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DURAMAX KING - Warn Request


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Your In-game: COL Garry Kim 1K9
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:56750938
The player's name in-game: DURAMAX KING
The player's steam ID (required):  STEAM_0:1:432494372
What did the player do: Breaking FearRP
Evidence (REQUIRED): Not much evidence but @DeathBringer402 has a recording of the incidence. EVIDENCE ADDED ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jwE5RKWJuMM )
What do you believe should happen to the player: A warning for breaking FearRP
Any extra information: Patrolling around the city. Witnessed a murder happened outside of ghettos. Approached the murder suspect with my gun pointed at him. Told him to drop his weapon and put his hands up multiple times. Repeatedly giving multiple chances and warnings to follow my orders. Suspect did not comply. One of his friends was nearby and started shooting at me. I shot back at him. Duramax then pulled out his weapon and the shot at me. I ended up getting killed.


Also, staff memeber on duty could not warn him due to being the same staff rank. Took to TS Support Staff and we could not get a hold of a SA+ to give perms to warn him. That is why I made this warn request.

Edited by snookiebear
Adding evidence.
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Lets start by pointing out the lack of evidence.. so here is the story while its fresh on my mind.. 2 people that i had called staff on were continuously carjacking me with out advert would run up to my car right as i was repairing my car. they would jump in the driver seat right as i got to 100% so i then shot and killed them.. about the 3rd time snookiebear shows up as im repairing my car and come up to me with a gun and says to drop the weapon. i explained i had no weapon and i tried to explain the situation but lets face it garry hates me and doesnt want to listen instead ignore like he does the rest of gaminglights population. so anyway i keep repeating my self i have no weapon. mind this entire time i have king in my name. well Finch also has king in his name comes up from the side of garry and starts shooting him, garry then shoots me once while i still have a repair tool in my hand then turns his attention to finch. so at this points its finch vs garry so i then pull my weapon and help finch kill garry. i feel no rules were broken and no disciplinary action should be taken. 

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4 minutes ago, DURAMAXDIES3L said:

so here is the story while its fresh on my mind.. 2 people that i had called staff on were continuously carjacking me with out advert would run up to my car right as i was repairing my car. they would jump in the driver seat right as i got to 100% so i then shot and killed them.. about the 3rd time snookiebear shows up as im repairing my car and come up to me with a gun and says to drop the weapon. i explained i had no weapon and i tried to explain the situation but lets face it garry hates me and doesnt want to listen instead ignore like he does the rest of gaminglights population. so anyway i keep repeating my self i have no weapon. mind this entire time i have king in my name. well Finch also has king in his name comes up from the side of garry and starts shooting him, garry then shoots me once while i still have a repair tool in my hand then turns his attention to finch. so at this points its finch vs garry so i then pull my weapon and help finch kill garry. i feel no rules were broken and no disciplinary action should be taken. 


In addition, if for some delusional reason duramax is warned I'd like the same done to me.

Brian Finch  
Ex-Moderator | Police Lieutenant | Head Dispatcher 
EMS Lieutenant 
| State Trooper | NSA Operative

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Honestly all replys to this are biast in my opinion. Everyone quoting everyone without actually looking at the video. Love how 3 people decided to quote each other rather than look at the evidence and see he clearly had a gun out. 

The SC I took you can see Durmax holding a gun. So yes there was a reason to put him under FearRP. 

IRL this would have gone exactly this way until durmax started to gk towards the officer. 

Knowing he was armed durmax would have gotten shot the moment he started to make weird movements. Go try this shit irl and see how it goes. You won't live to prove me wrong. 

Thus is clear FailRP and FearRP from Durmax. It is sad to see how pur own staff fails to see that. Showing either biast opinion or just lack of knowledge on the rules. 



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I guess I should clarify this since many of you are confused. The reason he was placed under fearrp was because I witnessed him killing someone with a weapon, which I’m pretty sure stated above with the reason of “witnessed a murder”.

So yes I did have a reason. 


“He didn't really run away, just backed up a few feet”

Never said he ran away. 


“Duramax only has 6 warns, so he shouldn't be warned”

Not relevant at all. Just because someone has a certain amount of warnings doesn’t mean he shouldn’t be warned.

