When you were promoed to current rank: Last Sunday
How many strikes: 0, proof: https://gyazo.com/3a56223138c9c92be10d6e2be4f1f5a3
How many warns on the server, must show screen shot with proof: 0 Warns and Proof: https://gyazo.com/2ab8807ce1fe26121c5ba4c1b4be41ce
How active will you be? Be honest: Pretty Active but if activity goes down ill let command know.
Do you hold a specialty in IC? If not, which would you prefer: im currently a SS but considering other options.
Are you qualified to train IC RCTs: I am a Training Instructor
Why do you want to be an IC LT: To better command and lead IC when command isnt on, also i really enjoy leading.
What advantage would you bring to ICs by becoming an LT: Im Very active and respected, , also i know how to work with google docs and am learning Excel currently. Another reason is there is no officers who are on as much as i am, and i think scorch would love the help in leading troops.