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Giovanni's Senior Admin Application - Denied


Should I be made a Senior Admin?  

17 members have voted

  1. 1. Should I be made a Senior Admin?

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What is your in-game name?: Giovanni

What is your steam name?: [GL] Some Guy

What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:0:83366448

Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain): I have an extreme amount of experience staffing, having been Head of Staff on a DarkRP Server, Superadmin on a Sandbox Server, and various other positions in other communities.

What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly): August 23rd 2019

What date did you make your forums account?: August 26th 2019

Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)?: Event Admin

How many warns do you have on the server (Show proof with a screenshot)?: 0

Have you donated?: I have donated for Platinum, the SCP Job Pack, the Middle Finger Swep (nice), and a hatchet.

What rank are you applying for?: Senior Admin

Are you staff on another community (BE HONEST)?: No

Have you read the staff guidelines? You will be tested on it: Many times

Timezone: EST

Permission (Senior Moderator+ need this): Superadmin: Dogz, Badaim, Calamity, Catsro, Gamikzone  Head Admin: Hoovy Head of Staff: Rangiatea Manger: Igneous

Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum): I believe that I deserve Senior Admin due to my extreme dedication to the server, having reached over 7 weeks playtime within 7.8 months, which is an astoundingly high 21% of my time, including sleep. I believe I have shown my competence for the position due to both my time in staff, and showing responsibility through my position as Senior Event Team. In staff, I am not only extremely active, but extremely proficient. As a staff member, I have memorized most of the rules, being able to deal with any problems players have off the top of my head, allowing me to efficiently answer questions, punish rulebreakers, and deal with other various sits.

I have an extreme amount of experience with staffing and ULX. Using ULX is one of my strongest suits, having used it since about 4-5 years ago. I have at least 90% of commands memorized, and know almost every aspect of ULX. I believe that shows my proficiency and ability as a staff member.

I have also shown my availability as I have been easily contactable even when not on the server, I am always contactable through either teamspeak or discord, unless asleep. I have devoted myself to bettering the server, both online and offline.

 As a Senior Event Team, I hold a large number of things I do besides events, such as training or helping train new members, assisting in or sometimes doing Event Team Interviews (with supervision), and having much more power than a standard Event Team, but never going too far with it.

As a member of the community, I have created a large number of friends within the community, from a large number of branches. I also know the rules within branches, having been in almost every branch on the server, and reaching senior enlisted ranks within quite a few.

Finally is my position as a Branch Head. I am the Commander of Epsilon-11, and as the Commander, I not only have to manage enlisted, but I have to manage command and lower members of High Command. Having been a member of High Command for 123 days, or about four months, alongside staying active throughout those 123 days, while only going on LOA with  extreme reasoning, I believe this shows I am able to be trusted, and have the dedication for the power of Senior Admin.

How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you?: When receiving the report, I would bring the person who created it to a staff room. I would then proceed to bring the accused party to the staff room, where if they cursed at me, I would then tell them to stop, if they do not stop, I would gag them, then inform them of what they were accused of. I would then check logs for how many people they killed, and inform them of their punishment

The punishment would be a warning for NCWS | Staff Dis | MRDM and a ban depending on the number of players they killed randomly.

If they did stop, I would then proceed with the sit normally, and check logs for the number of players they killed randomly, and inform them of their punishment.

The punishment would be a warning for MRDM and a ban depending on the number of players they killed randomly.

Q1: You are involved in a staff sit that involves 5 different players. The players begin to get frustrated and the sit becomes very toxic and unproductive. What would you do in this situation?: In this situation, I would have all players stop talking. When they all stopped, I would ask all people involved to give me a brief part of their side of the story.

If I deemed a person irrelevant to the sit, I would return them, then continue on with the sit, listening to each party’s side independently. This is due to the fact that most of the time, a sit will not need a large amount of players within it, almost never more than 3, so I would lower it to only required people within the sit.