1 hour ago, maral the great said:

- support you had many chances to tase him he had no gun out he only pulled a gun out when you were focused on the other guy meaning you look away from him when he pulled a gun so i dont really believe that fear rp 

Yes, I had multiple chances to tase him but I’m not about to try to tase the suspect when I know for fact he has a heavily armed weapon on him. Putting him under FearRP was for my own safety and my own good of trying to arrest him. Don’t think you know where the FearRP I’m talking about happened. I am talking about when I had approached him at the beginning where he had just killed someone and put his weapons away when I came closer to him. I had my weapon pointed at him throughout the whole situation. What you said above is true and i agree with it. Fair game since I looked at his friend and he started shooting at me. No problem at all about that. 

Edited by snookiebear
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@PhenixBoy300 Please watch the video included carefully. Look at the beginning of the video and try to focus the person outside ghettos. That person is DURMAX. He is clearly holding a weapon

Yes he put his gun away. Yes he had a wrench out. But that just makes my claim even better because I had a weapon pointed at him while he is unarmed.

Edited by snookiebear
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22 minutes ago, PhenixBoy300 said:

yea, I just saw it, but I didnt see the fearRP


you looked away

however, this is up to JMT+ (or SA+)

How is running towards an officer while at gunpoint and after being told to put your hands up not fearRP. 

From second 0:05 - 1:15 that is 1 minute and 10 seconds of being told to put his hands up. 

He told him 16 different time to drop the gun and put his hands up. 

At second 1:00 he tells him at gunpoint "do not come closer to me" what does durmax do for the next 5 seconds? Go towards the officer. 

This is blain FearRP I fail to see how others think otherwise 

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I want to start by making it very clear that I have no bias in this scenario.  I've known both players for a long time, have been in departments with both, and have had a lot of good times with both of them.  This opinion is completely based off of what I see in the video.



Clearly had a firearm which Snookie witnessed.  IRL you would not taze somebody you know is armed and dangerous just because they put the gun into their pocket.  You hold them at gunpoint and take them into custody.  There was a good minute there where verbal commands were being issued while DURAMAX was at gunpoint and under FearRP where he did not cooperate, clearly just stalling for one of this friends to get there (none of which were there to begin with).

Clear breach of FearRP.

3 minutes ago, [GL] My Pet named Steve said:

Snookie, can I please ask you don't argue with every -support you get?

It is not a staff application where he can't reply after it is posted.  He is replying to everyone's -Support because they clearly aren't educated on the situation and the MOTD.  I agree with him, everyone giving -supports has no idea what they are talking about.

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Police Lieutenant (1A29)      ~      Trooper Corporal (1C29)

EMS EMT Technician

Valk was not here, fortunetely

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9 minutes ago, [GL] My Pet named Steve said:

Snookie, can I please ask you don't argue with every -support you get?

People - supporting are being biast including yourself. 

You stated there was no reason to put him at gunpoint. DO YOU NOT SEE THE GUN????? 

Then you go on to state that he "backed up a fee feet" when he didn't he did the opposite. He went towards the officer. Making him go from the side of ghetto all the way to the line of hospital. 

Then you state he only has 6 warnings and that he shouldn't get warned. As a Moderator you should more than well know that the amount of warnings someone has does bot affect anything. 

I am personally very dissapointed in the way you broke down this situation. I don't want to be rude or anything but you set an example of our staff team. Making blaint arguments without looking into the evidence just only goes to show...

3 minutes ago, EternityAgar said:

From my knowledge you aren't allowed to record on duty in the first place. 

Now you are just reaching... 

You are allowed to record but not upload. If it os for a report or something you can upload that small clip as evidence. 

This has nothing to do with the report. 

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As shown in the video, yes i had a gun. I put it away and had a repair tool out attempting to repair my car. when garry is telling me to drop the weapon i was getting closer to them saying i didnt have a gun out.  i had a repair tool out. seeing the video i can see how that could look like me holding a pistol. but lets be honest here, we all know that if i have a gun in my hand and you try to confront me about a murder. im going to kill you. in turn i stalled time saying i didnt have a gun until other family member broke the attention of garry in which i had killed him.

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Alright listen up, SMT will take a look at this and get some answers. If there is one more arguable post, this post will be locked.

PoliceRP I Head Admin I PD: Colonel I Retired SWAT Commander Deputy Sheriff 

ImperialRP I Retired Grand Inquisitor 47th Battalion I Chimaera Legion I

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15 minutes ago, ArmyGuy said:

Kind of strange though, how Death was spectating you though at the time snookiebear huh?

- support

Personally, I think you were targeting him as you guys have had a problem in the past. (trying to get Duramax warned)

 If this happens to most cops the second they see Duramax's gun put away they would taze him.

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