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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/02/2020 in Posts

  1. Loading Foundation Database... Please enter the name of the file you wish to access Enter command: Search Protégé_Research Searching... File found File: Protégé's personnel file Enter command: Open file Opening file... File opened
    1 point
  2. I usually draw or just do absolutely nothing.
    1 point
  3. Aight bois its time for me to head out of CI but i really dont wanna take a cmd slot when im kinda inactive on CI (im sorry skela dont show up and PK me) but yeah i have had fun here you were all like a second family but here are my honorable mentions for you gamers wondering who made it so ill go by honorable mentions through my ranks (the ones that i can give mentions) yes ill still be on the server and chilling in A1 and Medical PVT: bruh Theman you headed out before i could even get to talk to you or even know who you were XD CPL: Zeus BRUH U LEFT ME IN E11 Liutenant: this was when i started to learn all your names and talk to you all but there were a few honorable mentions and these people will get a personal touch to my goodbye message Orange: hey imma miss ya i remember when you were a SGT and i was playing 049 and i got kidnappod by you it was a great time to fight MTF Tony: Biggest body thank you for giving me the chance to be a LT and low command under your guide i learned a lot Arussso: thanks for helping with a lot of things and helping guide my way while also helping me when i joined staff All the NCOs and Enlisted: i cant remember all of your names and im not going off roster but imma list who i remember off hand (im typing this on my phone) Hank hill: in all seriousness you were a fun guy to be around, Keep playing music Davy: YOU AND YOUR TORTURE MUSIC, i still have all that in a playlist. Corner: bruh when i got delta everytime you were on i died at least once to you XD Skela: mega HOR boi, Thanks for training me for RND SRIC: Rabbit: thanks for taking me in and welcoming me to RND Cmd it was a great time Corner: why u stop murdering me? Skela: big CMDR boi i believe you will lead the branch to great places wanna make a Treehouse sometime? Lord: "I wanna touch the big red button" Gamma: glad yall gave me a chance in RND as rnd command Enlisted and NCOs: to all of you i remember only a few but i still loved talking to and getting to learn from all of you and if yall wont capture me on my other branches cuz i got my sneak skill to lvl 100 One day i may return but for now this is adios from your former LT and current SRIC And now Retired Price. [HoloTape Ends]
    1 point
  4. 1. Name of the SCP you would like added: Butt Ghost 2. Link(s) to playermodels: None 3. Link(s) to sweps: None 4. How much health/armor do you think it should have? None 5. Why should we add this SCP? Cause if you don't he'll eat your butt. 6. Basic summary of the SCP: Butt Ghost is a ghost inside a toilet that eats butts. 7. Extra information: Lets just add a sign above a toilet in Lower D-Block called Butt Ghost. If you couldn't tell already this is a shit post.
    1 point
  5. + Support Serious roleplayer, knowledgeable with rules and very active. Good luck Rico!
    1 point
  6. Where do I even begin. Since my time meeting Smeg on Imperial RP, my experience has only gotten better. I have learned so much about the server from him. I was trained as a initiate to him in IQ, and from there he went beyond and did more for me than anyone else on the server. He helped me with learning the rules, navigating the ship, flying ships, joining factions, and leadership skills. I am proud to say I +1 this app, and I can think of no one better who deserves this position. I am happy to see my mentor go farther in Imperial RP and wish him the best of luck. +Very Friendly +very active +great leadership skills +very knowledgeable on server rules and factions.
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. +/- Support (in a way) While I do agree they need a slight nerf, requesting an all out removal of them from dclass is ridiculous. In my opinion you guys are overdue to learn how to adapt, set up defenses, and overcome a new obstacle. Can't leave the meta the same forever or it gets boring for both sides.
    1 point
  9. -support -doesn't know the rules well -7 warns
    1 point
  10. +Support - Active - Great guy - Knowledgeable on the MOTD - Good intentions The reasons above are why I believe you should be accepted into our staff team. This is a great app, but the only little thing wrong is one of your answers falling a little bit below the word count. Besides that I believe that you are a great fit for staff, and I personally have noticed that you enjoy watching out for players violating the MOTD. You deserve a shot. I hope to see you as a Trial Moderator soon. Good luck Rico!
    1 point
  11. -support Only just started playing on this server Okay app but could be better Seen you on once (Maybe Timezones)
    1 point
  12. LOADING FILE........ ACCESS GRANTED..... FETCHING INFO ON INDIVIDUAL..... NAME: (UNKNOWN) NICKNAME: Blarg CURRENT RANK: Field Work Manager HEIGHT: Approximately 5'8" to 5'9" DESCRIPTION: Blarg was born as (UNKNOWN) (UNKNOWN) in a small town in (UNKNOWN) Washington, USA. After Graduating from high school (UNKNOWN) took an interest in medical studies. During medical school (UNKNOWN) achieved an award for Student of the Year. After medical school (UNKNOWN) entered the US Marine Corps as a field medic. After being injured on the field (UNKNOWN) decided to stay at base and preform surgery instead. This is where he rose the ranks fast eventually achieving the rank of Sergeant. This is where he preformed a surgery on a high ranking official. The surgery went excellent and caught the eye of the Foundation. The Foundation inducted (UNKNOWN) into the medical corps in Site-05. This is where he works to this day. All though only few know his actual name, it is thought that his first name starts with the letter Z. POSSIBLE INCIDENTS AT SITE 05: During a medical evaluation of a {REDACTED} MTF unit that was dipped in acid. The MTF unit killed himself with (UNKNOWN)'s weapon. Multiple residents have gone missing while under (UNKNOWN)'s supervision. Is being investigated..... POSSIBLE HEALTH RISKS: (UNKNOWN) Has a weak shoulder from an injury while working in the Marine Corps. (UNKNOWN) Also has bad vision. ERROR!@#! FI^E CORR__ED
    1 point
  13. def needs some more time
    1 point
  14. +Support From the few interactions I've had with you on the server, I think you seem like a really thoughtful and mature person. - Low Warns - Nice attitude - Fairly active - Applies effort and asks questions _______________ Good luck!
    1 point
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