If anyone refused to stop talking when asked, I would most likely gag them, and inform them that they would be receiving a warn for NCWS if they continued. I would then ungag them, and if they continue, I would warn them for NCWS, give them a 5 minute gag, and remove them from the sit.

Q2: In your opinion, what is the best way to handle a situation involving a player that clearly does not care about the punishments they are receiving?:

I would tell the player about the consequences of getting warnings, and how it can change their ability to join many things, such as command, the staff team, and the event team. I would also inform them on how a large amount of warns can also cause large punishments up to a permanent ban. I would also explain how all bans and warns within the community are permanently recorded underneath your name, and anyone can see them through the forums, which can lead to people's opinions of you changing extremely easily.

Q3: There is a player abusing a known bug, and he has been reported to staff. He swears he followed the server rules when you talk with him. What's the best way to handle this?:

As I am given evidence of them abusing the bug, I would bring them to a staff room. I would then proceed to tell them about how I got a report of them abusing a glitch, and tell them I have evidence of them doing it. If he told me that he was following server rules, I would then inform him that he is receiving a warn for lying to staff and exploiting, then administer a 300 second jail. I would then inform him that if he leaves, it will result in a ban. I would then tell him that lying to staff can lead to larger punishments.


Warns Proof.PNG

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Retired E11 CMDR | Retired Admin | CI CPT |  Event Team Member

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+ Support

Giovanni from everything I have seen is an amazing member of staff, event team, and in E-11. I have seen Giovanni in action and I can't begin to think of anything that didn't result in the correct solution. He does nothing but better GamingLight Communities. Whenever he is inside or outside of the community with the [GL] In his name he represents it well. If he ever does anything anywhere outside or inside of the community, it is always good and he gives GamingLight Community a great name. 

Giovanni as Staff Member.
I have had several encounters with Giovanni as a staff member and everything he does is always in the right decision, even if it is to a friend, if they break the rules he deals with them accordingly. Doing this to friends is hard, but he enforces the rules and he does what has to be done, and he doesn't hesitate to do it. This shows that as a Staff Member he knows his guidelines and he knows what he has to do, even if he doesn't want to. Giovanni is a top tier staff member because I feel like some other staff members would just let it slide with their friends and give them a warning. but Gio does it for the community and makes it a better place.

Giovanni as a Event Team Member.
Every event that Giovanni has done, ever since I have been around, has been some of the best that I enjoy, and there are several other people that would say the same thing. The events he has done and the amount of support he has for the events, he does not only means he is a great Event Team Member, but he really cares for the community like a real Event Team Member should do, he does it for the community not because it is his job to do them, it is because he enjoys them. 

Giovanni as Epsilon-11 Commander.
To begin this, when I was a Captain (before I had to go on reserves) in Epsilon-11 Giovanni was a Corporal, when he first joined this branch I recognized him as a person that did not only enjoy playing on the job but what I saw in him was him being an amazing Command Member in Epsilon-11. I was excited to see what he would do when he became apart of the Epsilon-11 Command Team, but then I had to resign from my position for a while, and when I came back Gh0pit was CMDR Of Epsilon-11, and then he left and it was up to Giovanni as Vice Commander of Epsilon-11, and ever since Giovanni has taken over the branch as Epsilon-11 Commander (not to discredit any past Commanders for Epsilon-11 you all did great!) he has done nothing but good for the branch. Recently he had made a phenomenal branch update that so far I don't think many has disliked, he has run Epsilon-11 not only while managing Lower Command but with Lower Command, he talks to Low Command about a lot with the branch unless it is for only High Command+ he manages and works on Epsilon-11 Like no one else that I have seen in the past. He is very dedicated and has great intentions for Epsilon-11 to help better improve the RP experience for all in and out of the branch. 

