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Goat's Alpha-1 "Red Right Hand" Commander Application


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(Be prepared this won't be short.)


1. Name:


2. Current and former RP ranks:

SCP : Current Epsilon-11 Commander | Former Supervisory Agent

Imperial : Former High General | Former Death Trooper Commander | Former Shock Vice Commander

3. SteamID:


4. DiscordID :

Goat#8616 | 349376567551590400

5. What position are you applying for?(CMDR/LTCOM):


6. Why do you believe you are the best candidate for the Commander position?:
I believe I am the best candidate for the Commander Position due to all of my past experiences, my knowledge of the server both in and out of rp, along with my personality and ability to lead.

I have held Commander positions throughout 3 GamingLight branches/battalions, along with an Army High Command position on Imperial, which would be roughly equivalent to a Zone Manager. Outside of GamingLight I have held another 4 Commander styled positions, with each position being drastically different from the previous one. Every single Commander or higher position I have held has given me drastically unique perspectives on leadership and branch/battalion management which is very different from the previous, all of which compounds intensely giving me, in my honest opinion, the ability to adapt and lead any branch regardless of the branches objectives & rules. On top of this, one of the most important lessons I learned on Imperial was during my time as a High General. In this position I learned how to look for exceptional candidates to promote to HCMD positions along with the ability to read both sides of the coin in branch/battalion updates. As such my competence with effectively leading is unparalleled as I am fully capable of appointing and teaching individuals to become better command then they believe themselves to be, while also beneficially balancing updates and proposals to benefit all parties involved without stepping on toes or hurting anyone’s feelings.

As for my knowledge of the server, I have spent the entire last year dedicating myself to the server both in rp and out of it. Outside of that I do enjoy reading SCP lore and like to think I know my fair share of it. Out of RP I have reached the rank of Lead Admin due to my dedication to the server & its staffing stability. I wholeheartedly believe that all of my previous engagements & my dedication to the server prove that my knowledge of the servers content and idea base holds nothing but benefit towards my application.

Finally, to summarize why I believe I am the best candidate for the Commander Position. I believe that I am the best candidate due to my amount of previous experiences in relevant positions and all of the insight & experience they have taught me. I believe they have made me a truly exceptional command member capable of fluidly running any branch I set my mind to. With all of this in mind, and all the information to come, I truly believe I am the best candidate for this position.


7. What specific skills and qualities do you possess that make you competent enough to run the branch?:
I believe that I possess a large plethora of necessary Skills & Qualities required in a commander, even more so in the commander of a brand new branch. I believe all of the skills & qualities that I could bring to the table are: Character & Personality, Knowledge & Experience, Determination, and finally Responsibility. While I am continuing to learn and improve myself as a leader, I believe these qualities are completely necessary in a high command member.

- Character : As a command member you are expected to be approachable by both the members inside your branch and those from outside, you are expected to be a courteous individual capable of dealing with any issues that may arise with both professionalism & respect. I believe that I have proven myself to contain all of these qualities along with being an approachable individual. I strive to uphold myself as a respectable character that anyone can approach for help regardless of the topic.

“One of the most crucial traits for a High Command Member is their personality, something I believe I succeed in. I believe I am a very understanding and approachable person doing my best to assist any and all shock and those around me with anything they may need help with. I believe my actions as a command member prove that I have a personality & character fit for Army High Command. One of the most important reasons why I believe I can be trusted as a Vice Commander is my Personality and Character. I believe I have proven myself to be a very understandable and approachable person, taking time to listen to the concerns of those around me to better support them and the entirety of the battalion(s) we are in. I believe that I am capable of leading and assisting all those who serve alongside me in the Shock Security battalion. Finally when it comes to me as a person, and how my attitude and personality can impact the battalion, I believe I am a very kind and respected person. I have helped countless people with cross battalion issues involving DT and done my best to solve these issues with little to no conflict. I try my best to maintain a kind and respectful atmosphere for all DT so that no one feels left out or hurt, And I am constantly trying to use the suggestions and opinions from others to better the battalion. I believe myself to be a very approachable person, I am kind and will help anyone no matter who they are with almost anything they may need. I look towards everyone else for recommendations and ideas on how to improve my self and the battalion itself, because as an officer the opinions of those around you and below you matter the most, and as a commander it is even more important, since you are improving the battalion not just for your sake, but for everyone's.”
(Quoted from previous GamingLight Command applications to show who I am as an individual)


