Nu-7 to the best of their ability. They will try to guide everybody on their feet And how to do their job properly. This job is accessible to the Colonel, Vice Commander, and the Commander. They are Security Clearance level 4. Job Weapons: tfa_m416, tfa_csgo_sawedoff, tfa_csgo_awp, tfa_csgo_deagle, tfa_nmrih_fubar, tfa_csgo_frag , tfa_csgo_flash , tfa_csgo_smoke, fas2_ifak, weapon_cuff_elastic, weapon_m9, dradio,salute_swep, cross_arms_swep, cross_arms_infront_swep, Job Salary: $200 Job HP: 275 Job Armor: 250 Extra Info: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=414865323 Name of Job: MTF Nu-7 Officer Job Model: models/codmw2/t_codm.mdl Job Description: As an Officer in Nu7, you are 3rd in command and are in charge of receiving orders from your commanders and making sure the enlisted follow them. They are Security Clearance level 3. Job Weapons: tfa_acr, tfa_csgo_nova, tfa_csgo_deagle, tfa_csgo_frag , tfa_csgo_smoke , tfa_csgo_flash, weapon_cuff_elastic, weapon_m9, dradio, salute_swep, cross_arms_swep Job Salary: $150 Job HP: 175 Job Armor: 175 Extra Info: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=414865323 Name of Job: MTF Nu-7 Trainer Job Model: models/npc/portal/male_08_garde.mdl Job Description: The Nu-7 Trainer is responsible for training new Recruits, continuing Nu-7’s growth. This job spawns in the LCZ Shooting range and has a Level 2 Security Clearance. Job Weapons: tfa_csgo_mp9, tfa_csgo_revolver, cross_arms_swep Job Salary: $100 Job HP: 100 Job Armor: 100 Extra Info: Spawns in the shooting range/ Pack already in the server / Can whitelist for operative Name of Job: MTF Nu-7 Heavy Job Model: Same as is Job Description: The MTF Nu-7 Heavy has a M249, and is usually in the front lines, covering for other Nu-7. They are Security Clearance Level 2. Job Weapons: tfa_csgo_m249, tfa_csgo_ump45 , tfa_csgo_frag , tfa_csgo_smoke , tfa_csgo_flash, weapon_cuff_elastic, weapon_m9, dradio, salute_swep Job Salary: $150 Job HP: 250 (It needs to be this high as the CI heavy is the same thing but it has more health than what it has now, and it feels underpowered.) Job Armor: 225 Extra Info: N/A Name of Job: MTF Nu-7 Sniper Job Model: models/thecubnick/warface/usf_01/sniper_usf_01.mdl Job Description: The MTF Nu-7 Sniper is equipped with an AWP. They are usually behind enemy lines, sniping them off one by one. They are Security Clearance Level 2. Job Weapons: tfa_csgo_awp, tfa_mp7, tfa_csgo_frag , tfa_csgo_smoke , tfa_csgo_flash, weapon_cuff_elastic, weapon_m9, dradio, salute_swep Job Salary: $120 Job HP: 175 Job Armor: 150 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1734349826 Job Name: MTF Nu-7 Close Ranged Specialist Job Model: Same as is Job Description: Dont change the description Job Weapons: tfa_csgo_ump45, tfa_csgo_nova, tfa_csgo_deagle,tfa_csgo_frag , tfa_csgo_smoke , tfa_csgo_flash, weapon_cuff_elastic, weapon_m9, dradio, salute_swep Job Salary: $150 Job HP: 150 Job Armor: 150 Extra Info: N/A Name of Job: MTF Nu-7 Medic Job Model: models/thecubnick/warface/usf_01/medic_usf_01.mdl Job Description: The MTF Nu-7 Medic is equipped with medical supplies, and are usually healing allies whenever necessary. They are Security Clearance Level 2. Job Weapons: Same as is + salute_swep Job Salary: $120 Job HP: 125 Job Armor: 125 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1734349826 Name of Job: MTF Nu-7 Operative Job Model: Same as is Job Description: The MTF Nu-7 Operative is the starting class, with a basic loadout, and is where everyone starts out with. They are Security Clearance Level 2. Job Weapons: tfa_csgo_m4a4,tfa_csgo_ump45,tfa_csgo_tec9, tfa_csgo_frag, tfa_csgo_smoke , tfa_csgo_flash, weapon_cuff_elastic, weapon_m9, dradio, salute_swep Job Salary: 125 Job HP: 125 Job Armor: 125 Extra Info: I decided on requesting a minor health buff on the operative because CI, A1, and E11 starters all have more health/and/or armor than the Nu7 Operative. Name of Job: MTF Nu-7 Juggernaut Job Model: models/maolong_operator_skin11_pm.mdl Job Description: MTF Nu-7 Juggernaut is equipped with the deadly Negev, and is always in the front lines of the battle. They are Security Clearance Level 2. Job Weapons: Add the salute_swep to the job Job Salary: Can't change Job HP: Can't change Job Armor: Can't change Extra Info: The model is already in the server, it just needs to be the specific Nu-7 camo. Name of Job: MTF Nu-7 Recontainment Specialist Job Model: models/maolong_operator_skin11_pm.mdl Job Description: The MTF Nu-7 Recontainment Specialist is equipped with everything necessary to assist and recontain SCP’s. They are Security Clearance Level 2. Job Weapons: Add the salute_swep to the job Job Salary: Can't change Job HP: Can't change Job Armor: Can't change Extra Info: Same as Juggernaut Final Note: Please remove https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=792509629 from the server once the update is released, it will no longer be needed for Nu-7.