 “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” ― Mahatma Gandhi 

Retired Director of Intelligence(2023) &  Former Epsilon-11 Commander (2020/2023)

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Giovanni is one of the most active staff members I have seen on the server and on the TeamSpeak. He is dedicated and motivated to what he does, and is extremely knowledgeable.

SCP-RP - Former Assistant Head of Research | Former OMI-9 2LT | Former GenSec 2LT


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7 hours ago, Mr. NoPlay said:

+ Support

Giovanni from everything I have seen is an amazing member of staff, event team, and in E-11. I have seen Giovanni in action and I can't begin to think of anything that didn't result in the correct solution. He does nothing but better GamingLight Communities. Whenever he is inside or outside of the community with the [GL] In his name he represents it well. If he ever does anything anywhere outside or inside of the community, it is always good and he gives GamingLight Community a great name. 

Giovanni as Staff Member.
I have had several encounters with Giovanni as a staff member and everything he does is always in the right decision, even if it is to a friend, if they break the rules he deals with them accordingly. Doing this to friends is hard, but he enforces the rules and he does what has to be done, and he doesn't hesitate to do it. This shows that as a Staff Member he knows his guidelines and he knows what he has to do, even if he doesn't want to. Giovanni is a top tier staff member because I feel like some other staff members would just let it slide with their friends and give them a warning. but Gio does it for the community and makes it a better place.

Giovanni as a Event Team Member.
Every event that Giovanni has done, ever since I have been around, has been some of the best that I enjoy, and there are several other people that would say the same thing. The events he has done and the amount of support he has for the events, he does not only means he is a great Event Team Member, but he really cares for the community like a real Event Team Member should do, he does it for the community not because it is his job to do them, it is because he enjoys them. 

Giovanni as Epsilon-11 Commander.
To begin this, when I was a Captain (before I had to go on reserves) in Epsilon-11 Giovanni was a Corporal, when he first joined this branch I recognized him as a person that did not only enjoy playing on the job but what I saw in him was him being an amazing Command Member in Epsilon-11. I was excited to see what he would do when he became apart of the Epsilon-11 Command Team, but then I had to resign from my position for a while, and when I came back Gh0pit was CMDR Of Epsilon-11, and then he left and it was up to Giovanni as Vice Commander of Epsilon-11, and ever since Giovanni has taken over the branch as Epsilon-11 Commander (not to discredit any past Commanders for Epsilon-11 you all did great!) he has done nothing but good for the branch. Recently he had made a phenomenal branch update that so far I don't think many has disliked, he has run Epsilon-11 not only while managing Lower Command but with Lower Command, he talks to Low Command about a lot with the branch unless it is for only High Command+ he manages and works on Epsilon-11 Like no one else that I have seen in the past. He is very dedicated and has great intentions for Epsilon-11 to help better improve the RP experience for all in and out of the branch. 

POGCHAMP Commander.

Really mature and helpful, totally deserves the rank


SCP-RP: Commander of Epsilon-11 || Chaos Insurgency Captain || Senior Admin ||  Forums Diplomat || Rho-36 Arcane Autonomous Scout ||

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10 hours ago, Your Local Soviet said:


Giovanni is one of the most active staff members I have seen on the server and on the TeamSpeak. He is dedicated and motivated to what he does, and is extremely knowledgeable.


Retired Imperial RP Super Admin and Grand General


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11 hours ago, Your Local Soviet said:


Giovanni is one of the most active staff members I have seen on the server and on the TeamSpeak. He is dedicated and motivated to what he does, and is extremely knowledgeable.


Couldn't of said it better 

The United Kingdom, made up of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, is an island nation in north-western Europe. England – birthplace of Shakespeare and The Beatles – is home to the capital, London, a globally influential centre of finance and culture. England is also site of Neolithic Stonehenge, Bath’s Roman spa and centuries-old universities at Oxford and Cambridge.