- Experience & Knowledge : An incredibly crucial quality of a commander, having the knowledge and experience of the position along with all it may affect. Not only do they need to know the rules & regulations of their branch, but they also need to have the knowledge to create & ensure all branch documentation is up to date. While my knowledge on Alpha-1 “Red Right Hand” might be limited to the way RRH works in the past year, my knowledge on documents, as evident from my time in command, is vast & inexpensible. I have in many cases created entirely new documents for branches to compliment new or changing rules. As evident from the new Epsilon-11 sop, the Delta-4 sop, along with a multitude of documents outside these branches, I have the necessary knowledge to create & uphold docs and much much more. On top of this, with my position in staff, I have a general understanding on how most other branches work, which further improves my ability to lead Alpha-1. On top of this, Experience is a crucial component in High Command, and its role in new branches is even more crucial. As stated above, I hold a vast plethora of command experience in the Gaming Light community, with even more experience outside of it. I have held command positions in branches/battalions, each with their own objectives & goals. All of my past experience has done nothing short of bolstering my adaptability capabilities and experience to take a position in any role and effectively learn the position and take charge. All of my previous experience has some amount of direct resemblance to Alpha-1. Epsilon-11 is a SCP MTF tasked with SCP containment, GOI Combating, and many other tasks. High General & Army High Command on ImperialRP gave me a unique perspective on leadership & oversight which further improved my ability to lead & effectively command a branch regardless of who may be in it, or what role the branch may play. During my tenure as Vice Commander in Shock, I further improved my abilities to accurately enforce rules & create RP around such scenarios, which directly corresponds to A-1. Finally, as the Commander of Death Troopers, where our primary job was to protect personnel, I learned how crucial it is to follow & uphold codes & rules, which plays a massive role in Alpha-1. All of my previous experience and the knowledge I possess, fully prepares me for this new position, and accurately places me as a valuable candidate.

