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Adding Popular/Well-known players to 294 - Denied


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What do you want to see? - I want to see various Popular and/or Well-known people added to the 294 machine, as a memorial of sorts. A list might include Gunther 😉, War Gamer, Big Body Tony, Arium, Blackbeard, Th3, Timm, Mike, Zeeptin, etc.

Why should we add it? - Recently 294 got new drinks and they have special abilities, such as Rang lighting a person on fire for 300 seconds, or Igneous just having the words "Tastes like a manager." I think it would really cool and awesome to have your name as a drink as a way of becoming imbedded into the SCPRP history books, so to speak. This would be given to people to are legends in their respective branches and/or server itself. 

What are the advantages of having this? - Its a nice little way to remember people who were or are a big part of the community.

Who is it mainly for? - Anyone chosen by SMT

Links to any content - None.

Former Security Captain | Former RCF Commander | Former Admin of SCP:RP | King Penguin 

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1 minute ago, Rangiatea said:

Try Aktus 😉

I did, that was amazing, but unfortunately, I wasn't expecting a pity kill.

Edited by Gunther

Former Security Captain | Former RCF Commander | Former Admin of SCP:RP | King Penguin 

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This just seems like a waste of time. Granted its a cool idea, but a waste of time.


Former SCP:RP Event Team Leader (5/15/19 - 12/31/19)

Current SCP:RP Head Administrator

"I'll see you on the Dark Side of the Moon"

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Sorry what is the actual point of this again? Suggestions are meant to be relevant and help the server, don't think this suggestion does any of this other then look "cool". 

Gaminglight PoliceRP Retired Superadmin

“Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration.”

“There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.”

“You are never dedicated to something you have complete confidence in."

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10 minutes ago, BadAim said:

I mean if SMT is somehow blessed with free-time sure, otherwise this seems like a waste of time to implement.


 SCPRP Director of Logistics, Event TeamFormer Nu7 2LT, Former Senior Admin

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31 minutes ago, BadAim said:

I mean if SMT is somehow blessed with free-time sure, otherwise this seems like a waste of time to implement.


"Pay increase declined. Welcome to the Foundation, get used to it." -O5-6

3rd time Head of Medical Staff Ex-Director of Research and Security Ex-Director of Utility | Ex-Senior Admin for SCP-RP |  Ex-Admin for TTT 

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