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12 hours ago, Mr. NoPlay said:

+ Support

Giovanni from everything I have seen is an amazing member of staff, event team, and in E-11. I have seen Giovanni in action and I can't begin to think of anything that didn't result in the correct solution. He does nothing but better GamingLight Communities. Whenever he is inside or outside of the community with the [GL] In his name he represents it well. If he ever does anything anywhere outside or inside of the community, it is always good and he gives GamingLight Community a great name. 

Giovanni as Staff Member.
I have had several encounters with Giovanni as a staff member and everything he does is always in the right decision, even if it is to a friend, if they break the rules he deals with them accordingly. Doing this to friends is hard, but he enforces the rules and he does what has to be done, and he doesn't hesitate to do it. This shows that as a Staff Member he knows his guidelines and he knows what he has to do, even if he doesn't want to. Giovanni is a top tier staff member because I feel like some other staff members would just let it slide with their friends and give them a warning. but Gio does it for the community and makes it a better place.

Giovanni as a Event Team Member.
Every event that Giovanni has done, ever since I have been around, has been some of the best that I enjoy, and there are several other people that would say the same thing. The events he has done and the amount of support he has for the events, he does not only means he is a great Event Team Member, but he really cares for the community like a real Event Team Member should do, he does it for the community not because it is his job to do them, it is because he enjoys them. 

Giovanni as Epsilon-11 Commander.
To begin this, when I was a Captain (before I had to go on reserves) in Epsilon-11 Giovanni was a Corporal, when he first joined this branch I recognized him as a person that did not only enjoy playing on the job but what I saw in him was him being an amazing Command Member in Epsilon-11. I was excited to see what he would do when he became apart of the Epsilon-11 Command Team, but then I had to resign from my position for a while, and when I came back Gh0pit was CMDR Of Epsilon-11, and then he left and it was up to Giovanni as Vice Commander of Epsilon-11, and ever since Giovanni has taken over the branch as Epsilon-11 Commander (not to discredit any past Commanders for Epsilon-11 you all did great!) he has done nothing but good for the branch. Recently he had made a phenomenal branch update that so far I don't think many has disliked, he has run Epsilon-11 not only while managing Lower Command but with Lower Command, he talks to Low Command about a lot with the branch unless it is for only High Command+ he manages and works on Epsilon-11 Like no one else that I have seen in the past. He is very dedicated and has great intentions for Epsilon-11 to help better improve the RP experience for all in and out of the branch. 

my man

EX. Ninth Sister, EX. Shock VCMDR, EX E-11 LT, EX General Grevious, EX Senate VCMDR EX Minge      Member Since October 2016                                                            Contact me on Discord @Frozty#5501 for any questions or concerns 

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11 hours ago, Bread said:

Good staff member and a good application.
Has been admin for the bare minimum time.

He's a really good staff member, but he's only been admin for the minimum 40 days.

 SCPRP Director of Logistics, Event TeamFormer Nu7 2LT, Former Senior Admin

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Gio is an extremely reliable and dedicated staff member, and I believe he sets an excellent example for anyone currently working or considering working on staff team.

O5-9: "Misfortune"  A.K.A.  "Mr. Unlucky"

"Accidents Happen-- Mostly to me!"


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19 hours ago, Mr. NoPlay said:

+ Support

Giovanni from everything I have seen is an amazing member of staff, event team, and in E-11. I have seen Giovanni in action and I can't begin to think of anything that didn't result in the correct solution. He does nothing but better GamingLight Communities. Whenever he is inside or outside of the community with the [GL] In his name he represents it well. If he ever does anything anywhere outside or inside of the community, it is always good and he gives GamingLight Community a great name. 

Giovanni as Staff Member.
I have had several encounters with Giovanni as a staff member and everything he does is always in the right decision, even if it is to a friend, if they break the rules he deals with them accordingly. Doing this to friends is hard, but he enforces the rules and he does what has to be done, and he doesn't hesitate to do it. This shows that as a Staff Member he knows his guidelines and he knows what he has to do, even if he doesn't want to. Giovanni is a top tier staff member because I feel like some other staff members would just let it slide with their friends and give them a warning. but Gio does it for the community and makes it a better place.