“I believe my prior command experience in Epsilon-11, Imperial-RP High Command, two separate Imperial-RP battalions; Reaching Vice Commander in Epsilon-11, High General in the Army High Command team, Commander in the Death Trooper Battalion & Vice Commander in the Shock Security Battalion, along with Command experience in multiple battalions outside of GamingLight; prove I can be trusted for this position as I have a vast quantity of knowledge and experience that would allow me to greatly bolster and support the Chaos Insurgency Research and Development Command team as a whole. As a Current Epsilon-11 Vice Commander I am familiarizing myself with this server's Command structure while simultaneously benefiting E11 as a whole. During my time as a High General in Army High Command, I learned what it meant to lead large groups of people with their own agendas and ideas, and how to accurately and properly use these ideas and ensure they are efficient and benefit as many parties as possible. Also my skills and insight on individuals personal performance was greatly molded as I was in charge of choosing the next candidates for the Army Low Command Team (Vice Commander > Senior Commander), this greatly improves how I am able to view an individual's performance and safely determine if they are a good fit for a certain position, a skill incredibly beneficial to Command members. During my time in the Death Trooper Battalion, with assistance from my fellow Naval Command members, I reworked the DT Documents into a newer more streamlined system that I believe is more user friendly and utilizes a more pleasing appearance. I also, with assistance from Army High Command, helped rework the Shock Documents to a more user-friendly streamlined system that benefited Shock members of all ranks. I believe these feats/changes along with my time and actions as command prove my experiences and knowledge make me trustworthy for Army High Command. “Unlike other applicants, I have served in a command capacity in other battalions on GamingLight ImperialRP reaching the rank of Commander in the Death Trooper battalion, During this time I believe I set a good example of what it means to be a commander and truthfully fulfilled my definition and idea of a good commander. I gained experience on how GL Command operates and works both in the server and outside. I have shown that I am capable of updating the roster and ensuring all relevant documents are in pristine condition to further support the battalion. Prior to GamingLight I served as Commander Fox of the Coruscant Guard/Shock Trooper battalion on a Clone Wars RP server, thus giving me a deeper understanding of how Shock Battalions operate and how to create and manage documents for one. I believe that all of my prior experiences inside GamingLight and outside prove that I have relevant and necessary experience to lead the Shock Security Battalion. Since I have reached the rank of VCDMR, I have learned the inner workings of a Command position on this server and what is required of a command member. I have since gained insight and experience on what it means to be a commander. I also have a plethora of relevant Command and DeathTrooper experience outside of my time as a VCMDR. “While I don’t have any Commander or Command position leadership in GamingLight, I do have Command and Commander experience outside of GamingLight. Inside of GamingLight I have been an NCO in DT twice, once under Fingers and Odin, and the other under Jess and Ducks, I am now an officer and have been for a couple weeks. Outside of GamingLight, I worked my way up the ranks and eventually became the Commander of Shock/Coruscant Guard on a Clone Wars RP server, during which I rewrote the entirety of the Shock documents, including the SOP, Roster, and Tryout docs. I believe I have loads of relevant and necessary experience which would Greatly benefit the battalion.”
(Quoted from previous GamingLight Command applications to show who I am as an individual)


- Dedication : In order to effectively launch & lead a new branch, the commanding elements will need to show a level of dedication capable of meeting the needs of a growing branch. During my time on Imperial as well as my current serving time on SCP, I have shown levels of Dedication on and off the server which supports my ability to lead a branch of this caliber. I am available at almost any time on discord, and even own the mobile TS app allowing me to get into TS even when i'm not at my computer. Even when I'm not on the server, I am always looking into and possibly even working on documents or ideas for my branch, and this quality has consisted in previous command experiences on Imperial as well. I am confident my dedication to the branch will be unmatched, evident by both my dedication to Epsilon-11 along with the positions before.

“Outside of my previous 2 year long trek on Imperial-RP, I have been on and off SCP-RP for almost a year now, having seen a large variety of command members and a brief glimpse of how they operate in and out of branches. During my 2 year trek on Imperial-RP I only ever took breaks to focus on school and personal matters. These breaks have allowed me to learn how to balance my personal and school life with GamingLight meaning I won't need to take long breaks harming my fellow Command members or the branch as a whole. In my time as Vice Commander in Shock, I believe I further proved how Dedicated I was to the server and the battalions I serve. I was constantly talking and communicating with some of my fellow shock troopers and Army Command members in discord, and even hopped into TeamSpeak3 calls and meetings while at work. I made every effort I could to assist and better shock, along with any battalion I was in regardless of whether I was on the server or not. I believe these qualities along with my actions as a Command Member prove I am dedicated enough for Initiate Inspector. Although I did take a month and a half break from the server, I previously dedicated a consistent amount of time to the DT battalion, and believe I have already shown a consistent level of dedication in the short time I have been in the shock battalion. I have even received High Command permission to transfer my DT reserves to: upon activation: reach a rank high enough to truly benefit the battalion. With all of this in mind I believe I can confidently say that I am Dedicated enough to effectively lead the Shock Security battalion as a Vice Commander. “I have and continue to put forth a large majority of time to the battalion, While not on the server I am almost always reachable in Discord and can occasionally hop into TeamSpeak when needed. I do my best to attend every meeting from DT meetings to command meetings, whether I am at work or at home. And while my overall time on the server has gone down as of the past month, I still average around 4 hours daily on the server, and countless hours in the discord.”
(Quoted from previous GamingLight Command applications to show who I am as an individual)


