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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/07/2018 in all areas

  1. +Support If your reason to go AFK for a little was valid and you had to go, I feel the warn should be removed cause you were back before he warned you and hopefully explained why you were gone for 30 sec. The admin should have listened to you and the only reason he should have warned you after that is if he thought you were lying. Just my opinion.
    2 points
  2. Steam Name: Yuri Ingame Name: Yuri SteamID: STEAM_1:1:188996625 Have you donated to the server? Yes, i donated for VIP+ Staff Restriction Length: I think perm Staff Member that Staff Restricted you: I think it was Valk. Reason for Staff Restriction: It was a long time since i played for GL and if i had to guess i think it was for spamming posts Why do you think that your Staff Restriction should be removed? (longer the better): I think it should be removed because it was a long time since i played on this server and i was 14 and 15 when i played and then i got banned for friending someone but now im back again and i am 16 now and i have matured a lot and I wont do the things i did to get my staff restriction.
    1 point
  3. What is your in-game name?: FBI PA XmadmanX 1A56 What is your steam name?:XmadmanX  What is your steam ID?:https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198274439430/ Do you have any other experience with staffing?:Yes On A Few DarkRP servers What date did you start playing on the community? 5/2/2018 What date did you make your forums account? 6/17/18 current rank on server: I would be VIP+ but I got FBI way before that was a thing. How many warns do you have on the server? 0 Have you donated? No What rank are you applying for? Trial Moderator Timezone:CST Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? I believe I deserve the rank of Trial Moderator because I know I will be a great asset to the staff team I know if I was accepted into the team I would be a great asset to have. How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you? I would warn them to be quite and if they keep cursing at me I would minge them for 10,000 seconds.
    1 point
  4. Hello, I feel that PoliceRP isn't what it used to be like, theirs constant rule breaking, Minging, FailRPing, and for that reason and many others I have chose to resign from my rank of <LT COL> in the <State Police> Thank you to the following people for a great time, Gaur- Colonel and Friend, Good luck with star wars Snookiebear- Great Friend and advisor Hafner- Being one of my fortnite buddies and state buddy. I will still play fortnite with you Bronco- State buddy and good Luck With SPMU Huner- I have to come visit you old friend Voxis and Hannah - The cutest and amazing couple Closeman- One of the OG state personnel, good luck on Military rp Snar- Have fun bud, you still owe me a cake Nolan- If you see this thanks for the memories Vinny- Great friend and good luck with your business Keulono- long time no see? welcome back to state JPN- Welcome back to gaminglight former COL(not from state) Bobby- ehh Youve gotten better over the years
    1 point
  5. Oh i know! Weird that you're mentioning "minge" on a meme post.
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. You did nothing.
    1 point
  8. +Support Reading over this, seems like you simply said something that you didn't mean to say, and you got the sh^^^y end of the stick for it. We have all said things we have not meant, we've all said things that people have taken wrong. I believe that you've learned your lesson from it, and that you should have your restriction lifted.
    1 point
  9. OMFG I was showing hot to get it
    1 point
  10. -Support Inactive on forums Need more effort in application Dont really see you in game No poll Good luck
    1 point
  11. +Support Active i see him alot - short answer for last question
    1 point
  12. this is about memes not minges
    1 point
  13. “WHERES THE ROLEPLAY” & ”CYA ON THE FORUMS” & ”PD family” (I had to toss my old family in, can you blame me?)
    1 point
  14. +Support + Ive seen u around a lot and you seems like someone that can be fitting for staff or i support you.
    1 point
  15. "Deleted old application for no reason probably because it got a lot of -supports", he was told by Chief to delete his staff app and to re-post it due to people not being able to post in his old app. (Honestly please think things through and/or ask some question(s) before you say something to try and ruin someones staff app) "Not fit for staff again", "Was removed from staff for a disrespectful thing", weren't you staff restricted? You clearly got a second chance, if you don't realize clearly you have no intent to read his application. Whenever you see his app you're probably thinking in your head "-SUPPORT -SUPPORT, LETS RUIN HIS DAY/WEEK." Please read his staff application through and if you have problems with him (in-game wise, example | maybe he has raided you before and you have not liked him ever since. Please think things through, and he has never advertised his staff app. How I saw his app was when I was scrolling through the forums and see the latest post, and now when I see that you are hating on his application (which is completely fine). But what is not fine is the fact that you are saying things that aren't true about him. "Still breaks rules", never really seen him break any rules and his last warn was a month ago which was before he become T-Mod. Over all, please watch what you say on some person's staff application and don't lie. It isn't good and you don't go that far while lying. -iReplacinq HUGE +SUPPORT Follows the rules Loves to role-play Knows the rules Good fit for staff Active player on the server He deserves his trial-mod back, he made a simple mistake that was fixed (Give him a chance)