    1 point
  2. I made a list of needed access for my custom class EZ * Both doors at Gate A * Both doors at Gate B * Control Room * Both checkpoints HCZ (Upper) * SCP 079 * SCP 008 * SCP 096 * SCP 049 * Temp Euclid Containment * Nature containment chamber * SCP 966 HCZ (Lower) * SCP 106 * SCP 939 * SCP 076 * SCP 682 * SCP 035 * All glass box CC's LCZ * Both checkpoints * Medbay lockdown * Incinerator room * SCP 457 * SCP 173 * LCZ Armory * Research bunks * Utility bunks
    1 point
  3. Name:Jack Lancer Rank:TL / 2LT in state Activity (Active, semi-active, LOA):Active Recommendations for department: cert Breacher kac PD-W pls
    1 point
  4. I want to start playing SCP-RP but I dont understand it, but hi
    1 point
  5. +Support I've known this guy for the longest time and he has just grown from a guy who was just an FBI agent, to someone who has grown, this just shows that he can learn and shows that he is capable for being a Major, he is intelligent and can elucidate others including himself, he is a man with knowledge and wisdom which will be the most important key factor to being a major as he needs to be a role model for low ranks and for others that are attempting to climb the ladder and others that are struggling to climb that rank ladder. I know if he is a Major he will actually do work, he has been in this community for so long and obviously has become something great. I know he will be the best pick for Major, someone like him is very hard to find, he is a rare breed of people that come and go into this community, and I just know that he will stick around for a long time. He is active and probably nolifes GMOD but hey, that's really good for this community. He is patient and is very unbiased and deals with problems in an appropriate manor no matter the situation. He is a good guy and a guy who deserves Major nonetheless, from the 1-2 years me and him have known each other, he is a cool guy, and someone who can teach others the same thing he has been taught. I hope you pick him to be a major in PRP.
    1 point
  6. - Support Haven't seen you on in weeks
    1 point
  7. Suggestions to help! Having Gensec more spread out. People guarding elevators, snipers at Gensec bunks (behind the little walls) I suggest getting the abilities to get mustard gas for the extreme riots. make a temporary lock down every 10-15 mins. Explaining there is not to be rioting. Lockdown last for 5 minutes until they get the picture. have couple Gensec personals go down to dblock. Only monitoring and checking what they’re doing. Radio in everything so Gensec can be a step ahead. couple ideas/ Head Of Janitors skela
    1 point
  8. It was fun to supervise this test although calling me a pp in the test is mingey and we do not tolerate minging. Please cut down on the mingey behavior for future tests. Otherwise, this is good research for 939 as we can use this to create a bigger project for the future.
    1 point
  9. Rang imma have to say nah for that M16A4 if it’s the M9K one, its WAY to broken to be given to that low a rank in GENSEC
    1 point
  10. I identify as SCP-173.. Because i am always stoned.
    1 point
  11. ++Support Very friendly/Talkative Always online Great Role model Always willing to help others Good Luck man, you deserve it ---SM Gardner 1A88
    1 point
  12. +SUPPORT Active on PD Natural Leader Professional Excellent role model for lower ranks Decent application. Maybe add a little more?
    1 point
  13. -Support. Don't be a jackass to my staff.
    1 point
    1 point
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