- Responsibility : The final, and possibly the most crucial quality needed in a rising branch is Responsibility, both towards themselves and those below. Time and time again I have shown a level of responsibility that far surpasses the expectation. Not only do I hold myself responsible for any mistakes or issues which I make either directly or indirectly, I strive to help hold the rest of my branch responsible, and I hold no hesitation when doing so. I use my own personal beliefs to help shape my judgment and effectively reprimand those who cross a line, while also maintaining a level of leniency which doesn't become an expectation but allows outstanding members to relax & truly take a breather when it's needed. As a Command member you should be fully capable of holding anyone & everyone responsible but still have the ability to treat your command members with respect and care.  


8. How do you plan on running the branch?:
As this branch is entirely new, it will require a level of attention & care which hasn’t been seen on the server since the launch of Delta-5. As such my plan for running the branch would be mainly based around an idea of increasing the reputation of the branch in nothing but a positive light while creating an environment that its members can enjoy and flourish in. I plan on holding every member to a very strict T, myself included, not tolerating any amount of hate, disrespect, slander, or toxicity regardless of whom it may be directed towards. I would work on building a respectable branch which seems both elusive & secretive but allows for its members to truly enjoy their time while playing. To put it bluntly, I fully plan on trying to create a serious environment where everyone on the outside can enjoy a new type of RP, while those inside can fully enjoy all of the benefits of the branch & feel at home with a group of individuals whom they enjoy playing with. As this branch would be exclusive & difficult to get into, I would try my hardest and make it a true goal to encourage everyone in the branch regardless of rank to be a very tight knit group where everyone is friends with everyone. However with all of this being said, I have no intentions on making the branch anything more than a game. Everyone in the branch would have expectations, and I would hold them to said expectations, however I would encourage them to build friendships & have fun while doing so. 

I would also like to add, that while I would be a HCMD member within the branch, I don’t plan on sharing any plans or ideas I have regarding changes within Alpha-1 solely because I, along with everyone else, is on the dark on how A-1 will work, as such I will leave out any potential ideas or changes I would like to see made to avoid promises which can’t be kept and that alike.


9. How will you maintain strong relationships and communication with other branches?:
As this branch is entirely new, creating lasting & strong relations with other branches is one of the most crucial components in launching this branch. To maintain respect with other branches, while not compromising the integrity of cross-branch relations, I would ensure all changes & proposals are effectively communicated with other branch HCMD, while also creating positive interactions with members of all branches through PTs, and other trainings. On the side of High Command, I would actively use the High Command chats to interact and discuss the impact Alpha-1 has on all the other branches and see if there are any issues or complaints. Outside of direct HCMD-only discussions, I would actively try and listen to OOC chats and other chats to see the general ideas and thoughts on A-1 and use them as a guide for ways to improve the branch. Overall, communication is one of the most crucial aspects of anything in life, and as such doing something as simple as just listening to others goes a long way. I would strive to make sure that myself and all my officers are constantly listening to anyone and everyone to ensure A-1 develops a memorable persona of being a well oiled branch that effectively listens & communicates with everyone.

Another thing I would try and build is positive interactions with other SFs, with Alpha-1 being as elite and secretive as it is, creating lasting relationships with other SFs would be overly beneficial as these groups would be the most common interactive group for A-1. In order to facilitate such a relationship, I would encourage the branch and all its members to host and participate in SF PTs and other operations and such, while also encouraging them to commonly interact and spend time with these individuals.




To end this application here, I think this is good enough, I do appreciate any and all support and/or comments anyone may believe to be true. Regardless of the outcome of this application I will strive to take any comments into account to better myself as a command member.

I do not wish to put down or harm the feelings of any other command member with this application. If I have done such a thing I truly apologize, please contact me so we can discuss in detail, if you are feeling up for it.

