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Biggus Dickus: Resignation from Gaminglight

Biggus Diggus

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Never once when I first saw the ad for Gaminglight and first loaded up the server did I think that I'd get as far as I did getting the Seventh Sister position, never mind meet so many great people along the way. 

Working, School, coursework, Exams, a new girlfriend etc have just made it impossible to continue my time in GL



Milkman - Was the first ever person who I talked to on gaminglight, was in the same purge tryout as me and got to the fine grand rank of LCPL in purge and then medical before resigning

BOP - very great dude :classic_cool:

Jaeger - The dude that promoted me to seventh sister, very cool 👍

Valoons - The one dude that made me laugh the most in the whole server, one of my favs, used to hate you tho, also knew you since I joined purge

Kashak - Knew you since I joined purge, I remember when I got removed for not filling out roll-call at LCPL because I joined purge after it was announced and you defended me and said "But I see him on everyday", hope you get SCMDR!!

Nimo: Was the dude that I appealed my removal due to roll-call being announced before I joined and added me back onto the roster - giga chad

Azreal - Very great funny dude, very dedicated and motivated to IQ and GM team, best of luck to your future, thank you for just being you

Azimov - Very dedicated to Purge&IQ, cool accent and personality in general is admirable, hope you the best irl and in game!

Dragon AKA Fennec - Awesome dude, known you as far as I can remember, will only ever think of your name as fennec tho

Lukas - Very great dude, have known you for as far as I can remember on the server, also got to LTC 2 times in purge and IQ, HOPE YOU GET COL/OVERSEER!

Walter - The very man that trained me for purge, always will remember you, great dude and I hope you the best in life

Killuabz - Didn't get to know you very much due to you resigning before I could get to know you better but I'm sure you were a great dude

Dank - Really very great dude, always made me smile and laugh. Hope you the best in life! Also the best High IQ ever.

Matrix: Grats on Admiral Garrick Versio, very chill dude, idk how we met but we cool

Rex - I think you're chill, forgot though since you've been on loa for a bit

Wraith - Great dude, very chill, seems like a very nice vice commander and a guy to talk to

MR. PC - Love this dude, Combat trained you for GM and look where you are now, hope you the best on your progress in the GM team. I do hope you become an Senior GM or even a Head GM at some point!

Chico - funny guy, inspired me to get to where I am in GM today!

Zefer - Seems like a very nice dude

Regent - Great guy, is in RG and I love RG since they guard you and stuff 

Name - Said I have till the end of the month to improve activity or I'll be removed but instead waited 3 days 😠😠😠😠😠😠 

Vertigo - very chilled out guy, always has been reliable for advice and help in my time in IQ

Kev - Great dude

Ducks - Never ever saw you on due to time zone

Pisces - mad man with like 45 tryouts and sims in like a day or 2

Seaman - very nice dude, you resigned a while ago and will likely never see this but you were a great inspiration to me during my time as a GM, also very helpful

Joint - very great dude, always was there when you needed him, hope you the best

BUB - Very great dude, very funny and laughable, someone i am proud to call a friend any day of the week

Hex - We haven't spoken rarely if not at all but you sound very nice and caring so I like you ❤️

Keegan - Was a very helpful Senior Game Master, loved by the team and more, submitted my mega event doc to you but you kinda forgot to review it and give me the go ahead but we cool dw dw

Striker - Didn't get to know you that well since you resigned before I could aswell, but still have heard good things about you so I hope you a good future

Rice - Very funny dude, always have liked you

Purge 2LT Finn - You got alot of potential in ya, you'd make a great commander one day

LUCIFER - Loved this dude and was sad to see you go, called me Mr Biggus and always helped me out with my broken skill points whenever I reset them too much, still don't know why you got blacklisted tho 🤷‍♂️ was my favourite SMT 100%!!

