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Zerg False Warn- Denied


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Your In-game: SWAT MSGT MiniEpic XK9

Your SteamID:STEAM_0:1:195322115


The admin's name in-game: Zerg


The admin's steam name (If you know it): STEAM_0:0:432389919


What warning did you receive: NLR


Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED):faabceffcd164c43285efcb92f9b4db9.thumb.png.130c865f6d6d3e35cd0785d51c770cb2.png


Why do you think this warn was false: I was on SWAT during the start of time of the warn, And I was shooting the "UwU" Family for shooting at peoples cars and then started shootout killed 3 of them. After that I was shot by thief and which was killed by him at Hosptail with striker, after I though I was off NLR so I did foot patrol around city because there was PD Meeting and which meant no Major crime at time. I go to Hospital and saw one of them with gun from my POV I thought I was off NLR from time stamp so I engage the person with Negav and at time i didn't know it was reset or either just guy shooting someone at hospital, Then I was meant by two people with guns in same family assist i kill one and other kills me. After all that I was meeted by Zerg in a sit for about 9 minutes or so and got warn for "NLR." The exact reason why I am appealing this is because the NLR time I had was "40 or 30 seconds" By BLOGS or Zerg and I felt like I could have gotten jail time or verbal, Now I understand I'm Senior Moderator but still yeah if you know where im coming down with "30 or 40 Seconds"

Any extra information: N/A


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Sorry but you said yourself the warn was valid

20 minutes ago, MiniEpic said:

I felt like I could have gotten jail time or verbal


State Command | SPRT Commander | PoliceRP Super Admin SS Agent | FBI Agent | Umbrella Corp Member

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Although it might of been just seconds 1 Minutes 7 seconds (see picture), that is still NLR. The Only reason I did warn you was because you are staff and should know the rules.


 PoliceRP SMTHead Admin | Head Of Support

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You are staff MiniEpic you should be the most cautious when it comes to following rules. I am glad Zerg upheld Staff to the correct standard.

Just a little note, please maybe revise the content of your appeal and format it in a way that is more organized and easier to read with proper grammar. It might help you be more persuasive in the future

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2 hours ago, Zerg said:


Although it might of been just seconds 1 Minutes 7 seconds (see picture), that is still NLR. The Only reason I did warn you was because you are staff and should know the rules.



Ex PoliceRP- Senior Admin & Senior Event Team Ex Support | Ex Fourm DiplomatEX SWAT Commander | EX UMC Mercenary Leader Ex OG General

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2 hours ago, Zerg said:


Although it might of been just seconds 1 Minutes 7 seconds (see picture), that is still NLR. The Only reason I did warn you was because you are staff and should know the rules.



Its Parry

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I get that miniepic always follows the rules and has a clean record, I wouldn't want a warn either. But he still broke the nlr rule.

It is up to zerg if he felt it was appropriate to give him a warn or not.

Edited by Earl Scruggs

DEA Low Command FBI SSA HRT OSC | Falcone Family Owner

Police RP Staff Event Team

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i gotta agree

everyone makes mistakes even staff so dont be ashamed since you got it 

either set an alarm for 3 mins or steer clear of the area until you know for sure

Retired Great Lake Side Police Deputy Chief of Police| Reserve PD Col | Rouge 141 operative| Harry Duke Member| Previous Senior Admin| Previous US Core VCMDR/ US Drill Instructors Commander/ US Military Police Chief/ Spetnaz Reserve 1LT.


 US GFH25 Delta Force Operative Chairman Designation A259 - SCO19 Chief Superintendent 

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4 hours ago, Zerg said:


Although it might of been just seconds 1 Minutes 7 seconds (see picture), that is still NLR. The Only reason I did warn you was because you are staff and should know the rules.


Sorry miniepic but it seems to be valid

〖   ImperialRP  〗
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5 hours ago, Zerg said:


Although it might of been just seconds 1 Minutes 7 seconds (see picture), that is still NLR. The Only reason I did warn you was because you are staff and should know the rules.



Killer | Gaminglight Member Since 2016 | Retired PD Colonel l State Major l SPRT Co-Commander l FBI Assistant Director l  UMC Level 4

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2 hours ago, Vice said:


i gotta agree

everyone makes mistakes even staff so dont be ashamed since you got it 

either set an alarm for 3 mins or steer clear of the area until you know for sure

Yeah -support on this. I’m sorry miniepic. But also. Once the timer goes off, I recommend also checking logs to double check. 



Member since September of 2018

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  • Head Admin


Though I do agree on the point that this could have been handled differently, it is staff's discretion at the end of the day, which based off the evidence and statements both party's made, would make it a valid warn.


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22 minutes ago, Will said:


Though I do agree on the point that this could have been handled differently, it is staff's discretion at the end of the day, which based off the evidence and statements both party's made, would make it a valid warn.

I do agree with what Will had to say but I do also believe MiniEpic wouldn't deserve a warning unless he knowingly broke NLR which when I talked with him it seemed like he already thought the NLR was over or not applicable at the time. I find a warning to be a little too serious of a punishment for what he did. So for me

No it's not "Nano" or "Noah" it's just "Nao"

EX S.W.A.T Commander

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20 hours ago, Zerg said:


Although it might of been just seconds 1 Minutes 7 seconds (see picture), that is still NLR. The Only reason I did warn you was because you are staff and should know the rules.



PoliceRP Ex CERT Commander 〗〖 Last Dispatch Director 
ImperialRP Ex Second Sister 〗〖 Ex Seventh Sister 
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22 hours ago, Zerg said:


Although it might of been just seconds 1 Minutes 7 seconds (see picture), that is still NLR. The Only reason I did warn you was because you are staff and should know the rules.



   SPRT Staff SGT                           OG SGT                                          State MSTRSGT                                          


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