(3,551 words by the way)
(I ain't readin all dat)


Edited by Goat
Gotta include it for the meme
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|   Head Administrator  |  Director of Intelligence  |

| Death Trooper Commander Epsilon-11 Commander Alpha-1 Commander High General Goat | Shock Vice Commander |

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besides all the jokes i've made on the other applications i think that you are actually the most fit candidate that has made an application for A1 CMDR, I also aint reading all that so yeah the only downside is that E-11 will lose their commander!!!11! 

Freedom at last.

Former: Assistant Inspector, Head of Longshot, Research Assistant Supervisor & Operations Supervisor, G.O.C. Officer & Head of bulldozers, CI COL, EOI D-2, DJ

Former: Scout Captain, Second Lieutenant, Senior Crewman, Storm Commando Captain.

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39 minutes ago, Tazza said:


besides all the jokes i've made on the other applications i think that you are actually the most fit candidate that has made an application for A1 CMDR, I also aint reading all that so yeah the only downside is that E-11 will lose their commander!!!11! 


MTF Delta-5: OFTO CMDR Shadows SHDW, G9  GT1, DO Agent New York, CTF ODIR Polaris OC01, Overseer Raptor Operative/Creator of Raptor Operative's  MTF Alpha-1 COL Ghost | OH-1 Guardian Squadron/Salvus Unit Sierra 11 (1st Salvus) | A-1 Guardian Sierra-11
Imperial Commandos: CPT 0939 Shadows, SSVL, HCO, IC-4461: Maroon, ES-04 | Purge Troopers/Inquisitorious: CPL Shadows SH39 , Apprentice IV Shadows

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1 hour ago, Goat said:

I have helped countless people with cross battalion issues involving DT and done my best to solve these issues with little to no conflict.

you did nothing in DT

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Now this is a long application, I did read the whole thing and man is it a lot of information. 

I will be giving your application a + Rep you have a lot of knowledge of the community, however you would be leaving E11 and that would be very sad, however I can see what some people’s concerns are. (Remember everyone this application process is for everyone). I feel like your replacement as any HCMD replacement would need would be some guidance, however if you do get accepted and must leave E11, I feel like it would be figured out in the end. I trust the process of what Site Admin and SMT do when it comes to new branches like this. 

Good Luck Goat! 

 “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” ― Mahatma Gandhi 

Retired Director of Intelligence(2023) &  Former Epsilon-11 Commander (2020/2023)

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2 hours ago, Tazza said:


besides all the jokes i've made on the other applications i think that you are actually the most fit candidate that has made an application for A1 CMDR, I also aint reading all that so yeah the only downside is that E-11 will lose their commander!!!11! 


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7 hours ago, Tazza said:


besides all the jokes i've made on the other applications i think that you are actually the most fit candidate that has made an application for A1 CMDR, I also aint reading all that so yeah the only downside is that E-11 will lose their commander!!!11! 


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7 hours ago, CyClone said:

wait. so if you are accepted, you step down as e11 commander? Idk if you said it im not reading a 3000 word essay but why would you apply for commander if you're already a commander? wouldnt you just be ditching you're job as commander in e11?

Yea personally I would want u to stay E11 commander because either way your really up next for DoTF I’d Rather you stay E11 CMDR now and see you as our overseer despite the jokes we make back in forth. BUT I will say this I will give you my +support

Retired Nu-7 Vice Commander Pure

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9 hours ago, Tazza said:


besides all the jokes i've made on the other applications i think that you are actually the most fit candidate that has made an application for A1 CMDR, I also aint reading all that so yeah the only downside is that E-11 will lose their commander!!!11! 