Purge SPC Judge - Was in the IQ general voice chat for 12 hours, mad respect

Astro - Chill dude, still remember when you was a lil baba purge brawler MSG

BON! - I took your GM sit to get emperor palatine's powers and you were really nice so I like you, besides that the only time I've ever seen you was when you were a general one time

Kitchan - Remember when you were a Purge 2LT, still think you were wrongly removed from purge tho

Milford - never spoke to you so idk what you were like before you resigned

Goat - Great dude, never really saw you alot due to timezone but from what I've seen of you you're a great dude

The Gaming Goat from SCP RP - Will miss your memes in the staff discord's meme channel, definitely has the best memes in that whole staff discord. Always never fails to make me laugh

Sainty - funny guy, hope you the best as ST VCMDR

Grim - Very awesome dude, got removed for inactivity as a Commander because he was grinding CSGO as sigma as he is

GRONK! - great dude 100%, resigned a while ago but i loved this dude

Raptor - Combat trained you for GM and helped me with my resignation event, hope you a good time in GM!
Bilf - Great dude, thank you for all the memories and fun we had together! Was great to call you a friend aswell




love you zeeptin for making these servers











Edited by Biggus Diggus
  • Gaminglight Love 4

Resigned ISB General Biggus Dickus

Resigned Seventh Sister Biggus Dickus

Resigned Purge COL Biggus Dickus FR01

Resigned GM X

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I am going to miss you. You made my time in Purge fun while you was here. Thanks for my part of the message and I hope I do have that and glad you saw that in me. I will miss you so fucking much and whenever you can or will come back to GL I will let you have my position on whatever I will be. You was one of the greatest command and I am gonna miss you for that. Good luck on your future and hope we will meet again on some sunny day within the ISD, even though we are in space. 
Stay strong-
2LT Finn

| Reaper |

 | Past/Present Positions:|
, RG V.Sov, MC Officer, Purge Officer.

season 5 episode 20 GIF by Star Wars

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Hey siri... play Marvin's Room by Drake... it's time to be in my feels 


Imma miss u Biggus<3 

and ill also miss that ghost that was never in the same room as you ❤️

Edited by Jacstur


Field Commander

First Ever IQ Branch Senior Commander(in SNRCMDR Program)

First ever No Helmet Second Sister 

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Sad to see you go Biggus, but I wish you the best in your personal life.

Go loud through the night,

Let the wind be thy chariot toward destiny,

The moonlight a beacon of hope,

The trees a cowl of safety.

Azimov ❤️

Edited by Maury
  • Gaminglight Love 1


Purge Vice Commander | Brawler-Division Overseer

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whos milford


Current: 47th Duelist Euronymous 501st CMDR Pisces
Previous: SHGO Senior Guard Kuiyn | 501st HVYAL CPT Pisces 2223 | AO SubLT Pisces | GM VIII | Shore CQB SSGT Pisces TK2223 | DT SSGT WC1 | SO Lieutenant Nova | Purge BAL MAJ Pisces GB12
Wanna see how I got these warns?"

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I'll miss you man



30 Second Darth Vader Kio

Stepped down General Kio |  Retired Dupe Builder for Army/Navy High Command | Last Ever Nova Senior Commander | Retired Assistant Head GameMaster | Admin | ST Vice Commander Revenant

Bleach Bankai GIF

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20 hours ago, Biggus Diggus said:

Keegan - Was a very helpful Senior Game Master, loved by the team and more, submitted my mega event doc to you but you kinda forgot to review it and give me the go ahead but we cool dw dw

Document approved 🤓

  • Thanks 1

Removed General Keegan

Former Medical Senior Commander Keegan 4571

Former ImperialRP Senior Admin

Former ImperialRP Senior Gamemaster

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Whilst I knew this was coming and I understand the business of your life you will always be known to be the best IQ partner I have had. I do hope to see you around now and again!


Former | High Inquisitor | Field Commander | Second Sister | Eighth Brother 

play piano GIF by Internet Cat Video Festival



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I DID infact see this, much love and honestly great to see! (Someone told me about it - Shoutout to Shadow)
Wishing you the best, we had tons of good memories together. Keep doing what you do 

  • Like 1

~With Care, Seaman 
Retired Grand Moff Tarkin
 Retired Head Gamemaster

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On 2/21/2022 at 5:09 PM, Biggus Diggus said:

Goat - Great dude, never really saw you alot due to timezone but from what I've seen of you you're a great dude

I never really got to meet you either man, but I've heard lots of good things ! Do take care and enjoy your life !

|   Head Administrator  |  Director of Intelligence  |

| Death Trooper Commander Epsilon-11 Commander Alpha-1 Commander High General Goat | Shock Vice Commander |

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You were a great overseer when I was Inquistorius! You did great events, sims, and everything as a GM. You will be missed brother!

OG DT TI-23 Marksmen V07 (Retired)
FormerSenior Gunnery Officer LX003, Lord I SilonDT 1LT DI3Imperial RP Moderator

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