    1 point
  16. No personal questions, please.
    1 point
  17. Community. During my time of staffing at Gaminglight, I have come to realize how much of a privilege it is to be part of this community. Being able to get home from school, sit down, crack open a soda and talk with other members of this community is amazing. Whenever I play on the server, I feel welcomed and overall happy. In the past, I have not truly been able to call myself a part of a community much like I have with this one, Gaminglight. The amount of devoted players, people and staff is lovely. Every time I am promoted within staff or a division, I feel as though I am actually making progress and being able to play a bigger role. Every day I meet new people and am able to socialize and get to know them. I think I can say this for much of the staff team, but seeing the progress and positive changes made every day is beautiful. Both to the server and smaller parts of it. Having a devoted EMT, SMT and JMT is one reason why I have and will continue to happily pour hours into the server and it's community. I want to thank everyone who has helped mold this community and continue to try their beast to make it a better place. I want to thank SMT for giving me this opportunity as staff as well as many other friends.
    1 point
  18. Sums up about every bank raid xD
    1 point
  19. After further investigation into this report, I've came to conclusion about what i should do about this. But before I get into it, I just wanna make some points and explain some stuff. Looks to me that Bobby got irritated because of the officers would not do their jobs properly and stay back and secure the area. I do understand that what Bobby said was a bit vulgar and demanding, which is why I've spoken to Bobby about fixing up his attitude towards others. I don't think Bobby should be warned here. Do also keep in mind that when asked by SWAT/CERT/SRT to stand down, they must comply. So really, it was a PD issue to begin with anyways. PD do tend to not listen to their higher ups or follow orders given by a tactical unit so I can understand the frustration that Bobby had during the situation. As for Andrew, due to multiple complaints/issues i've seen recently about him, he has been issued a strike for being unprofessional, being disrespectful to other departments, and not cooperating with others. He has been spoken to about this strike and he understands why it was given. I've told him to get his act together and fix the attitude towards other departments and he understands. For the warn request, I don't think it's really necessary for either of them , I've dealt with them both within the state department.
    1 point
  20. the only time you guys have killed tno's is during admin sits or by raiding multiple times within a few mins or calling a truce and then attacking. calling a truce and attacking was your favorite thing to do
    1 point
  21. Don’t tell me how to live my life
    1 point
  22. Your In-game: daft punk Your SteamID: dont kno The player's name in-game: fortnite name is Snorlax The player's steam name (If you know it): [gamnglit] snorlax [rank higher then zoopetin] What did the player do: rdm me on fortnite. we were playing playground LTM and we were going down a ramp, then he 1 pumped me and i lost my dual pisstols. i have emotional truama aswell as PTSD. I also lost my shield and my heavy shotgun, aswell as all my mats. so aboosive! Evidence (REQUIRED): snar deleted fortnite so i have none What do you believe should happen to the player: demotion, denotion, and deportion to owner
    1 point
  23. I made it warn about an hour before the restart. I will try to see if we can get closer times to the restart.
    1 point
  24. -Support -I’ve NEVER seen you online. -App could use some work. -Q15 isn’t right. -Very inactive forums account You should really improve your activity on both the forums and the server before attempting to join the staff team. But goodluck my guy!
    1 point
  25. I'm voting ArmyGuy His main focus is State and he actually sticks with State and does his job correctly. ArmyGuy deserves this more than anyone else does he is trustworthy and respectful to others. This guy shows a lot of dedication and a lot of responsibilities towards the department I feel like this guy deserves it because of certain reasons. ArmyGuy would be great for High Command here will do his best to make this department active and try his best to make this department 100% fun and professional. Good Luck ArmyGuy I hope you get it! (P.S) Even tho he is a Captain he deserves it more than anyone else does That he will show dedication and pride!
    1 point
  26. Sorry dude, but he’s not wrong.
    1 point
  27. -Support Warn is valid, roleplay it out next time. Maybe drop the money, then hold him at gunpoint (AFTER HE HOLSTERS HIS WEAPON.) or radio the description of his vehicle or how he looked, idk just roleplay it out.
    1 point
  28. Im gonna say that chief wouldn't do this -He's nice -Active -Kind -No way he's throwing his rank out the window to call someone the (N) word -Just Roleplayed with him today
    1 point
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