ALL EX: bobawhy/oni/sukuna

current ranks: ci lcmd | a-1 enlisted | certified dumbass  event team member | moderator

ex-ranks: scp-rp senior moderator event team member | police-rp moderator | research lcmd

we dont talk about my time as omega-1 lt-cmdr that never happened

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Massive +Support


This guy is so unbelievably qualified it’s just blatantly unfair for the rest of the applicants 🤩🤩


 Security Colonel Warden Legate Juggernaut Enforcer Research Administrator M.A.D. Site Operations Chief RRA Professor / MTF Delta-5 'Front Runners' Captain Veteran Raptor Operative / Internal Affairs Agency Assistant Director MTF Nu-7 'Hammer Down' Captain / Covert Agent / Deputy Head Field Training Officer / UN Global Occult Coalition Corporal Combat Medic Tactical Paramedic R&D Scientist  Marksman Recon Specialist / MTF Alpha-1 'Red Right Hand' Major Enforcer Squadron Lead

"We are the first line of defense. We are the first responders tasked to save those in danger. We have the responsibility to ensure the safety and well-being of all staff members. Because of that, you are the bravest men I have ever had the honor to serve with.”

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+/- Support  strongly leaning to + Support

Amazing HCMD, i have nothing, not even a little bad thing to bring up as a con but i'm giving +/- support because if this gets accepted E11 will lose a great HCMD!

Edited by Avalon Levi

 "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God" ~ Isaiah 41:10
Currently: Head Of Research | HOSM Sub-Zero | Ghost OA0 Emeritus Professor | R.A.U  Grand Commissioner 
Former: Security 1LT | Medical Supervisor | Moderator | Event Team Member 965374741_Designsemnome(14).png.95821f8db19c49555eea551835e2a17e.png

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4 hours ago, Avalon Levi said:

+/- Support  strongly leaning to + Support

Amazing HCMD, i have nothing, not even a little bad thing to bring up as a con but i'm giving +/- support because if this gets accepted E11 will lose a great HCMD!


DHOR Tyler I Event Team Leader [ETL] 

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19 hours ago, Avalon Levi said:

+/- Support  strongly leaning to + Support

Amazing HCMD, i have nothing, not even a little bad thing to bring up as a con but i'm giving +/- support because if this gets accepted E11 will lose a great HCMD!


Current:  Owner of "Freedom Fighters" CCPlatnium Donator Rank | Professional Gun Lover | Certified American


Former: SCP:RP Moderator | Security DHFTO 2LT American MTF NU7 SM Chaos Insurgency R&D AIN | Chaos Insurgency Military PVT |

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There are very few people I would even think of trusting to hand off this branch too. Only a small number that I would trust that I could almost count on one of my hands. This branch holds memories of many experience from my time on the server and I feel very protective of it. There is little doubt in my mind that Goat would be able to hand the responsibilities of said branch and excel in it. I only hope that they keep RRH's core values in mind when they do get it.

+ Support

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Man is literally the best possible pick for A1, (clearly because he was former EOI)

Get this man an A1 CMDR

Former SCPRP: CI R&D Chief Director of Operations || Research Administrator || RFA Operations Advisory || RRH Analyst Xray 77 || CI General || Senior Event Team || CI Lieutenant Commander || Exemplary Investigator Award Recipient || STF D4 Poseidon PL7 || A1 SPC "Quantum"

Former ImperialRP: Naval Captain || Security Director || GM VI 

Former PoliceRP:  EMS Captain || RRU Rapid Response Team Manager || FBI Assistant Director 

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goat definitely fits the qualifications for this rank
hes already a great hcmd for e11
application clearly has so much time and effort put into it

overall is an absolute beast and would do excellently in the position
itd be sad to see him leave e11, but he would definitely do a great job in A1



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please give me my family back.

i am always correct and will always be better than you

#JusticeForTrojan #SlideForRacc #:3

Former: Imperial High Command | Deathtrooper Senior CommanderSenior Admin | Senior Forum Diplomat | Support Member


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+support goat has brought E11 to a very active state and has shown that he knows how to run special forces and branches 

Former E11 Captain, D5 Sergeant, V1 [EOI], CI LT,  and Nu7 LT
Current E11 LCPL|Riot Shield Abuser|Cloak hater

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