Giovanni as a Event Team Member.
Every event that Giovanni has done, ever since I have been around, has been some of the best that I enjoy, and there are several other people that would say the same thing. The events he has done and the amount of support he has for the events, he does not only means he is a great Event Team Member, but he really cares for the community like a real Event Team Member should do, he does it for the community not because it is his job to do them, it is because he enjoys them. 

Giovanni as Epsilon-11 Commander.
To begin this, when I was a Captain (before I had to go on reserves) in Epsilon-11 Giovanni was a Corporal, when he first joined this branch I recognized him as a person that did not only enjoy playing on the job but what I saw in him was him being an amazing Command Member in Epsilon-11. I was excited to see what he would do when he became apart of the Epsilon-11 Command Team, but then I had to resign from my position for a while, and when I came back Gh0pit was CMDR Of Epsilon-11, and then he left and it was up to Giovanni as Vice Commander of Epsilon-11, and ever since Giovanni has taken over the branch as Epsilon-11 Commander (not to discredit any past Commanders for Epsilon-11 you all did great!) he has done nothing but good for the branch. Recently he had made a phenomenal branch update that so far I don't think many has disliked, he has run Epsilon-11 not only while managing Lower Command but with Lower Command, he talks to Low Command about a lot with the branch unless it is for only High Command+ he manages and works on Epsilon-11 Like no one else that I have seen in the past. He is very dedicated and has great intentions for Epsilon-11 to help better improve the RP experience for all in and out of the branch. 

+Support, Couldn't have said it any better.

 Retired CI LTCMDR | Proud Enuzer | Roblox Pro

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On 4/21/2020 at 11:03 PM, Mr. NoPlay said:

+ Support

Giovanni from everything I have seen is an amazing member of staff, event team, and in E-11. I have seen Giovanni in action and I can't begin to think of anything that didn't result in the correct solution. He does nothing but better GamingLight Communities. Whenever he is inside or outside of the community with the [GL] In his name he represents it well. If he ever does anything anywhere outside or inside of the community, it is always good and he gives GamingLight Community a great name. 

Giovanni as Staff Member.
I have had several encounters with Giovanni as a staff member and everything he does is always in the right decision, even if it is to a friend, if they break the rules he deals with them accordingly. Doing this to friends is hard, but he enforces the rules and he does what has to be done, and he doesn't hesitate to do it. This shows that as a Staff Member he knows his guidelines and he knows what he has to do, even if he doesn't want to. Giovanni is a top tier staff member because I feel like some other staff members would just let it slide with their friends and give them a warning. but Gio does it for the community and makes it a better place.

Giovanni as a Event Team Member.
Every event that Giovanni has done, ever since I have been around, has been some of the best that I enjoy, and there are several other people that would say the same thing. The events he has done and the amount of support he has for the events, he does not only means he is a great Event Team Member, but he really cares for the community like a real Event Team Member should do, he does it for the community not because it is his job to do them, it is because he enjoys them. 

Giovanni as Epsilon-11 Commander.
To begin this, when I was a Captain (before I had to go on reserves) in Epsilon-11 Giovanni was a Corporal, when he first joined this branch I recognized him as a person that did not only enjoy playing on the job but what I saw in him was him being an amazing Command Member in Epsilon-11. I was excited to see what he would do when he became apart of the Epsilon-11 Command Team, but then I had to resign from my position for a while, and when I came back Gh0pit was CMDR Of Epsilon-11, and then he left and it was up to Giovanni as Vice Commander of Epsilon-11, and ever since Giovanni has taken over the branch as Epsilon-11 Commander (not to discredit any past Commanders for Epsilon-11 you all did great!) he has done nothing but good for the branch. Recently he had made a phenomenal branch update that so far I don't think many has disliked, he has run Epsilon-11 not only while managing Lower Command but with Lower Command, he talks to Low Command about a lot with the branch unless it is for only High Command+ he manages and works on Epsilon-11 Like no one else that I have seen in the past. He is very dedicated and has great intentions for Epsilon-11 to help better improve the RP experience for all in and out of the branch. 




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+ Support 

Dont make me go over 100 reasons why gio is deserving of this title 

19 minutes ago, Bionicle said:



SCP-RP - Former: Moderator/ETSecurity SFTO SM, Research Researcher, MTF Alpha-1 Sgt, MTF Alpha-1 "Alpha-6", Noob-7 CplD5 RCT, R&D SIN, T-2 Blackjack, HFR, DHBI and E-11 DoFTO HCE SM | Current: CI Military DHLS SFTO SM 

Imperial-RP - Former - ModeratorRoyal Guard Senior Guard, Shadow Guard Lead, Stormtrooper 2LT, 501st MSG

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On 4/22/2020 at 6:03 AM, Mr. NoPlay said:

+ Support

Giovanni from everything I have seen is an amazing member of staff, event team, and in E-11. I have seen Giovanni in action and I can't begin to think of anything that didn't result in the correct solution. He does nothing but better GamingLight Communities. Whenever he is inside or outside of the community with the [GL] In his name he represents it well. If he ever does anything anywhere outside or inside of the community, it is always good and he gives GamingLight Community a great name. 

Giovanni as Staff Member.
I have had several encounters with Giovanni as a staff member and everything he does is always in the right decision, even if it is to a friend, if they break the rules he deals with them accordingly. Doing this to friends is hard, but he enforces the rules and he does what has to be done, and he doesn't hesitate to do it. This shows that as a Staff Member he knows his guidelines and he knows what he has to do, even if he doesn't want to. Giovanni is a top tier staff member because I feel like some other staff members would just let it slide with their friends and give them a warning. but Gio does it for the community and makes it a better place.

Giovanni as a Event Team Member.
Every event that Giovanni has done, ever since I have been around, has been some of the best that I enjoy, and there are several other people that would say the same thing. The events he has done and the amount of support he has for the events, he does not only means he is a great Event Team Member, but he really cares for the community like a real Event Team Member should do, he does it for the community not because it is his job to do them, it is because he enjoys them. 

Giovanni as Epsilon-11 Commander.
To begin this, when I was a Captain (before I had to go on reserves) in Epsilon-11 Giovanni was a Corporal, when he first joined this branch I recognized him as a person that did not only enjoy playing on the job but what I saw in him was him being an amazing Command Member in Epsilon-11. I was excited to see what he would do when he became apart of the Epsilon-11 Command Team, but then I had to resign from my position for a while, and when I came back Gh0pit was CMDR Of Epsilon-11, and then he left and it was up to Giovanni as Vice Commander of Epsilon-11, and ever since Giovanni has taken over the branch as Epsilon-11 Commander (not to discredit any past Commanders for Epsilon-11 you all did great!) he has done nothing but good for the branch. Recently he had made a phenomenal branch update that so far I don't think many has disliked, he has run Epsilon-11 not only while managing Lower Command but with Lower Command, he talks to Low Command about a lot with the branch unless it is for only High Command+ he manages and works on Epsilon-11 Like no one else that I have seen in the past. He is very dedicated and has great intentions for Epsilon-11 to help better improve the RP experience for all in and out of the branch. 

love this guy

Ex E11 COL, Ex A1 MAJ, Ex AHOTS, Ex Security 2LT, Ex Admin. Current CI 2LT.hpvmtjxv.gif.746119ffc4a9f625fc2b45279f09c097.gif

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After review, the SCP-RP SMT team has decided not to accept your promotion application. This can be because of your application, experience, behavior, feedback, or other unstated reasons. You may re-apply in 1 week.

big cat running GIF


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